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  • Netrunner friend messaged me on Steam. We ended up playing Alien Swarm. Remember that? The free Valve SmashTV game? Pretty good.
    Kinda surprised Valve hasn't brought this back to do a free-to-play hats thing or whatever with it.
  • It was free to start with. An extra couple of campaigns would have helped.
  • Is anyone playing Divekick? Because you should be. Unlike other fighting games, the entire game is about spacing, attack angles and knowing your options. Execution is important, but not at the staggering level of other fighters. That two button system is not just ploy, but actually rather deep and makes for an enjoyable, tense, and fun game.
  • I am well aware of the awesomeness of Div Kick, but I haven't played it other than a few seconds at PAX East.
  • edited August 2013
    A friend and I downloaded it yesterday and played it for a couple hours. It's pretty solid and easy for people to get into quickly but offers a deceiving amount of depth. Sort of reminds me of Smash Bros in a way. I'm surprised at the condemnation I've been seeing on some forums. I think people are offput by the jokey nature of the game. I feel like its similar to something on Adult Swim where people will look at it and immediately be like "What is this? This is dumb." without ever giving it a chance.

    It looks like its appealing to people who are interested in fighting games, but are invested in the time commitment of that high level of play. It might actually be a pretty good gateway to more complicated fighting games since it removes a lot of the complexity of mastering combos and just focuses on the timing.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The art style and humor are both complete shit, but it's a really fun game anyway. It would be more entertaining if it was just deadpan fighting game characters and not awkward in jokes.
  • Most of the jokes are pretty inside baseball to the fighting game community.
  • ^. Half of the characters are based on real people, but you would only know them if you were familiar with the FGC. Other than that, you'd have to rely on the silly voice acting and the great hints from Uncle Sensei for the humor. Taking that aside, I think the gameplay is solid enough to make anyone want to continuously play it. I will happily drop 10 dollars for it.
  • I think Papers, Please is the first game that I managed to get almost all the achievements by just playing naturally and not looking up an FAQ.
  • I'm not currently playing this but have seen that others are playing the "Hearthstone" Beta from Blizzard.

    What do you think of a collectible card game made specifically for the digital arena? Good / Bad / Not Interesting

  • What do you think of a collectible card game made specifically for the digital arena? Good / Bad / Not Interesting
    The one that had my interest piqued was The Eye of Judgement for PS3, apparently it is still going but no of no-one personally who plays it.

  • I'm not currently playing this but have seen that others are playing the "Hearthstone" Beta from Blizzard.

    What do you think of a collectible card game made specifically for the digital arena? Good / Bad / Not Interesting
    If you still have to do the collecting, count me out. Otherwise, I'll judge it as a game and see whether it's worth playing. I'm not opposed to playing CCG-style games.

  • Playing Crusader Kings II. All the scheming is incredibly addictive.
  • I QTE'd an ICBM mid-flight at the end of the tutorial level of Saint's Row IV. This game is awesome.

  • What do you think of a collectible card game made specifically for the digital arena? Good / Bad / Not Interesting
    The one that had my interest piqued was The Eye of Judgement for PS3, apparently it is still going but no of no-one personally who plays it.

    Pokemon TCG with the cards being 3DS AR cards. Just saying, Nintendo.

  • edited August 2013
    If you still have to do the collecting, count me out. Otherwise, I'll judge it as a game and see whether it's worth playing. I'm not opposed to playing CCG-style games.
    In the "normal" game mode, there is collecting. There is also an "Arena" mode, where you draft a deck, and only play against people who have also drafted. You play until you either have nine wins, or three losses, at which point your deck is discarded and you have to draft a new one to keep playing. Collecting has no effect on this mode.
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • Just beat Saints Row 3. It was fairly unremarkable, until I found myself a topless woman in a gasmask wearing skinny jeans wading through gangstas and SWAT in a tank with Burt Renolds. At that point I went "damn, this game fulfills fantasies I didn't even know I had."

