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  • Spoiler/Tip: The alien base mission will drop panic in all territories.
  • Another tip - Snipers with a best available rifles and the "Hit anything my squadmates can see" perk essentially turns them into death machines. Also, the grappling hook/flying armors for them, put them on high rooftops, kill everything. Always bring a sniper or two.
  • Spoiler/Tip: The alien base mission will drop panic in all territories.
    Fuck, I shouldn't have put it off for so long. I lost before I even started that mission. On my next play through I will definitely use the stun guns earlier on to get that mission faster.
    Another tip - Snipers with a best available rifles and the "Hit anything my squadmates can see" perk essentially turns them into death machines. Also, the grappling hook/flying armors for them, put them on high rooftops, kill everything. Always bring a sniper or two.
    Fuck, my snipers all died, so I had 2 assault, 2 heavy, and 2 support and one rookie who just became sniper. Can the snipers shoot while hovering in mid air? What if the map has no elevation?

    Also, is it just me or are the maps way more boring than the original X-Com? Seems like the same maps over and over again rather than procedurally generated. I know the original X-Com had pre-set tiles that it somewhat randomly arranged for new maps each time.

    Lastly, the one map where you shot down a UFO and approach it in the Back to the Future trail of fire it left in its wake is so annoying. No cover!
  • edited April 2013
    Fuck, my snipers all died, so I had 2 assault, 2 heavy, and 2 support and one rookie who just became sniper. Can the snipers shoot while hovering in mid air? What if the map has no elevation?
    You get bonuses from even one level of elevation, as long as you're above them in some manner, job's a good'n. Curiously, except when you're flying, at which point you have to go higher than normal to get the same bonus - but, you can still both fly and fire, which makes it especially useful when combined with the perk that gives you extra aim and defense against enemies beneath you, plus while flying, enemies get -20% aim Penalty. And handily, you can hover in place indefinitely, only moving or changing elevation uses fuel.

    Failing that, I simply put them further back(so they're not getting hammered by every sectoid that takes grievous issues with my HR policies) and let them do their thing - even without the extra height, they're still pretty deadly, especially against smaller, weaker enemies, allowing the rest of your squad to focus fire on the big bastards.

    Basically, your snipers are the kings of bounding overwatch - Move your main element up, use sniper(s) for covering fire. Have your snipers move up if necessary, while your main element protects the little glass cannons as they scarper from rooftop to rooftop like a cross between Batman and Charles Whitman. When things actually get thick, have them pick off all the groupies to the bigger guys in ascending order of ability to ruin your whole fucking day.

    I tended to split my snipers off into two kinds - the ones focused on getting as many movements and shots as possible for pest control, and whom kept up with the rest of the squad for the most part, and the all-seeing-eye overwatch snipers, who can pop a space-gnat's right bollock from half a mile away when he or she isn't napping cozily on the nearest unreachable rooftop to the skyranger.
    Also, is it just me or are the maps way more boring than the original X-Com? Seems like the same maps over and over again rather than procedurally generated. I know the original X-Com had pre-set tiles that it somewhat randomly arranged for new maps each time.
    Agreed. Old Xcom, it was a lot of the same tiles, but thrown together in vaguely different ways, but while some of the debris and incidental shite gets moved about, most of it seems like the same half-dozen maps in the newer game.
    Lastly, the one map where you shot down a UFO and approach it in the Back to the Future trail of fire it left in its wake is so annoying. No cover!
    Fuck those so much.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • The most important thing you need to do, or at least the most important thing the game doesn't really tutorialize, is crank satellites from the very start. If you have a couple on hand at the end of the month you can just drop them in the areas that are at the most panic. Or you can focus on lowering panic in certain areas and then use the satellites to rescue the high panic areas before they pull out.
  • The most important thing you need to do, or at least the most important thing the game doesn't really tutorialize, is crank satellites from the very start. If you have a couple on hand at the end of the month you can just drop them in the areas that are at the most panic. Or you can focus on lowering panic in certain areas and then use the satellites to rescue the high panic areas before they pull out.
    I realized this after two missions, and it was already #1 on my list of things I would do on a restart. Also, I started in Europe, and didn't build a workshop soon enough to make up for lack of engineers. Next time I think I will start in Umerica and build a laboratory right away.
  • Is there a way to make it stop asking me to confirm every time I select the overwatch option?
  • Unfortunately not. Or at least, not that I discovered.
  • If you use the number shortcuts you can double tap to confirm, which is slightly less tedious.
  • If you use the number shortcuts you can double tap to confirm, which is slightly less tedious.
    This would be fine, but the shortcuts keep changing! For one unit overwatch is 3 and for another unit it's 5! This shit is ridiculous.
  • Yeah It's kind of annoying. Accidentally threw a grenade on myself while hurriedly putting everyone on overwatch a couple times
  • Snipers wreck in Xcom.
  • Snipers wreck in Xcom.
    I won't lie, I did try one time to field a team of mostly snipers and one assault to run around and find aliens. It didn't work out so good.

