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  • edited May 2013
    Yeah, Pegu's.

    In any case, the randomization of the locations is still relatively broken. I'll probably play more once they fix it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I didn't even realize that was a challenge. I was trying to post my score.
  • Phew, beat you!

    We were pretty close on most of them, but I knew Port St. Johns was somewhere in South Africa. I couldn't find the New Zealand one, since I thought it must be somewhere in Australia.
  • Yeah, I guessed Australia as well for that one. The South Africa one I got very close on, because I found the highway between Mthatha, Libode, and Port St. Johns, and then used the distances on that sign to work out where it was.

    The last one was the hardest - it was easy to tell that it was in Brazil, but finding exactly where was very hard for me. I think places in Brazil tend to be some of the hardest, because Brazil is pretty damn big, but also rather unfamiliar to me.
  • edited May 2013
    Challenge: 27021 points

    This one had some nice variety to it, I thought. I fucked up the last one pretty badly, but I got extremely close on the rest.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Fuck y'all. I got a little under 10k. That being said, it was also my first game of geoguessr, so I can blame inexperience.
  • I just beat Journey for the second time in two days. This game is just... amazing. I don't think I've ever played a game as moving, as powerful, or awe inspiring as this. I don't say this lightly, and I'm not exaggerating, but Journey isn't just a game, it's an experience. And the music... I need to get the soundtrack... and I NEVER would have thought I'd want a soundtrack to a videogame before.
  • Since I bought the artbook, I have a free copy of the soundtrack. It's a code redemption on the Sony PS store. Interested?

    Also, yes to all of what you said. I need to play again too along with Flow and Flower.
  • Been playing a little Sonic Generations, since amazon had it on a pretty good sale. While normally, I wouldn't like how it's got so many callbacks to prior games - not even subtle ones, just blatant "HAY GUISE, CHECK IT! YOU PLAYED THIS BEFORE!" - but so far, it seems that almost all of those callbacks exist for one of two purposes. Either it's "Hey, remember this awesome thing from old sonic games? Here's the same thing, but polished and improved" or it's "Hahah, yeah, we really haven't made any decent sonic games for the last ten years, so let's poke fun at ourselves."
  • I actually liked Sonic Generations quite a bit. It's a very solid platformer.

    Also, this:
  • edited May 2013
    I'm actually somewhat regretting that I've not had time to play more, since my time is a tad limited of late.

    What impresses me is that it's not just a solid platformer, but that it's a solid Sonic game, something they've not really managed for a long time now. Even their "It's not so bad, I guess" sonic games were decent enough platformers, but terrible Sonic games.

    Also, the music is fucking great. It's an excellent blend of new tracks and re-worked older level themes, I struggle to think of how it could be improved.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Finally played Fez a little last night. I thought I'd just play the first few levels, and ended up playing for two hours. This game is really well polished.
  • Since I bought the artbook, I have a free copy of the soundtrack. It's a code redemption on the Sony PS store. Interested?

    Also, yes to all of what you said. I need to play again too along with Flow and Flower.
    Ro, I would LOVE a copy of the Journey soundtrack, thank you. You can email me the code at Thanks again!
  • So, Fire Emblem Awakening is pretty awesome :D
  • Dishonoured is kinda confusing and clunky but I'm trying to get what I can out of it.
  • Bioshock: Infinite is Amazon's Gold Deal of the Day. So picking it up.
  • Bioshock: Infinite is Amazon's Gold Deal of the Day. So picking it up.
    It's still $35. That's not a deal if you ask me.
  • For a game of unparalleled genius that will utterly change your life, and open your heart to new emotional avenues previously untraveled? Seems like quite a deal for a masterpiece of digital art that deserves to be placed among even the greatest of Picassos, it's beauty rivaled only by Spec Ops: The Line.
  • Unparalleled genius? Let's not get too hasty here.
  • For a game of unparalleled genius that will utterly change your life, and open your heart to new emotional avenues previously untraveled? Seems like quite a deal for a masterpiece of digital art that deserves to be placed among even the greatest of Picassos, it's beauty rivaled only by Spec Ops: The Line.
    I think you're overselling the game. While people who are more into a game's story (Rev3 Games, Zero Punctuation) love it, people more into mechanics don't really (Errant Signal, TotalHalibut), a camp I'd firmly put Rym and Scott into, who'll probably enjoy it as a 5$ popcorn blockbuster game.
    While I greatly enjoyed playing Bioshock Infinite, it didn't have a lasting effect on me like Journey, Portal, Fez or Red Dead Redemption.

  • The story is also pretty terrible.
  • You guys missed the green parts of that post.
  • Rising Storm is a fucking fantastic expansion for RO2. It's got a built in Banzai mechanic for the Japanese.
  • Breath of Fire II, on SNES, with an updated translation and some menu alterations to make it ... well, playable.
  • Hopefully they reduce the grinding on that game too.

    So an hour into Bioshock: Infinite. Killed some random cops and walked. Also some guy on fire.

    Very yawn. I am already feeling like I let the aesthetics and story pull me into a very boring game again. When will I learn?
  • It's a beuatiful masterpiece that will never fully be understood in our lifetime. Perhaps thinkers of the future will figure it out...... only perhaps though......
  • I think I had this same complaint in every Bioshock game. Show, don't tell.
  • I was also fairly impressed with Sonic Generations. It's not an amazing game, but the bar has been set so low for Sonic, and Generations definitely qualifies as good, so I was just happy to be back playing good Sonic games. I played on PC but also picked up on 3DS b/c it was dirt cheap and I heard there are some different levels.

    Also, the most recent Sonic kart racing game eclipsed the modern Mario Karts in my opinion. Are we going to see Sonic finally make a comeback to gaming quality, or is this just a big tease?
  • Been playing the first Shin Megami Tensei. It's old, clunky, encounter rate is ridiculously high and it's pretty much mandatory to have translation of manual and walkthrough available while playing, but I still find some enjoyment from it. Enough to keep me playing at least. It's nice to see a jrpg where status ailments work on bosses.
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