    The rest of the game was also fairly unremarkable, but that one bit made my week.
  • Sounds about right.
  • Just beat Saints Row 3. It was fairly unremarkable, until I found myself a topless woman in a gasmask wearing skinny jeans wading through gangstas and SWAT in a tank with Burt Renolds. At that point I went "damn, this game fulfills fantasies I didn't even know I had."

    The rest of the game was also fairly unremarkable, but that one bit made my week.
    It's those little moments that make SR3rd.

    For me it was Kanye West and Bonnie Tyler.
  • The mechanics are pretty standard, yeah. But it's the things that the game does with some of those mechanics that is really crazy and fun.
  • may be humanity's greatest creation.
  • may be humanity's greatest creation.
    Yes! This was so awesome during Evo 2013.
  • edited August 2013 may be humanity's greatest creation.
    ...I think I have a gambling addiction...
    Also, I want a metagame where you bet on people playing saltybet.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Started Dear Esther, beat it 1 hour later. If you like holding down forward, this game is for you. I was not thrilled with it. The visuals were pretty, the story was mildly interesting (and very well voice acted), but it's not really a game. I got really frustrated with the controls at some points. If you fall in too deep of water, you basically are just walking around blind for 60 seconds until you hit a rock and climb up the site. If this has taken any longer than 1 hour I'd have been pissed, but given the length I'll just say take it or leave it.
  • may be humanity's greatest creation.
    Popeye is OP.
  • I can't play Papers, Please. I played it for two hours yesterday and it drained me. It's really quite a feat. I've never played a video game I felt so invested in before. Sure, I was sad when people were getting killed left and right in FFIV, but when I got sent to the gulag for reporting the terrorists (I briefly forgot I was in the Soviet Union and my good ole American "see something say something" instincts kicked in) I was a fucking wreck.

    Or how about when my sister got arrested and I couldn't afford to adopt her daughter? That was fucking devastating. I wanted to kick out the mother-in-law and uncle to let her in, but I guess the wife

    Or how about when that guy who had come to me with invalid documents tried to smuggle in contraband. That guy was a bro. He knew me and liked me. I rejected him time and time again but he didn't hold it against me. But dammit, I had to choose between letting him through and getting meds for one of my three sick family members, so I couldn't exactly afford the five credit penalty for letting him through -- even if he did try to bribe me.

    Which isn't to say that I didn't fudge some stamps. I let the press in even though they never fucking had the documentation because someone needs to spread the word on this shit. There was that woman who was being human trafficked whose pimp I rejected even though he was totally legit. It wasn't always moral either -- like the time that the dude bribed me to let him in, but then I rejected him anyway b/c he didn't have adequate documentation, kept the bribe, and had him sent to the gulag. I felt fucking awful about that, but my son needed the medicine, so what could I do?

    Has anyone else played it? I think it's the best game I've yet played (far from my favorite, but anything that gives me emotions so severe has to have something to it), and yet I only see two Steam friends own it.
  • Welcome to Artrozka Greg, I've beaten it twice and got the Ezic and the Orbazian "good" endings. Might go for a Artrozka Apt 5 ending next. Like I said before this is a game where playing naturally had me get almost all of the achievements without looking up a FAQ.
  • I've played it. I think it's amazing. I don't actually let people in, I did my best to play legitimately, actually following the rules. Everyone but my wife died due to my early mistakes, though. After that point, the game got a lot easier to save money.

    I too made the mistake of reporting the terrorists, which I thought would help. I was so damn angry at the game when they threw me in jail for that.
  • edited August 2013
    I've played it. I think it's amazing. I don't actually let people in, I did my best to play legitimately, actually following the rules. Everyone but my wife died due to my early mistakes, though. After that point, the game got a lot easier to save money.
    And when she dies, you get two days worth of food!

    I haven't actually had anyone die on me yet. Can you do that? It would make it totally /r/LatvianJokes: The Game.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Lol. I dunno.
    I need to finish that playthrough, but it was getting emotionally draining. Then start a new one where I do better.
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