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  • Fuck those people
  • Killing Floor. More games need six player co-op.
  • What IS Killing Floor exactly? I need to Google that sometime when I'm not at work. I thought it was a Valve game or mod of some kind, but now I'm not sure.
  • Think six player team co-op vs 4 waves of attackers with a final boss wave at the end.
  • I found Killing Floor boring after a very short time. Co-op vs AI games tend to fail to hold my attention and I go back to competitive games.
  • I found Killing Floor boring after a very short time. Co-op vs AI games tend to fail to hold my attention and I go back to competitive games.
    True. However when I purchased it I think it was 90% off and available as a six pack. At that price point it was very much worth it.
  • PacMan CE DX is FINALLY available on Steam. Therefore I am addicted to it like crack.
  • PacMan CE DX is FINALLY available on Steam. Therefore I am addicted to it like crack.
  • PacMan CE DX is FINALLY available on Steam. Therefore I am addicted to it like crack.
    Sounds like something for the youtube channel.
  • PacMan CE DX is FINALLY available on Steam. Therefore I am addicted to it like crack.
    $10 edition or $14? I'll probably wait for a sale.
  • edited September 2013
    PacMan CE DX is FINALLY available on Steam. Therefore I am addicted to it like crack.
    $10 edition or $14? I'll probably wait for a sale.
    Fuck, I was in such a hurry to buy it, I bought the wrong one. Going to buy the full version and hope it lets me gift one away.

    Fuck, I guess I can't, so I have to pay the "likes pac-man too much tax"
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • In Fez and I found the room with the writing cube and saw that the Fox and Dog.

    Does that actually say what I think it's supposed to say, because the second word has the first and last letter repeated.
  • edited September 2013
    I don't remember, but make sure you're starting from the right perspective, and the language in Fez is read top to bottom, right to left.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Turns out it is, some letters are repeated. And then I'm like "Am I going to sit here and transcribe all this..?".
  • StarDrive has eaten my lunch. I foresee it eating much of my upcoming spare time as well.
  • I got Civ V today and played it for 7 hours.
  • I tried to play System Shock 2 but I just couldn't handle strafe being replaced with look.
  • I tried to play System Shock 2 but I just couldn't handle strafe being replaced with look.
    Rebind keys?
  • edited October 2013
    I don't think they have strafe at all.
    Edit: Oh, they do. Well that's better.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • War Thunder : Free to play WW2 dogfighting game. It has three levels of play: arcade, historical, and realistic. Arcade allows some respawning, has the easiest controls, different plane views, and is the simplest to pick up and play. Historical is a bit more realistic physics, no respawns, and limits the types of planes. Realism requires joystick controls, and is more, well, realistic. More planes become available as you play and gain exp. It's pretty fun.

    Warframe : Another Free to play game. It's a lot like the multiplayer from Mass Effect 3. Fast paced, third person shooter, co-op vs. AI. Has a crafting system that is a bit convoluted and is the main way they try to extract money from you, but so far there isn't a need to.
  • Now you must play Warface to complete the War* trilogy.

    Played NS2 Classic (NS1 in Spark) with the developer and god damn did gorges used to be slow.
  • Been playing a lot of the Paradox Interactive strategy games recently (Hearts of Iron 2, Crussader Kings 2, and Europa Universalis 4). These games are a mess to learn, but there's plenty of depth once you get the hang of things.
  • Bought that Volgarr game. Yeah, its pretty hard.
  • I would love Paradox Interactive games, but I'm already addicted to Civ. I don't want to get more addictions.

    On that note, I beat Civ V through Diplomatic Victory for the first time today. I thought it was impossible. Turns out the AI are dumbasses who trade their votes for world leader for, like, 27 GPT for 30 turns (on King, at least).
  • Played Sanctum 2's demo and the low FOV makes me keep trying to move my head or character back. Victoria also had this problem in Mass Effect 2 and I've gotten a fix for it.
  • Turns out the AI are dumbasses who trade their votes for world leader for, like, 27 GPT for 30 turns (on King, at least).
    Yeah you can rush that United Nations and pay off all the city states sometimes people forget.

  • I would love Paradox Interactive games, but I'm already addicted to Civ. I don't want to get more addictions.

    On that note, I beat Civ V through Diplomatic Victory for the first time today. I thought it was impossible. Turns out the AI are dumbasses who trade their votes for world leader for, like, 27 GPT for 30 turns (on King, at least).
    You think that's messed up, get Asnabel to tell you about the Immortal Incest Jellyfish king sometime.

  • Dark Souls has taken me to it's grasp once again. It's pretty much only game where, when I complete it, I instantly start a new character so I can try out different build and different approaches. No other game has managed to make me do that, not anything with single player campaign of significant length anyway.
  • Hey I finished it pretty recently too. I started a new game plus to join darkwraiths for some PvP but I'm taking a small break since finishing it.
  • edited October 2013
    I put 100+ hrs over two characters in Dark Souls but still haven't beaten it ahaha. The boss fights are like my least favorite part of the game tho, so I don't really care to fight Nito et al. to get to Gwyn.

    e: I should do the Sif fight tho, never did that, but its one of my favorite enemy designs ever 8)
    Post edited by johndis on
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