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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Lots of State of Decay, Payday 2, Planetside 2 (naturally).
  • Playing through The Walking Dead on PC (this time) in preparation for the new season. If only there were some way to take the save game from my xbox playthrough and put it on my PC...
  • I got Dillon's Rolling Western b/c it was on big discount using Club Nintendo rewards, and Nintendo got rid of all the cool rewards I was saving up for (Game & Watch Collection #2, Hanafuda set). Dillon's is an interesting concept (tower defense plus third person action) but ultimately it gets incredibly repetitive. I'm having a hard time justifying going back after 2 hours, but this might be a game I slowly beat in 10 minute spurts over an incredibly long stretch of time while playing other games, since it was a download title and it'll always be handy.
  • Finished LoZ:LBW, working on getting ready for the Elite Four in Pokemon Y, and fought four dragons so far in Skyrim.
  • I've been playing Civ 5:BNW during finals week, which is the worst thing I could have ever done this week.
  • Playing Rocksmith 2014 every day. It really is amazing how quickly I've advanced in the last month or two.
  • Playing Rocksmith 2014 every day. It really is amazing how quickly I've advanced in the last month or two.

    I should be picking that up before too long. I put some practice into the previous one, but the fact that it assumed a certain level of skill, and advanced you through skill levels incredibly rapidly(No if you could manage it or not) was a path to frustration rather than sweet licks, so I'm looking forward to grabbing this one, now that I've had a crack at it at my mate's place. Be nice to use my guitar for something more than doodling away with my slide.

  • I've thought about replacing my Rock Band 3 with Rocksmith. The problem is that I need to buy yet another adapter to connect the guitar to the PC.
  • I am just waiting on my cable for Rocksmith, since my roommate was a jerk and spent way too much money getting me a guitar for my birthday/Christmas/Chanukah/graduation. It should get here today, and then I'll start Rocksmith 2014. Looking forward to it.
  • I am also anti-Ubisoft. The only thing worse than UPLAY is Origin.
  • edited December 2013
    Man, my guitar was about 90 bucks from Aldi. I was prepared for cheap and shitty and expected to have to work on it to get a decent guitar, but it'll be honest, it sounds good, plays well, and it's been 100% solid so far. I'd maybe tweak a few things, put in some different pickups just to change the sound, but they're preferences, not problems.
    Apreche said:

    I've thought about replacing my Rock Band 3 with Rocksmith. The problem is that I need to buy yet another adapter to connect the guitar to the PC.

    Yeah, that's the one unfortunate thing they do - You can't just grab any old 6.5 to USB plug, it's gotta be the Rocksmith one, I'm pretty sure.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I played the older Rocksmith, it was really fun but was lacking on teaching fundamentals and techniques of guitar. I still have the cable and such, I'll probably pick up the new game for 2014.
  • I want to play it but I don't have an electric guitar and I don't really want to buy one until I know that I like it.
  • edited December 2013
    Churba said:

    Playing Rocksmith 2014 every day. It really is amazing how quickly I've advanced in the last month or two.

    I should be picking that up before too long. I put some practice into the previous one, but the fact that it assumed a certain level of skill, and advanced you through skill levels incredibly rapidly(No if you could manage it or not) was a path to frustration rather than sweet licks, so I'm looking forward to grabbing this one, now that I've had a crack at it at my mate's place. Be nice to use my guitar for something more than doodling away with my slide.
    I had the same issues with the old one, the jumps in difficulty were pretty extreme in a lot of cases. The new one is much better about all of that. It also has a full suite of lessons on the fundamentals and various techniques, and the practice tracks are actually really hard and fun to play at higher difficulties. But the thing that I really like about the new one is how much faster it is to do everything. The only thing that I still have trouble with is getting bends to register properly in the game, but otherwise it's more accurate.

    And I don't have to deal with stupid UPlay. Yay PS3!

    EDIT: One thing I wish they could've done a little better though is that even though they talk about finger picking songs, they don't really have any way to practice the technique.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • As a side note, moonbase alpha has both improved, and stayed much the same.

  • I'm playing Holy Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God which is a roguelike where you make magical curries and try to appease the curry god to save a local restaurant.
  • johndis said:

    I'm playing Holy Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God which is a roguelike where you make magical curries and try to appease the curry god to save a local restaurant.

