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  • edited December 2013
    Coldguy said:

    This is why I ask the forum for things like this.

    I don't think you ever really needed to ask if the majority of people playing just about any game multiplayer are morons.

    The trick is to not rely on them to read your mind. Communicate with people - I mean, The Breakfast Club probably has at least two hundred hours playing together, and communication is still key, and we still fuck up pretty regularly. And plus, half the fun of payday isn't that it HAS to go perfect, it's scraping through when shit goes wrong despite your best efforts.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You often get shoved into matches with people who don't give a fuck because the people who do give a fuck found some players to play with and won't let you in. So you basically need to find a team before you play the game which really turned me off to it. I really like it but it's a pain going into these lobbies and getting booted because the group doesn't know who you are so you're a "risk".
  • MATATAT said:

    You often get shoved into matches with people who don't give a fuck because the people who do give a fuck found some players to play with and won't let you in. So you basically need to find a team before you play the game which really turned me off to it. I really like it but it's a pain going into these lobbies and getting booted because the group doesn't know who you are so you're a "risk".

    That doesn't seem to happen to me anymore, to be honest, but I'm unsure if that's a change in playerbase, or if it's because I'm higher level now.

  • After beating 2 out of the 10 towns, I think it's time to give up on Dillon's Rolling Western. Fun little concept murdered by repetitive play. Looked up the time to beat, and it takes 20-22 hours! That is crazy for a tower defense game.
  • Churba said:

    MATATAT said:

    You often get shoved into matches with people who don't give a fuck because the people who do give a fuck found some players to play with and won't let you in. So you basically need to find a team before you play the game which really turned me off to it. I really like it but it's a pain going into these lobbies and getting booted because the group doesn't know who you are so you're a "risk".

    That doesn't seem to happen to me anymore, to be honest, but I'm unsure if that's a change in playerbase, or if it's because I'm higher level now.

    Could be both. I haven't played for a while but I never really got that high in level and started to move on to the hard missions because the normal was getting too easy but I think people were judgmental of me moving on too soon. But there is no way I'm going to grind out on easy modes until my level is higher just for a challenge.
  • MATATAT said:

    Could be both. I haven't played for a while but I never really got that high in level and started to move on to the hard missions because the normal was getting too easy but I think people were judgmental of me moving on too soon. But there is no way I'm going to grind out on easy modes until my level is higher just for a challenge.

    I can't open up payday right now - it's updating for the free christmas heist - but I'm pretty sure I'm about level 75 to 85 something now. I stopped paying attention. I didn't grind, I mostly just play for fun - and since I'm Ghost/Mastermind build, it's viable for me to stealth through Overkill missions, even going solo, and get out with all the loot, which tends to net quite a bit of experience. Then again, I can also fight like a motherfucker too, so I'm easy either way. I just enjoy the hell out of Payday.
  • edited December 2013
    Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Coldguy said:

    Question: If I were to pick up Payday 2 would anyone be interested in joining me?

    I uninstalled it when it was released with a fuck tonne of bugs and ways for people to game the system by making their team or one person to do 90% of the campaign then kick you so you don't get money or experience and they get more.

    Plus there is always between 1 - 3 people who don't understand the concept of stealth and then leave the game.

    Not sure if anything has changed.
    Bugs are mostly fixed, Gaming the system like that never actually worked because it never gave you more money and XP for doing it solo, you get more for doing it as a team, but Pubbies being morons still hasn't changed much. You get good ones, but a lot of bad ones.
    Damn. I guess this is what happens with a greater population of immature players in a co-op game.

    I was kicked from public lobbies for 20 - 30 minutes for not having enough points in a technician tree for C4.

    The last straw for me was doing the entire "Rats" mission instructing on how to get the most money, grabbing it from the bus etcetera and then as we were throwing the bags into the helicopter I was kicked by the game lobby leader.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • That's literally never happened to me. I've only been kicked early on when it didn't matter.
  • That's literally never happened to me. I've only been kicked early on when it didn't matter.

