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  • The Walking Dead game is really well written and has hit me in the feels so many times it hurts.
    I just finished Episode 5. Holy hell. That game might actually be more depressing than the comic.

    " the bullet."
    I think it was because the game was more immersive, especially from the first person perspective. I can feel for the characters when reading the comic but I'm not making any decisions either.
  • yea the game does handles the storytelling awesomely and with the limited interaction and choices you feel like you have more control then you do. But because you also made choices to save certain people over others you grow to care and want them to succeed, ultimately though.. you are screwed. Which is my one problem in the game, ultimately there is a lot no matter what you choose has to happen.
  • yea the game does handles the storytelling awesomely and with the limited interaction and choices you feel like you have more control then you do. But because you also made choices to save certain people over others you grow to care and want them to succeed, ultimately though.. you are screwed. Which is my one problem in the game, ultimately there is a lot no matter what you choose has to happen.
    That is the conceit of the game story that I accepted. Having read through most of the comics I knew that either I was going to die or people around me were going to die but going through the story and making choices to avoid the inevitable was still quite entertaining.

    I became emotionally attached to my character by the 5th chapter. I think that the writing really helped this game clench the respect that it was awarded.
  • Decided to try playing Mega Man 9 again. I am still pretty bad at it.
  • Been playing some Metro Last Light. I have been able to run it on max graphics until I hit the "Facility" chapter. No matter what I set the graphics to it was dogging under 5 fps. It was not easy getting through that part of the game.

    Otherwise I am enjoying the story of the game and the gameplay itself is satisfying.
  • Volgaar the Viking is Super Meatboy meets Castlevainia (the original, not Metroid-vania in general).
  • Volgaar the Viking is Super Meatboy meets Castlevainia (the original, not Metroid-vania in general).
    I watched a video after you mentioned Super Meatboy, but I don't really see how it factors in from the video. I expected some crazy platforming with attacks but I sorta saw a slightly more acrobatic Castlevania game. Maybe I was missing something?
  • edited September 2013
    Volgaar the Viking is Super Meatboy meets Castlevainia (the original, not Metroid-vania in general).
    I watched a video after you mentioned Super Meatboy, but I don't really see how it factors in from the video. I expected some crazy platforming with attacks but I sorta saw a slightly more acrobatic Castlevania game. Maybe I was missing something?
    Mechanics-wise, it feels like Castlevania (windup attacks, can't control jumps in air, levels setup meticulously to simultaneously punish heedlessly plowing through AND over-thinking every move) with near insta-death (you get power-ups in levels, but they get knocked off two at a time when you get hit), tight controls, deaths don't feel cheap (this isn't I Wanna Be the Guy), punishing checkpoints and a focus on execution (leaderboards based on completion time / high-scores).
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Got a flying fuel tanker prototype up to 900m/s!
  • Aaand the wings were on backwards..
  • Playing Kid Icarus on 3DS. The land battle controls and camera management are inexcusably bad, and the inventory system is needlessly fiddly, but my deep-seeded childhood love for Space Harrier has me coming back to play 1 level every day (takes about 20 min). The flying battles are a lot of fun.

    I've done 15 of the 25 missions and would probably give the game a C+/B- at this point. Having fun, but I won't go chasing any extras or touch any of the other game modes. Gonna beat it and shelve it.
  • Been playing through Saints Row 4. Very much like the third one, but having super powers also gives it an Infamous feel, especially with the combat. I suppose it is also a lot like Crackdown, but I never played that. Just a lot of mindless fun.
  • Saint Row 4 has free DLC today involving Johnny Gat
  • Yeah just go get it if you ever plan on playing saints row 4. You don't need the game you can just tie it to your account.
  • Playing Kid Icarus on 3DS. The land battle controls and camera management are inexcusably bad
    I never understood this criticism. I didn't have any trouble with the controls for the land segments after the first few missions.
  • FFXIV and I think I'm only playing because the lighting is really good + theres walking mushrooms and cacti. FF has the best magic aesthetics in general I think
  • I played the beta for that. It was shittier than WoW was in 2007.
  • The beta for Realm Reborn or the original? The original was apparently so bad that they deleted it and completely remade the game ahaha.
  • Beta for Realm Reborn. The class abilities were boring, monotonous, and had no interesting mechanics that we didn't see in Everquest. The world exploration was slow, stilted, and uninteresting. The narrative/quest design was fundamentally flawed and missed multiple opportunities to actually interest me.
  • Yepp, Guild Wars 2 is the last mmo I played before this and the combat and exploration were both a crapload better. Like I said tho, the lighting and general aesthetics/artistic design are literally why I'm playing this game.
  • I will never play for graphics.
  • I gotta say, every time you post something I look at your avatar img and I imagine whatever you post being said by someone that constantly look annoyed and grumpy.
  • Sounds like my life.
  • I'm about to fire up GTA V. I'm so pumped, I cannot wait.
  • Fez has some reeeal performance issues but it pretty interesting.
  • Just beat Saints Row IV. So much lost potential, with that whole President thing that they threw out the window at the beginning of the game.
  • So I'm playing Fez and trying not to look up the answers but then it hit me that it took large groups of people to work stuff out, so I don't know at what point I will have solved all the puzzles I can solve.
  • I just looked stuff up when it was too crazy. There's less than 5-10 things that I feel really need that, though.
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