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  • Got into Orcs Must Die again, with the help of the wiki. It's a common problem with tower defence games where each level will be nothing like the one before.

    Booting it up today I ended up getting some enemies invisible to not just me but also to my archers (Which was a glitch, not part of gameplay.) so it could saunter up to my archers and finish them quickly.
  • Started Mark of the Ninja. The game is very good so far.
  • I have a few spare bucks so I can afford a game. Witcher 2 or Rogue Legacy? Ready, GO!
  • Witcher 2 seems really good, I kinda got bored a bit quickly. I know a lot of people who really like it though. I really like Rogue Legacy.
  • Rogue Legacy? Isn't that the game that looks terrible from the video, and there isn't even a demo I can download to try it out so I have to just assume it actually is terrible?
  • Rogue Legacy? Isn't that the game that looks terrible from the video, and there isn't even a demo I can download to try it out so I have to just assume it actually is terrible?
    I think that's a different Rogue Legacy.
  • Not buying anything until Steam sale.
  • Rogue Legacy? Isn't that the game that looks terrible from the video, and there isn't even a demo I can download to try it out so I have to just assume it actually is terrible?
    There is an demo.
    I'll even do the effort of putting "Rogue Legacy on the google.
    I really like it. Has all kinds of game elements I really love.

  • Rogue Legacy? Isn't that the game that looks terrible from the video, and there isn't even a demo I can download to try it out so I have to just assume it actually is terrible?
    There is an demo.
    I'll even do the effort of putting "Rogue Legacy on the google.
    I really like it. Has all kinds of game elements I really love.

    He's just being a butt.
  • edited June 2013

    He's just being a butt.
    Post edited by johndis on
  • Rogue Legacy looks like it will be up my alley.
  • What is the deal with steam trading cards? My daughter is bugging me to give her mine but I do not know if they have any value.

    Mobile friendly links preferred.
  • They've made a game out of playing games. You can sell the cards or trade them with each other. The idea is that you only have a certain amount of drops (I think you can get more) but out of the 6-9 cards that most of the currently supported games have you will only have 3-4 of that set, and exclusively those cards no others, will drop randomly while playing the game. It's then impossible for you to get all the cards from one account forcing either trading or purchase from other users. Once you collect all of them you build a badge and get dumb XP that makes your "Steam level" go up and you unlock some emoticons that are based on the game for which you completed the set. I think there is also some talk that if you have a high level and a lot of badges you will also be rewarded with discount coupons more often or something along those lines.
  • So as it is designed it is impossible for everyone to get a complete set of cards?
  • So as it is designed it is impossible for everyone to get a complete set of cards?
    It's not impossible. It's just a pain in the ass. I'm just going to dump all of my digital inventories. I only get stuff for free, and have no use for it.
  • If the game has 8 cards and each steam user will only have four of those eight drop then there will never be enough cards in the system for everyone to have complete sets.
  • If the game has 8 cards and each steam user will only have four of those eight drop then there will never be enough cards in the system for everyone to have complete sets.
    Oh, of course. I thought you meant it wouldn't be possible for an individual person to get a full set.
  • If the game has 8 cards and each steam user will only have four of those eight drop then there will never be enough cards in the system for everyone to have complete sets.
    I think users can get an infinite number of drops, just only of a subset of the possible cards.
  • Been playing Devil Survivor 2. That game is interesting in how most of the fights are pretty easy and even trivial and just when I get used to how easy the game is, it totally stomps me with a annoyingly hard bossfight.
  • If the game has 8 cards and each steam user will only have four of those eight drop then there will never be enough cards in the system for everyone to have complete sets.
    I believe it's possible to get more drops that will allow you to pick up cards you have picked up before. So you need to use the ones that you've collected to trade and then either get more drops to recollect ones you've traded away or just purchase them from someone else.

    As it stands it is impossible for any individual to collect all of the cards for a game without trading or purchasing cards.
  • TF2 won't give you more than 4/8 cards unless you've bought an item from the store. Even if you bought the game retail.
  • It's always roughly half the cards availiable that will drop for you, and you get more drops by spending a certain amount of money within the game.
  • Borderlands 2 DLC.

    "... you think about what you'll spend your reward money on, once you rescue the Queen."

    Axton: "Guns and ladies. And sometimes dudes."
  • So, recently a new anime, based on a visual novel/murder mystery solving -game, started called Danganronpa.

    I started playing the game and I've found it interesting. I don't care much for the characters and the pace feels slow occasionally, but the main mystery plot and the individual murder mysteries intrigue me. Also the court trial portions of game play are quite fun. It requires similar logical thinking of applying evidence to whatever is said, but builds a realtime gameplay around it, so you won't have time to just sit there and think everything all day (unless you pause the game).
  • Started up Cave Story. Fun little action platformer. Definitely reminiscent of Blaster Master, and to some extent Metroid. Controls a bit too floaty for my tastes but it's fun and not too long, so I'll finish.
  • Wargame has sensible logistics management, huge maps, slow pacing, lines of sight, and detailed stats for each unit. This game is almost everything I want out of an RTS.
  • Wargame has sensible logistics management, huge maps, slow pacing, lines of sight, and detailed stats for each unit. This game is almost everything I want out of an RTS.
  • 3/4 of the way through, Cave Story is just not worth completing. It's... nice, but that's about it. Everything about the game is "good but not great," and a lack of new gameplay mechanics or quality story prevent you from getting any sort of payoff as the game progresses. Doesn't make me want to plow through to the end when a huge stack of unplayed games awaits.
  • 3/4 of the way through, Cave Story is just not worth completing. It's... nice, but that's about it. Everything about the game is "good but not great," and a lack of new gameplay mechanics or quality story prevent you from getting any sort of payoff as the game progresses. Doesn't make me want to plow through to the end when a huge stack of unplayed games awaits.
    I also haven't completed it.
  • The part where I got to was where I forgot some item and couldnt save the girl from the underwater part and didn't get a jetpack. Then I just said fuck this game.
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