    Lucky you, I was just very annoyed when it happened to me.

  • Dr. Wiley's Revenge has taken over my 3DS since it's $2 on the eShop and I never played the GameBoy Mega Man games.
  • Just got Tearaway and its potentially the most culturally relevant game i've played, moreso than Call of Duty even. Gameplay is just light platforming/exploring, but as a gesamtkunstwerk its really great so far!!
  • Just burned through all of the Walking Dead Season one in prep for season two. The save game glitch screwed up my end game because it made all of my actions in episode one have a negative impact on my relationship with Kenny.

    I did enjoy 400 days even though each section was really short. Tomorrow I will begin season two.
  • Link to the Past (for the first time!) and Ghost Trick. LttP is very good, and in stark contrast to the amount of tutorialization you have to get through before Ghost Trick lets you play.
  • ALttP is the best game. (In my opinion, of course).
  • Axel said:

    ALttP is the best game. (In my opinion, of course).

    Sorry, but Super Metroid exists.

  • Apreche said:

    Axel said:

    ALttP is the best game. (In my opinion, of course).

    Sorry, but Super Metroid exists.

    I like ALttP more because nostalgia. I suppose it is more accurate to say it is my favorite, and not best.

    I will however, argue that it is best Zelda.

  • Axel said:

    Apreche said:

    Axel said:

    ALttP is the best game. (In my opinion, of course).

    Sorry, but Super Metroid exists.

    I like ALttP more because nostalgia. I suppose it is more accurate to say it is my favorite, and not best.

    I will however, argue that it is best Zelda.

    Sorry, Ocarina of Time exists.
  • Apreche said:

    Axel said:

    Apreche said:

    Axel said:

    ALttP is the best game. (In my opinion, of course).

    Sorry, but Super Metroid exists.

    I like ALttP more because nostalgia. I suppose it is more accurate to say it is my favorite, and not best.

    I will however, argue that it is best Zelda.

    Sorry, Ocarina of Time exists.
    I just outright disagree. I've gone back and played both, and AlttP ages better. Even OoT remake for the 3DS feels tedious fifteen years later. ALttP is always fun.

  • Both are always fun. Only one has a horse you can ride on.
  • Only one has a bird that flies you places when you play your flute.
  • I've never been able to finish Ocarina of Time on my own, I just get too bored playing it. Link to the Past I remember not being able to put down until it was done. I think I've said this before but I find almost all the 3D Zelda games to be incredibly boring. The only exception has been Wind Waker minus the triforce hunt of course..
  • Everyone knows that the best game evah is E.T. for the Atari 2600.
  • I like Majora's Mask until you get into dungeons.
  • I might need to buy the oracle games on virtual console. I only ever played oracle of ages. My brother had seasons but I just never got around to playing it.
  • I found Majoras Mask to be too repetitive.
  • I played Super Metroid for the first time three years ago - it's definitely the best game that I missed from the SNES. As far as OoT vs. LttP: I'm far more likely to come back and play LttP again than OoT. It's just so much more accessible, mechanically.
  • In my head I count Oot and MM as one game. I like MM most for what it dared to do, and was relatively successful at. Like something such as the more recent Shadow of the Colossus, few games made an world and atmosphere as involving as Majora's Mask.
  • The only Zelda game that I haven't at least started is Minish Cap and I don't know if that'll ever happen.
  • I think the only bad Zelda game is Spirit Tracks.

    I haven't played Skyward Sword. I think Spirit Tracks is the only Zelda game that neither me or my brother hasn't beaten (Maybe Minish Cap)? And I watched him beat basically every old Zelda.

    I love the old 3D ones a lot, I grew up on them, but they age poorly.
  • I started Minish Cap again recently, last time I got as far as the mountains but there is a lot of talking in that game and the first few dungeons are pretty uninspired.
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