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  • I've gotten to the final phase of the final boss in Minish cap.
    Then I died against it and was brought back to the entrance of the final dungeon, with 3 hearts and puzzle, games hardest miniboss and all 600 different phases of the final boss to be repeated.

    And that's where I left it.
  • Beat it. Will never play it again. Will definitely bring it up 20+ years from now and people will be like WHOAH, a long lost Zelda game?!
  • Skyward Sword is pretty awful from the very little I played of it. The only reason I mark it as slightly better than Spirit Tracks is because trains suck.
  • Trains are awesome, and were the good part of Spirit Tracks. That's why Spirit Tracks is so bad - If trains is the best part of the game, then the game is not good. The dungeons, items, progression, etc. are all terrible.

    I've heard some people love SS, other people hate it.
  • It might be a good game past the mind numbing hand holding at the start of the game. Sure every 3D Zelda has hand holding going on it that gets aggravating but SS was just egregious.

    And yes the dungeons were bad in ST, I just through the idea of moving around in a train was kinda lame too.
  • The newer the game, the more MEGA MAN! MEGA MAN! Simple as that.
  • One of Link Between Time's best aspects was it kinda just lets you start running around and doing your thing.
  • Just completed Walking Dead season two episode one... Damn...
  • Link Between Worlds didn't hold your hand too much once you entered the first real dungeon, but it was still way too easy. I'm hoping Hero Mode changes that.

    Honestly, Zelda games in the future need three difficulties. Two starting and one unlockable.

    The current default game is Normal (Actually Easy).
    We should have Veteran difficulty from the get-go. Increase damage taken, and MAYBE remove fairies and/or hints and obtrusive popups.
    Beat the game for Hero Mode, which functions as it does in ALBW/WWHD.
  • I hate Hero Mode. Yeah, the game was easy. I would have liked it to be harder. But why would I want to play a game I already played AGAIN? Is there anything new besides increased difficulty? Is it a true second quest? No? So it's a waste of my time. You should have just let me have the hard mode from the start.
  • WWHD does that, which I like. It also had semi-true second quest (Different outfit and can read all the hidden text. It needs dungeon changes, though).
  • edited December 2013
    I'm playing catch up this year with Zelda. I have finished Minish Cap, Links Awakening, OOT 3DS, A Link Between Worlds and ALTTP and am currently playing Spirit Tracks.

    I never finished ALTTP before, i TWICE got stuck in the damn Ice dungeon. Not this time! And after beating it I still swear that the Ice dungeon is the hardest one.

    Played WWHD with my 5 year old son, its a fantastic semi open world pirate adventure. It really is very good.

    As for the best Zelda? It has to be between ALTTP and OOT. I would give the nod to OOT for one simple reason. The dungeons are SICK. They are the best. Of all the Zelda's, OOT's dungeons are just leagues better. And even the Water Temple is ok if you don't miss the cutscene that shows a "hidden" door. Yeah, if you miss that, you are FUCKED.

    Also, OOT has my single favourite dungeon - The Forest Temple.

    Minish cap is really long and difficult and the final boss is a BITCH.

    LA is fun, very fun, but the over world is just gates x bajillion. Seriously, you can't walk 2 screens without changing items!

    ST is pretty boring, I'm just playing for completion sake, but the dungeons do seem fun. The escort mechanic is very cleverly used.

    For me (this year): OOT > ALTTP > WW > LA > ALBW > ....... ST.

    I have of course played SS, TP and PH. They are all good. SS may be better than you think if you have not played it. It starts slow but overall I really liked it. TP is too long and PH is worth playing. It's quite different, the central dungeon is love/hate but i loved it.

    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Preparing to make an adjustment to get ready for landing on the moon... and I'm in the shadow of the earth.
  • Trying to %100 Fallout: New Vegas. Just finished my first Legion run through. I hate that character, though, so I'm gonna do most of the achievement hunting with my next character, who'll play for Mr. House.
  • Easiest way is to play the game up until you have to choose a side. Keep that save game safe and after you finish each sides ending go back and load it up and pick a different side.
  • I think more people on the Zelda kick need to play the Oracle games (Seasons and Ages) back to back with the password to remember how awesome those games are.
  • They are quite great.
  • Axel said:

    They are quite great.

    I'm playing those next year. I have them on my 3DS waiting.

    And I may finally try to beat Majora's Mask. Only ever finished first dungeon before getting hopelessly lost and confused.

  • I'm playing through XCOM Enemy Within.

    Surprised how much more depth was added with this addition, however I did get the Slingshot mission pack simultaneously at a really low price.

    I feel as if I've mad a grave early game mistake while trying to go through on a 4 man roster, punishments are way harder once you've invested the new extra resource "meld" into your characters.

    I would recommend it if you like or want to discover turn by turn games and especially if you liked playing XCOM Enemy Unknown. However get it on a super sale, it seems to be priced really high for some reason.
  • Picked up Dishonored. Good game, totally worth the 1350 I paid for it, but I can only play it small chunks at a time without getting frustrated at it and switching back to Fallout.

    What're people hoping for the Steam Sale? I'm hoping XCOM Enemy Unknown will finally go down to a price I can afford, either on daily sale or flash sale.
  • Didn't XCom go super cheap last year?

    I picked up Dishonored GOTY as well, storing it in my gift inventory for now.

    Interesting how the winter sale cards have an expiration date on them. I am listing mine for $1 as they come in. If I get the full set I might cash them in.
  • It was something like $10. I just remember it was 15$ more than I could afford.
  • I will be keeping an eye on sales and wish lists so if we be steam friends you might get a gift from me.
  • There's a new subreddit.

    It's all about organizing people to play online games that have no players. Tribes 2 comes to mind first, but that's too hard.

    I was very happy to see that the third highest ranked game on the sub was Ricochet! Going to play tomorrow. Watch the Steam friends lists.
  • Has anyone given Verdun a run? It looks pretty interesting and I love the change to WW1.

    Also playing Dungeon Keeper 1, such a steller game.
  • I watched the trailer for Verdun. Looks interesting, but not enough mud.
  • I watched the trailer for Verdun. Looks interesting, but not enough mud.

    Yes I did wonder if there would be an acurate recreation of getting trench foot. I wonder if top teir is just sitting in a nice warm room wondering how to topple the bosh.
  • Somewhere between the original beta and the current beta Wasteland 2 had some interesting AI mechanics added in.

    Originally my sniper could hang in the back and get his one shot off per round at enemies. Now every enemy in the battle goes out of its way to get into melee with my sniper. They will run past easier targets and chase him down.
  • Holy crap the demo for The Stanley Parable made me laugh my ass off.
  • Matt said:

    Holy crap the demo for The Stanley Parable made me laugh my ass off.

    It's a great experience for sure. The full game made me laugh pretty much the whole way through on and off. It's like the GLADOS parts of Portal, but it's the whole game.

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