  • That's one thing the old X-Com let you do. Pack your skyranger with tons of guys and a pile of extra weapons. Change out as necessary. I'd have dudes conga-lining incendiary rockets to burn fields rather than bother walking out there to die in the dark.
  • Ok, this pisses me off. I had one support guy with the super medkit ability. He was in critical condition! I can't have someone else walk over and use his own medkit on him? Bullshit.
  • edited April 2013
    My robots are stupid pieces of shit b/c I'm bad at programming them :(

    e: Im talking about a robot game I'm playing not xcom
    Post edited by johndis on
  • edited April 2013
    Ok, this pisses me off. I had one support guy with the super medkit ability. He was in critical condition! I can't have someone else walk over and use his own medkit on him? Bullshit.
    True that. They should at least be able to give basic first aid - they're meant to be super hot-shit spec-ops badasses, you're trying to tell me they can't wrap a bandage around his boo-boo and give him a panadol or some shit? Shit, even a morphine autoinjector, a child could administer one.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You know what I'm playing right now? X-Wing.
  • edited April 2013
    My robots are stupid pieces of shit b/c I'm bad at programming them :(

    e: Im talking about a robot game I'm playing not xcom
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Just shot down a BIG ship with my plasma cannon-equipped Firestorm interceptor. Hopefully this thing is loaded with Elirium. I have satellites almost everywhere. If I can get some Elirium, I'll be able to research and buy heavy plasma, flying armor. I'd also like to buy some plasma sniper rifles which I have already researched.

    Then once I get all that I'll go on that alien base mission. Only Germany has left the project so far. Is it possible to get them back?
  • You cannot get countries back, but protip: Abduction missions stop happening over a continent once you get full satellite coverage there.
  • You cannot get countries back, but protip: Abduction missions stop happening over a continent once you get full satellite coverage there.
    So Europe will always have missions because Germany, or can I put a satellite there anyway? Or is covering all the other countries enough?

  • Robocode?
    Newest Carnage Heart, guess it was a million pages ago that I mentioned the name whoops
  • I can't seem to find a patch that will make X-Wing's Direct3D mode work in current Windows. But at the least, I've made it through the Redemption mission.
  • Sweet Christ the Company of Heroes 2 beta.
  • Player Gears of War Judgement with my brother more for something to do together. Man does that game suck dick. They managed to take a game that revolved around cover based shooting and make it not about cover based shooting. Its all kinds of nasty. The consolation prize being that X-com is coming to Max so I hope my laptop can run it. I fear I might be disappointed however.
  • Gnomoria

  • Finally convinced Jeremy to play Journey. I told him I would not say anything to him or give him clues about the game.

    He freaking lucked out by pairing with some guy who pretty much showed me ALL the locations of the symbols and artifacts, along with getting other Trophy/Achievements accomplished.

    I was so jelly. I was secretly wishing he go up and say hi to the flying fish monster, but he knew better.

    It was fun watching him play. He definitely loved the game. I still need to play Flower and Flow.
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