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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Been playing the first Shin Megami Tensei. It's old, clunky, encounter rate is ridiculously high and it's pretty much mandatory to have translation of manual and walkthrough available while playing, but I still find some enjoyment from it. Enough to keep me playing at least. It's nice to see a jrpg where status ailments work on bosses.
    Pokemon is a JRPG where status ailments work on bosses. My Gengar beat most of the elite 4 single-handedly. Sleep FTW.
  • Speaking of Bioshock, I've recently played Bioshock 2. I guess I would like the game more if I could actually save my game without having to sign up on some silly Microsoft Play Center-thingy to save it. I've just begun it, but I already don't care about the story, and am just running through shooting stuff and looking at the pretty visuals. Don't suggest anyone should buy this, based solely on the fact that you cannot save your game unless you sign up for the Microsoft thingy.
  • Speaking of Bioshock, I've recently played Bioshock 2. I guess I would like the game more if I could actually save my game without having to sign up on some silly Microsoft Play Center-thingy to save it. I've just begun it, but I already don't care about the story, and am just running through shooting stuff and looking at the pretty visuals. Don't suggest anyone should buy this, based solely on the fact that you cannot save your game unless you sign up for the Microsoft thingy.
    Actually you can make an offline account and use that for saving. Technically still part of Microsofta thingy, but trivial enough to not be a bother.

  • Alright. Finally gonna play the Mass Effect trilogy.

    On the suggestion of a friend, I'm gonna try to adhere to my own ethical standards as much as possible, so I hope the game doesn't reward you too heavily (to the point of necessity) for committing fully to the light or dark side.
  • In the first game you just picked a slider. The second game penalized you for straying, which they realized was dumb in the third game and instead gave you a sweet Reputation meter which let you make your choices more freely.
  • Ah, thanks for the heads up! I may do some research on how it all works before playing Mass Effect 2, in that case.
  • I just downloaded Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D this morning. I was hesitant at first, but I've heard good reviews and it's been so long since I played DKC, so hopefully this will be fun.
  • Finished Bioshock Infinite. My verdict remains the same. I enjoy the aesthetics and story a lot, but the gameplay part is very meh.
  • Finished Bioshock Infinite. My verdict remains the same. I enjoy the aesthetics and story a lot, but the gameplay part is very meh.
    That's how I felt about the original Bioshock!
  • Man, no one likes it when I roleplay in Borderlands 2. =P
  • Finished Bioshock Infinite. My verdict remains the same. I enjoy the aesthetics and story a lot, but the gameplay part is very meh.
    That's how I felt about the original Bioshock!
    They did improve the morality play and message significantly. It's a better game than the original Bioshock by-far.
  • Purchased Humble Bundle, Flatout, Super House of Dead Ninjas, and They Bleed Pixels over last two days. Playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 instead.
  • edited May 2013
    Been slowly but surely going through the DLC of Borderlands 2. Finished the Pirate one, but skipped the boss fight of Hyperius. It's pretty hard to do 2 player. I probably have to switch my talent trees as Siren to be able to complete it with Jeremy as an Assassin.

    However, just saw the new DLC of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep:

    It looks like so much fun. Can't wait to play. You basically play in Tiny Tina's campaign of Bunkers and Badassess.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I bought the Denpa Men game on 3DS, so I guess I'll be playing that next.

    It's also been Virtual Console season for me on the Wii U (since there is literally nothing else to play on it), and since my daughter is about to turn two, we have introduced her to TV, and more importantly, video games. She played her first one over the weekend, which consisted of her moving Kirby back and forth and jumping for several minutes on the Level 1 world map. This of course made me want to play Kirby so I beat the whole game later that weekend, then moved on to Kirby's Dream Course on SNES which is a weird billiards/golf game that I had never played before. Kinda fun.
  • I bought the Denpa Men game on 3DS, so I guess I'll be playing that next.
    Let me know how that goes. I need to buy a 5 point game on the eShop to get my Platinum status for Club Nintendo.

    I forgot to the survey for Crashmo and missed out on an easy 5 coins.
  • edited May 2013
    The best RTS game of the last ten years comes out today. And they eliminated the unlock system from the old game! Huzzah!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited May 2013
    I bought the Denpa Men game on 3DS, so I guess I'll be playing that next.
    Let me know how that goes. I need to buy a 5 point game on the eShop to get my Platinum status for Club Nintendo.

    I forgot to the survey for Crashmo and missed out on an easy 5 coins.
    Are those things timed? I used to wait like 3 years between doing Club Nintendo stuff so that I could hit it up for enough points to reach platinum. If I'm losing points by waiting, might have to pay more attention.

    I'll try to generate some thoughts on Denpa Men but don't expect anything before the end of the month (when sale ends).

    Post edited by Matt on
  • 16 rsvp'd for the weekly Wednesday game night. I'm kind of excited. I may or may not come back to report on the happenings.
  • More fun with Borderlands 2 DLC. We're doing Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage in the Crater of Badassitude. It's such a fun campaign. I love how over the top Torgue is.

