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  • Omnutia said:

    Multiplayer Kerbal.. this is bad.

    I can already see what will happen - Omnutia will have painstakingly designed and tested rockets that land on other planets, but will spend half their time dodging the haphazard, shoddy rockets that I build around the principle of adding enough thrust to a brick shithouse equals flight.

  • Gah! Dwarf Fortress has officially made a nest in my brain and is laying eggs. Eggs that will surely hatch into full obsessions in time. Curse you you Rym!
  • I just got MGS Peace Walker and it's really good and I love that you literally capture slave henchmen by attaching giant balloons to their unconscious bodies.
  • Just picked up my Zelda XL, had to pry it out of my daughters hands amid cries of,"why can't I have it?"
  • Zelda so good. Just got to Lorule. Need to find the Pegasus Boots. I NEED TO RUN.
  • I got the pegasus boots and I have no idea what Lorule is.
  • I would be playing the new Zelda but this download is taking FOREVER!!!!
  • Dammit! I knew I missed them. But I looked everywhere! I'll keep looking. <_<
  • Zelda has been downloading for 12 hours and is only now hitting 80%. WTF Nintendo?
  • It downloaded in like 10 minutes yesterday and my internet sucks.
  • Just beat it. Good game. Possibly great game. Occasionally too easy, but it has most of everything I wanted. Supposedly, there is a secret hidden in Hero mode, so I will try that next.
  • I checked Nintendo support forum and I found a few people having problems downloading. They all had one thing in common: AT&T U-Verse.
  • Battlefield 4 with a group of friends is actually really, really fun. It's really arcady and slow (and has that weird stateful leveling mechanic that I disagree with), but the sheer kinaesthetic immersion is fantastic.
  • So, bit of a Steam conundrum. I have enough money to purchase Civ 4. But should I save some more money and purchase Civ 5? Hardware is not an issue.
  • jlawson70 said:

    So, bit of a Steam conundrum. I have enough money to purchase Civ 4. But should I save some more money and purchase Civ 5? Hardware is not an issue.

    Join us with the Civ 5 awesome train.
  • Civ V is more current, and with both expansions it's real good.
  • I want a multiplayer game of Civ 5 to happen sometime soon...
  • Cremlian said:

    I want a multiplayer game of Civ 5 to happen sometime soon...

  • I'm generally down. But I suck. We should do teams.
  • Axel said:

    I'm generally down. But I suck. We should do teams.

    OH. Are you saying that there should be a Rym AND Scott team? I do not think that combination has ever lost, except maybe at Mario Tennis where Rym was a dead weight.
  • If you host it, they will come.
  • edited November 2013
    Teams should be balanced so that good players help bad players. Or not, since then I might just be dead weight. But if I'm not on a team, I will almost definitely just lose.

    Maybe I should just do multiplayer against bad players until I get better and not be allowed to play with the better people. <_<
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I think it be more interesting if it was Team Rym v Team Scott in which Rym and Scott's capital is the team capital. Whomever takes that out or aids in the other victory conditions (except time bullshit scoring) wins.
  • I always turn off Time victory. All the others are legit.

    But that sounds like a good game to me. The max for multiplayer is 12, I imagine we could drum that up and do 6 v 6.
  • Axel said:

    I always turn off Time victory. All the others are legit.

    But that sounds like a good game to me. The max for multiplayer is 12, I imagine we could drum that up and do 6 v 6.

    Allow Scrym to pick first 3 team mates and the final two are random. :o
  • Team's is crap, free for all is important, crappy players will be protected as city states of larger ones as long as they pay for their protection.
  • That doesn't change me pointing out that I will just always lose if I'm alone. Being someone's city-state is still losing, and that' s even assuming they don't just outright annex me eventually when they get bored and want my stuff.
  • What Cremlian said. Although, I wouldn't mind inciting a holy war or two. It might move some potential allies' armies away long enough for me to civilize their populous.
  • No teams. Street rules.
  • I'll play no matter what the rules are.
    Andrew said:

    If you host it, they will come.

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