    I'm pretty sure I've read that manga.

  • Churba said:

    johndis said:

    I'm playing Holy Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God which is a roguelike where you make magical curries and try to appease the curry god to save a local restaurant.

    I'm pretty sure I've read that manga.

    I am not sure if I should take that as a recommendation or a warning.
  • So finished Splintercell Blacklist, it's pretty much just a console shooter which looks great on the PC.

    It runs rock solid once you have the 2.5 gb of updates after you patch it 3 times consecutively (Uplay won't give you the most up to date files on your first download). Don't play in between these updates as your save games will get wiped.

    The game looks pretty great with DX 11 tessellation and all but the game play is more important. The scoring system makes sense in that you get the most points for doing a mission with as little disturbance the NPC enemies and if you're looking for the stealth game play, this is where it kind of sucks because if you go the optimal route you can take an almost speed run approach to it and finish missions in 12 - 20 minutes where the expected times vary from 45 minutes to 70 minutes. This results in a very short game.

    The story is shallow and very implausible in the same way that the Call of Duty single player stories are silly.

    Any time you are in trouble you have way too long to respond unless you play through non lethally. But if you wanted you can go through just silent killing everyone who is an inconvenience. There is also the option of a a full assault play style in a game about stealth which is counter-intuitive as it is most time consuming and doesn't give you any sense of achievements. The stages are described as "mazes" but the maps are anything but as there is always the obvious direction for a stealth character (alternative to just using doors)

    There are some side missions which are also fun others which are just grinds for making money to unlock stuff (suit parts and guns).

    The multiplayer is truly innovative for a console shooter in that it is asymmetrical in its approach. 1 team are light armored, stealthy "spies" who play hide and seek with the opposing team while they hack points in a capture zone but you must play in 3rd person and have very weak weapons but very strong melee combat. Plus you must play in 3rd person.
    The opposite team ("mercs" ) play in first person and need to kill the spies in the area around the point being hacked.

    It's pretty much just how a section of NS2 feels when you're playing skulks vs marines in the early game except there are limited numbers and there is much less skill and teamwork required.

    I can't recommend this game to buy unless you want to play coop with someone for fun and it is under $10.

    Even then I can't recommend playing this because of the intrusive and annoying Uplay system.

    Ubisoft has joined EA on my list of publisher whom I will not even try games from in the future.
  • Question: If I were to pick up Payday 2 would anyone be interested in joining me?
  • Coldguy said:

    Question: If I were to pick up Payday 2 would anyone be interested in joining me?


  • I have Payday 1 and Monaco and I still haven't played either (save for one semi-manic night of two-player Monaco). Need to fix that.
  • I have payday 1 and Monaco and haven't played either, either.
  • I'd be down for some Monaco.
  • Pegu said:

    I'd be down for some Monaco.

    As would I.

  • Coldguy said:

    Question: If I were to pick up Payday 2 would anyone be interested in joining me?


    I uninstalled it when it was released with a fuck tonne of bugs and ways for people to game the system by making their team or one person to do 90% of the campaign then kick you so you don't get money or experience and they get more.

    Plus there is always between 1 - 3 people who don't understand the concept of stealth and then leave the game.

    Not sure if anything has changed.
  • Currently planning on picking up Payday 2 the moment I can get it for twenty bucks or less.
  • edited December 2013
    sK0pe said:

    Coldguy said:

    Question: If I were to pick up Payday 2 would anyone be interested in joining me?

    I uninstalled it when it was released with a fuck tonne of bugs and ways for people to game the system by making their team or one person to do 90% of the campaign then kick you so you don't get money or experience and they get more.

    Plus there is always between 1 - 3 people who don't understand the concept of stealth and then leave the game.

    Not sure if anything has changed.
    Bugs are mostly fixed, Gaming the system like that never actually worked because it never gave you more money and XP for doing it solo, you get more for doing it as a team, but Pubbies being morons still hasn't changed much. You get good ones, but a lot of bad ones.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have both of those games (think I gave extra copies away on here or traded them away.) and would be down for some multiplayer.
  • Churba said:

    ... but Pubbies being morons still hasn't changed much. You get good ones, but a lot of bad ones.

    This is why I ask the forum for things like this.
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