    My siren is level 38. My main spec is in Cataclysm, but now going into the Harmony tree. HOLY SHIT. Restoration is insane. I can heal Jeremy so quickly. Also with Sweet Release and my Nurse class mod, health regeneration is really nice.

    I feel Phaselock is crazy overpowered, however we are higher level for the areas we are in. With all the talents you can use to power Phaselock, it's just so crazy seeing enemies die from a Phaselock and not even shooting him once when they are in the bubble.

    I look forward to checking out the game in True Vault Hunter Mode. I never played that version in the original Borderlands, so this should be fun.
  • More fun with Borderlands 2 DLC. We're doing Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage in the Crater of Badassitude. It's such a fun campaign. I love how over the top Torgue is.

    My siren is level 38. My main spec is in Cataclysm, but now going into the Harmony tree. HOLY SHIT. Restoration is insane. I can heal Jeremy so quickly. Also with Sweet Release and my Nurse class mod, health regeneration is really nice.

    I feel Phaselock is crazy overpowered, however we are higher level for the areas we are in. With all the talents you can use to power Phaselock, it's just so crazy seeing enemies die from a Phaselock and not even shooting him once when they are in the bubble.

    I look forward to checking out the game in True Vault Hunter Mode. I never played that version in the original Borderlands, so this should be fun.
    True vault hunter mode is a lot of fun. The only annoying bit is how fast all the guns you got from the last play through become useless. You'll be replacing your favorite purples with crap greens by the time you hit sanctuary.

    Have you tried the Hammerlock DLC yet or are you doing them in order?
  • edited May 2013
    True vault hunter mode is a lot of fun. The only annoying bit is how fast all the guns you got from the last play through become useless. You'll be replacing your favorite purples with crap greens by the time you hit sanctuary.

    Have you tried the Hammerlock DLC yet or are you doing them in order?
    No, we plan on doing the Hammerlock stuff next. Then perhaps wait for the Tiny Tina stuff.

    As for replacing purps with greens, ghis is nothing new to two people who have played at least 3 of the WoW expansions. :P

    I am really jonesing for a new relic that decreases my Phaselock cool down timer. ^_^
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Soloing True Vault Hunter mode requires you to really focus on just abusing your so-called "overpowered" skills, because enemies are just buckets of health; it's fairly absurd, really. My Axton build is focused entirely on nothing more than speeding my turret cooldown rate. I've got an Efficiency Engineer class mod, a cooldown buff artifact, and a shitton of ranks in Resourcefulness, plus enough Onslaught to keep me alive. When the fight starts, the turret goes down and I start running for cover. When they inevitably destroy the turret, another one goes down. Rinse and repeat until everyone finally dies.
  • I don't plan on soloing it with my Siren. I play it exclusively with Jeremy playing as the Assassin. Together, we do pretty well.
  • That's a good combo. Freeze the baddies, pop 'em with the assassin damage bonuses.
  • I need to get on dat borderlands dlc. I bought the season pass on the cheap and haven't touched any of them.
  • My Krieg is level ~37 at the moment, and trucking through True Vault Hunter Mode fairly quickly. Still rocking my trusty level 16(?) Law. At this point, it's looking like the only weapon I'll be replacing it with is the second playthrough Law. I can't remember the last time I actually fired a bullet.

    I kinda miss my Siren in that regard, but she's on hold until a buddy gets back from vacation ._.
  • Krieg is seriously fantastic. Probably the most fun of all the Vault Hunters simply because the gimmick of riding the ragged edge of your health is so intense.

    If you are playing Krieg, you gotta farm the Bulwark from the Sir Hammerlock DLC until you find the Rough Rider shield. It has a capacity of 0 but boosts your health a whole bunch and gives you universal damage resistance. That means every hit you take is straight health damage, which is basically a straight buff to every single skill.
  • Been playing Mark of the Ninja all stealthy-like. When sneaking ceases to be an option, I enjoy scaring the shit out of guards by throwing other guards at them.
  • Unfortunately, money is a tad bit tight at the moment. Once its not (which should be soon), I'll probably grab the Season Pass, since I don't have any of the DLCs yet. But, at the moment, no DLC! So no Rapier and no Rough Rider for now.

    But yeah, Krieg is loads of fun. The melee feels surprisingly satisfying for a game that is ostensibly all about the shooting. And his dialogue is just plain entertaining (reminds me a little of the Chaos Space Marine units from 40k: Dawn of War). My one complaint is that, in my experience, if you have Light The Fuse, no one in the random matchmaking queue will revive you. Ever. And then they'll express puzzlement about why you keep randomly keeling over while standing in front of them.

  • Geez. Your Psycho is already 37? Stupid time management. I don't think I'll buy the DLC to get him. I barely play my Mechromancer, and I want to level her up.

    I've been reading the BL2 Wiki for most of the morning. My goal is to get up to 50 soon after the DLC so I can farm The Bee Shield. That thing is phat.
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