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  • Installing...
  • The random spawning of cops in this game is absolutely awful. I tried the nightclub a couple times and being on the second floor watching the only staircase in, mines set up everywhere. All of a sudden everyone is downed because two swat guys just randomly spawned into the room.
  • Guns of Icarus Online. Imagine Eve Online but actually fun to play. It's Steampunk ship to ship combat where you're on a crew and can man the guns, pilot, or repair stuff.
  • That sounds nothing like Eve.

  • edited August 2013
    It is nothing like Eve. On the other hand, it's Steampunk ship-to-ship combat AND it's made in part by gomidog. So you should buy it.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • That sounds nothing like Eve.

    It's what Eve should be.
  • Eve should be nothing like Eve?
  • Eve should be nothing like Eve?
    Did I stutter?
  • You couldn't have, but I try to think the best of people. That's a pretty stupid thing to say.
  • edited August 2013
    The random spawning of cops in this game is absolutely awful. I tried the nightclub a couple times and being on the second floor watching the only staircase in, mines set up everywhere. All of a sudden everyone is downed because two swat guys just randomly spawned into the room.
    Oh yeah, they come in through the roof and windows of the office like assholes. Also, over the balcony to the rooftop bar. Basically, look at every opening you see, and say "could you cram a police officer in full riot armor through that gap?" and then answer yes because the answer is always yes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Eve should be nothing like Eve?
    Did I stutter?
    It takes a a a a a a a true master of stuttering to stutter over the internet.
  • The random spawning of cops in this game is absolutely awful. I tried the nightclub a couple times and being on the second floor watching the only staircase in, mines set up everywhere. All of a sudden everyone is downed because two swat guys just randomly spawned into the room.
    Oh yeah, they come in through the roof and windows of the office like assholes. Also, over the balcony to the rooftop bar. Basically, look at every opening you see, and say "could you cram a police officer in full riot armor through that gap?" and then answer yes because the answer is always yes.
    Yeah I've been getting used to it more as I've been playing the beta. Considering getting it but I might wait until I get through some of my current log of games. Been running low on free time lately but by next month I should be straight again.
  • The random spawning of cops in this game is absolutely awful. I tried the nightclub a couple times and being on the second floor watching the only staircase in, mines set up everywhere. All of a sudden everyone is downed because two swat guys just randomly spawned into the room.
    Oh yeah, they come in through the roof and windows of the office like assholes. Also, over the balcony to the rooftop bar. Basically, look at every opening you see, and say "could you cram a police officer in full riot armor through that gap?" and then answer yes because the answer is always yes.
    Yeah I've been getting used to it more as I've been playing the beta. Considering getting it but I might wait until I get through some of my current log of games. Been running low on free time lately but by next month I should be straight again.
    Payday is good like that - it's very pick-up-and-put-down, you can go a few weeks without playing, and you're not struggling to remember everything about where you were, it's just zero to crime time motherfuckers in seconds.
  • I have been joining all my border patrolmen with Papers, Please as of late.
  • Papers please, fuck that game.
  • edited August 2013
    Yo I beat Dishonoured in an almost perfect ghost run. I got seen escaping the prison (how are you supposed to not when your objective involves setting off a bomb) and I kinda lost my shit when confronted with Daud and I shot his stupid face with a crossbow. It was super satisfying.

    Now I'm trying to do a "kill every single dude" run of the last level, using my stealth build. That is not easy.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I originally was going to play Dishonored all stealthy like, but then I figured out that I have much more fun if I just go with the flow. I kill, no everyone, but anyone who's in my way, stealthily if I can, but if situation goes to close combat I will take that too. I feel that that approach gives me a good balance of the game's different elements, stealth and combat in a good mix.
  • Got some evening time to myself this week so continued on my "play entire Steam library in alphabetical order." After 15-20 minutes on each, added Capsized and Crayon Physics (indie bundle pickups) into my small but growing "no plans on finishing this game" folder.

    Finally settled on Creavures which is an OK game. The visuals are beautiful, but the gameplay hasn't challenged me yet. Still early though and I want to keep going though b/c I want to see what wrinkles the additional characters bring in.
  • Played "Gone Home" today and it was a pretty nice change of pace to the usual kind of games we consume. Not sure it's worth 19 bucks, but I definitely recommend picking it up in the next Steam sale.
  • I was a little disappointed with Gone Home after all the hype it got, but it was a teensy bit touching. They build up horrific elements (that had me really anxious) that never pay off. It's very...Confusing.
  • I think I will also play the Gone Home, when it is much cheaper.
  • I was a little disappointed with Gone Home after all the hype it got, but it was a teensy bit touching. They build up horrific elements (that had me really anxious) that never pay off. It's very...Confusing.
    Actually, I think that it is very well made in that respect. It makes you think certain things are going to happen because you follow the train of thought of the characters you are "observing" remotely. And since they behave like regular human beings (which is very well done) they come to odd conclusions and have strange thoughts without real cause for them. That is mundane. However, that also what makes the game itself exceptional: That it is mundane.
  • I've been overdosing on Payday 2.

    It has a bunch of bugs both in the game such as people getting stuck and not being able to move (not happened to me yet). Or video issues where if you are running SLI or Crossfire it will split in 2, happened to me last night after the patch. Or the voice communication just stops.

    However they are not common enough to stop me playing.

    It is very grind heavy, you get up to 30 + points and most all you're trying to do is get XP.

    The stupidest gun modification implementation of all time is in this game. Getting modifications for a gun can change it from being useless to sue You want to use and get certain mods for your favourite gun? Too bad you have to pick a card and have 1/3 chance of getting a random modification which more than likely will not be for the gun you want or even a gun you own.

    Then there is the ECM device which gives no visual indicator on what range it works in and the game doesn't teach you how to use.

    I will most likely delete this game when less people on my friends list play it. For the moment I will continue just because it has become a social activity.
  • I'm not really having that problem - the only mod I really wanted was a silencer and a simple scope, and I got both as loot bag items. After that, everything is basically a bonus.

    Currently rolling with the Locomotive shotgun as my sidearm, and an AK primary until I get enough scratch for the M308.
  • Beat Creavures. The game ended right before I was about to get tired of it. Perfect timing!
  • edited August 2013
    Civ V Civ V Civ V.

    I'm actually liking playing Ghandi. Those Elephants show up early and kill all the barbarians. It's easier mentally to manage just 3-4 big cities. I can ignore most happiness-granting buildings like Circus and Colosseum. I max out tradition early and build lots of wonders. Then I just either focus a bunch on culture and food to increase the borders and population a fuckton. The production in each city is so high, I can build just about anything in 3-5 turns. A wonder takes about ~15 turns. The hardest part is keeping the science high, so I have something worth building besides research.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Mortal Online =/
  • I've been playing Payday 2. Apparently people get pissed off when you don't follow their orders and they've designated themselves the leader of the group. I got kicked a couple times because I said fuck that.

    Also playing Pikmin 3. Holy shit, I've never played a Pikmin game before but I think I understand why people liked them so much. There's something charming about running around with an army of little flower people.
  • Netrunner friend messaged me on Steam. We ended up playing Alien Swarm. Remember that? The free Valve SmashTV game? Pretty good.
  • Most of the way through Crackdown since it was free on Xbla. Pretty fun little GTA clone. Kinda like Spiderman games where I mostly like it because I get to jump around/off of buildings a lot. Other than that I'd been playing a lot of Tetris on the NES.
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