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  • edited May 2013
    I thought the Bee shield was nerfed a few updates ago?

    Bee + Conference Call is beast!!!
    Bee + Babymaker is very good at defeating the Raid Boss in Pirate Booty, the engineer.

    The worm Raid Boss always caused my Xbox to crash when he died. Even when we used the instant second wind glitch.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • It was nerfed, but the shield is still one of the best.
  • Denpa Men is pretty damn lame about 2 hours in. It's like Find Mii with Elebits. I knew it was a very basic JRPG combat game but was expecting to be won over by its quirkiness for a few hours of play. Not the case, don't find it to be all that quirky or charming.
  • Thanks for the info.
  • Played the Rogue Legacy demo. My recommendation is preorder it now.
  • Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Seasons on the 3DS, ready to go!I

    Never played before. I hear they are very good.
  • Played the Rogue Legacy demo. My recommendation is preorder it now.
    Or else it won't be the exact same, multiplayer free game in 6 months when it's a dollar.
  • I guess if you don't like supporting small game development teams then yeah that's fine too.
  • What he didn't tell you is the pre-order is $10. I've got in on a couple of games ahead of the price going up and it's a good way to save.
  • edited June 2013
    Had a nice 4 man of Borderlands 2 with Jeremy, Chie, & Phil.

    Our team was:
    Level 40 something
    Siren (moi)
    Assassin (Jeremy)
    Psycho (Phil)
    Commando (Chie)


    We shall continue tonight with tons of fun. Also got this really nice legendary pistol that does corrosive damage to where robuts were dropping like flies.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I never read about the Psycho Krieg backstory until now:
    Not much is known about Krieg, other than he has escaped from a lab beneath Pandora. Tweets made on the Echocast profile not only reveals that he wants to 'kill the bandits, kill Hyperion, and get revenge', but that he seems to want to 'protect the weak, and kill the deserving' with an extra focus on 'kill the deserving' part.
    Whatever Krieg went through to make him the blood-drinking, meat-loving killer that he is, he wasn't always like this. Krieg's psyche has a remnant of who he used to be--a literal inner voice which forces Krieg to only kill the deserving, and help others. The voice remarks that he remembers helping people, getting paid with loot, and other Vault-hunter-esque pursuits. It's also informed Krieg that should Krieg ever kill an innocent person, the inner voice will take over and commit suicide to kill them both.
    Then I watched the video trailer:

    Wow. That's quite the character. Do you get to hear his inner monologue as you play him?
  • Lots of XCom.
  • Played Analogue: A Hate Story last night. Really good text adventure game. Pretty touching. Gonna have to try for some other endings.
  • Why do I still keep going back to minecraft? I have a huge steam library and what do I play? Minecraft.
  • Why do I still keep going back to minecraft? I have a huge steam library and what do I play? Minecraft.
    s/minecraft/counterstrike/g for over a decade.
  • edited June 2013
    Wow. That's quite the character. Do you get to hear his inner monologue as you play him?

    For instance, when you stand idle for long enough, sometimes you'll just get Krieg rambling about murdering things, but sometimes you'll hear his inner voice talking. IIRC, he briefly mentions a previous life as a bounty hunter, and perhaps a girl (which may or may not be Maya), or sometimes he threatens Krieg a bit (the "if you hurt an innocent, I'll kill us" stuff).

    There are a few other instances where the inner voice will pop up, but it's much less common than just getting Krieg's commentary. The Mania talent "Silence the Voices" is thematically based around the inner voice. It gives Krieg a 12% chance to melee himself whenever he does a melee attack, and when he does so, you'll hear him screaming stuff at his inner voice, or sometimes a sad little "...I deserve this."
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • Well I know about hearing voices when you are idle. I always enjoy what Zero says.
  • edited June 2013
    Why do I still keep going back to minecraft? I have a huge steam library and what do I play? Minecraft.
    s/minecraft/counterstrike/g for over a decade.
    Minecraft hasn't been out for a decade. And also did you stop playing NS2?
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited June 2013
    Well I know about hearing voices when you are idle. I always enjoy what Zero says.
    I think it's unfortunate that we never get to hear the player-characters' thoughts about what's going on in the plot. Or, at least, maybe have the occasional line from the NPCs that varies by character class.

    I remember going through the game as Maya, and getting to the point where they (Angel?) tell Lilith she can't come along to stop Jack because she's a Siren, and its too dangerous to have a Siren go into the bunker. Then they turn around to me and go "Alright, lets go to the bunker!" I actually facepalmed at that.

    That, and a few other points, make me think that the plot was not designed with the Siren in mind. In fact, as far as I can tell, only the Commando and Gunzerker really fit that well into the story and dialogue.
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • They actually mentioned in the recent new DLC gameplay thing that the lack of character voice was a frequent bit of feedback and they are trying to alleviate it in this DLC, with lots more commentary from the Vault Hunters. And I heard on the reddits (so giant grain of salt) that they are looking to patch more dialog into the main game as well.
  • Geez. Your Psycho is already 37? Stupid time management. I don't think I'll buy the DLC to get him. I barely play my Mechromancer, and I want to level her up.

    I've been reading the BL2 Wiki for most of the morning. My goal is to get up to 50 soon after the DLC so I can farm The Bee Shield. That thing is phat.
    I just realized, I picked up a (Level 27) The Bee shield while playing the campaign with my Mechromancer. I think because I'm playing a very survivalist/Best Friends Forever build, the shield doesn't have much use for me. ^^; Oh well, save it for another character!
  • I went ahead and purchased the download version of Lego City Undercover. If I had known it would suck up 19GB of storage I would have purchased the disc copy.

    I am glad I got this game as it is one of the few Wii U games that truly belongs only on the Wii U. I don't see this being ported over because of how deeply it integrates the game pad into the game play experience.

    Also, if you like bad puns dealing with cop TV shows/movies then you will likely enjoy this. I have already encountered a Dirty Harry Lego character and Sherlock Holmes with Watson. The music also feels like a 70's cop show.

    Finally a reason to use my Wii U!
  • edited June 2013
    Been playing Thomas Was Alone from the latest humble bundle. It looked neat before, but after playing some I really like it. Its got a lot of personality and its a decent puzzler.

    Also beat Bioshock Infinite last night. The ending gives you a lot to chew on all at once.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The only game I've played from that bundle is Little Inferno. Guess I'm a pyro.
  • I don't know if I would have had the patience for Little Inferno, but my wife and I wanted to play something to wind down after a particularly rough go at a Monaco level. One hour later.... lots of shit got burnt. Wound up getting charmed by the quirky story and played the second hour the next day.
  • I have being playing "Fire Emblem Awakening" during my vacation in Peru. I think I have technically spent at least a day playing it on an off during travel and in between party hours.
    It was good times.
  • edited June 2013
    It begins..

    The PCSX2 settings I'm now using.

    More settings for other PS2 games.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Just beat Costume Quest, along with it's DLC. What a great thing, that was!
  • It begins..
    Fuck yes.
  • It begins..
    I bought the remastered copy yesterday for the PS3. I haven't played Ico yet, but I really want to play through SOTC again.
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