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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Never played proper multiplayer Civ before, so I'd be down.
  • My friends are assholes and we've never finished a multiplayer game so I'm down.
  • Andrew said:

    If you host it, they will come.

    Not CS:GO, they won't.
  • Starfox said:

    Andrew said:

    If you host it, they will come.

    Not CS:GO, they won't.
    It's really hard if the ping is 350.

  • Alright, enough shit-talking. If nobody steps up before this weekend, I will host a game this Saturday (Nov. 30th) at noon EST. All who want in, send me a Steam friend thing (I'm Yoshokatana on Steam).

    The game will be standard rules, huge map, your choice of terrain (I'm thinking continents), epic speed (unless people really want marathon), with first-come-first-serve civs. We'll be using the expansions.

    I'm planning on starting at or around noon, and we'll play until someone has to leave (at which point we'll save the game). We'll discuss voice chat (probably a google hangout or something) and future sessions (I like Saturdays during the day or Sundays anytime) in other posts.
  • Kewl story. I'll set an alarm to remind myself.
  • I'll likely be driving back from my parents' at noon. I'd be down to play if you moved it back a few hours.
  • I'll be too busy doing homework!
  • Nooo! But I am going to be board gaming with friends! Can we move it to Sunday?
  • edited November 2013
    The new Phoenix Wright game on 3DS is so so good. It even has a Tiger Mask reference in it.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • Who still wants in on the game?
  • ...and only Axel replied. This is why we can't have nice things.
  • I don't have the DLCs.
  • lol I am in Ohio with family while I could play I was busy carting in-laws around :-p
  • ...and only Axel replied. This is why we can't have nice things.

    Sorry I was sleeping due to sickness.
  • ...and only Axel replied. This is why we can't have nice things.

    I told you I would be available tomorrow instead, but no...
  • Well, everyone besides you seemed interested in Saturday. Except apparently not.
  • Picked up my 3DS for the first time in two months since my move-in is pretty much over. Finally plowed through the last 20% of Kid Icarus. Still hated the land battles right up to the end. Loved the flying battles because they remind me so much of Space Harrier... which led me to playing a new 3DS virtual console port of that game. Was totally meant to be played in 3D.
  • Anthony: "[Other] David, did you keep a secret acid stash at Greg's place when you were using?"
    Other David: "No, why?"

    So, how about that there Fez?
  • Gotta love Fez.
  • The Stanley Parable
    Wow, I was not expecting this level of psychological manipulation. Especially the heaven, broken and alternate game design endings.
  • Attempting to play Splinter Cell Blacklist.

    There is an actual amazing stealth game in this but the steep price of entry is Ubisoft's bullshit.

    Download game.
    Install Uplay.
    Can't backup game.
    Game starts patching 1 gigabyte immediately.
    Game patches almost the same exact patch as above due to a Uplay autoupdate error to 1.01.
    Game patches 540mb straight after to 1.02.
    Game is now patching 450mb to 1.03

    Inbetween the patches I've been able to get a bit of gaming in. Crashes abound from game shut down (most common), occasional video card crash and my first ever CPU error blue screen since I built and overclocked this machine 2.5 years ago.

    Makes good use of tessellation and DX11 in terms of looking great in game ona , however it is not very well optimised from all the crashing that I've observed.

    The game validates my system before every startup.

    Seriously though Ubisoft if somebody is downloading the game just give them the stable 1.03 with the first download and leave the platform to Steam.

    Will discuss actual gameplay when I can get it to run without crashing or give up and play Xcom Enemy Within.
  • Playing Far Cry 3 again. Besides the island being amazingly beautiful the entire time, one of the main antagonists (Vaas) is the only enemy in videogames that I've actually felt was talking to me as a player, rather than to the character that I was playing in the game. It's rather unnerving. Very nice as a character, though, since he's quirky, charismatic, and utterly insane. Works well.

    Also, apparently arrows kill people in one shot, no matter where you hit them.
    I hear the knee is particularly vulnerable.
  • Been playing quite a bit of Guild Wars 2 lately. Finally got a character to level 80 and I feel that I've learned to respect it's mechanics a lot more than I previously had. It's not perfect and there are quite a bit of things I'd like to be done differently, big and small, but it's still enjoyable enough for me to play and have fun with.
  • I took some screenshots of silly things I was doing in JC2MP, went back and looked at the chat, and made this artful arrangement that sums up the community.
  • DOTA, Bioshock Infinite, and more DOTA. Today DOTA is Bounty Hunter: The Video Game, where I hunt wizards across the map and murder them when nobody is looking. Bioshock Infinite is extremely admirable in presentation and satisfying (if not spectacular) as a shooter.
  • I finally upgrade my video card to a Radeon 7850. I can now play my games on high settings which is great. Been cycling through Skyrim, Grid 2 and Farcry 3 and soaking up the graphic goodness of them all.
  • Civ V. I think it's time to upgrade my PC, I spent way too much time playing my 3DS waiting for the computers to go .
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