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  • Started to play Borderlands 2, as my current "shoot people in the face" -game.

    It seems that I might have made an mistake with it, as I picked the Sniper as my character. Sniping just doesn't seem to be the most viable tactic when playing alone.
  • Not in larger battles no. Also your ammo cap is very low when starting, keep a backup weapon on hand. Also game with friends. Borderlands shines with friends, not so much solo.
  • I don't have friends...
    ...who play the same games as I do, buy them at same time as I do and play them at same pace as I do.
  • Down to the last few puzzles in Pushmo. Game has come strongly recommended for a long time but I didn't pull the trigger until recent eShop sale. I've gotten way more hours out of it than I thought I would.

    Towards the end, some of the puzzles are so much of a mindfuck, that after I spent 20 min on a really complicated one, I was so in the zone that I literally forgot the unlock swipe code on my Android phone. I had to log in w/ password and remove it. I still don't know what it was. I may be having an aneurysm.
  • Bought Spelunky during the Steam Sale. Heard lots of good things about it beforehand and I like Rogue-likes a lot. The game is a lot of fun, but damn, is it ever hard as fuck.
  • Matt said:

    Down to the last few puzzles in Pushmo. Game has come strongly recommended for a long time but I didn't pull the trigger until recent eShop sale. I've gotten way more hours out of it than I thought I would.

    Towards the end, some of the puzzles are so much of a mindfuck, that after I spent 20 min on a really complicated one, I was so in the zone that I literally forgot the unlock swipe code on my Android phone. I had to log in w/ password and remove it. I still don't know what it was. I may be having an aneurysm.

    This game has its hooks in me as well. I didn't really know much about it until people rekindled their praise with the release of Pushmo World. I think I have 4 puzzle sets left now. The animal puzzles always seemed like they were gonna be tough but then you realize half the blocks don't even need to be moved to make your way up. I picked up Pushmo World too but haven't started it yet. They had the QR code sharing on 3DS but they are hosting levels for World so it seems easier to check out some of the user content. There's some decent looking levels people added.
  • Ruffas said:

    The first chapter of Mother 3 is super sad.

  • I picked up Prison Architect in the Steam Summer Sale and ended up having it chosen by my instructor for the "Intro to Video Game Design" class I'm taking as an elective for my degree as the game I'm supposed to review for our first review assignment. I'm liking it so far, but dang if that intro tutorial doesn't get really dark, really quick.
  • Getting back into Payday 2 now that I have people to play with. I bought the DLC with Gus in it too.
  • Picked that up too. It's amazing how quickly one can get to level 35 with a few friends and free hours.
  • Greg and I played Civ on a team together. Inexplicably, whenever my workers were on auto, they would cross the large sea between our lands end up somewhere on his continent. I lost them many times, just unable to find them on the map.
  • I play all the games. (I kinda have to, like even bad ones)

    Most recently I'm going through the xcom series. I'm prolly not gonna complete all the games but let's just say xcom interceptor stands out as a pretty good 'weird sequel'
  • Pegu said:

    Greg and I played Civ on a team together. Inexplicably, whenever my workers were on auto, they would cross the large sea between our lands end up somewhere on his continent. I lost them many times, just unable to find them on the map.

    If you have nothing for them to do in your area or there are higher priority things to do else where, the unit assumes Greg's cities are just like yours and travels to them blindly.

    The only reason I found this was when I made an early outpost city on another continent and found 3 workers trying to cross the ocean full of enemy ships.
  • Pegu said:

    Greg and I played Civ on a team together. Inexplicably, whenever my workers were on auto, they would cross the large sea between our lands end up somewhere on his continent. I lost them many times, just unable to find them on the map.

    I have always had problems with setting workers to auto.
  • I've been playing Wolfenstein - The New Order

    It is so fun, I'd honestly forgotten that single player FPS games could be so fun.

    It's like playing an action movie (with appropriate plot and characters, I would say the acting is superior to most Hollywood films).

    The id5 engine is also freaking amazing, it scales quite well if you meet the minimum requirements without sacrificing frame rate. Having said that it's the first game that checked to make sure I had the newest graphics drivers installed. The reason that I feel this engine and game is developed better than other is that they didn't accept any money from AMD or nVidia to build in unnecessary tessellation (i.e. nVidia with the Batman's cape in the Batman games or in Crysis 2 or 3 tessellating everything under water which can't be seen).

    You can even play regular old 2d Wolfenstein in it as a mini-game.

    It has re-playability as there are decisions which change the story arc and game play.

    If you enjoyed the old Doom and Quake games then there is also some nostalgia here.

    I would recommend you wait till it goes on sale again.
  • Had some people over, but instead of playing 4-player stuff, we wound up mostly fucking around with Steam games and passing the controller.

    - Goat Simulator was a crowd pleaser, although about an hour in, nobody could figure out how to balance on two hooves for long enough to advance the missions. Apparently it is much easier with controller, but latest patch broke controller support, so we were using keyboard and mouse.
    - Co-op Octodad was a fucking riot. We did two players, splitting control of left/right sides, but you could do 4 players and assign control of each limb.
    - Did some pass-the-controller on Trials Evolution. First pain in the ass was the 10 minute first launch process. I'd never played an Ubisoft PC game so I needed 3 different uplay patches after that shit installed. Then, the framerate was still choppy after cranking the settings all the way down. 5-year-old budget HTPC showing its age, but seriously, that's why I love indie games that don't push the hardware. Even 3D stuff like the first two games we played gave zero issues. Trials is still fun though.
  • Risk of Rain is ridiculously hard, but tons of fun.
  • But it's numbers hard, not ability hard.
    The co-op is fantastic, though.
  • edited July 2014
    Beat Shovel Knight over 2 days. Took me 5hrs 15min to do a 66% complete run. Surprised I missed that much as I was very thorough in beating every side-stage except one (don't have the relic needed, because I am missing 3 total relics).

    Edit: Oh, and the point of this post is that the game is AMAZING.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • What are you basing the percentage for? If you are looking at the one in feats/achievements, remember that all of them are not meant to be done in one playthrough and some can't be done in one playthrough. I seem to be missing only 13 songs and all of the useless armors, as golden one is only one for me.

    And yes, the game is great.
  • I have no idea. They gave me a percentage as part of the ending credits. I assume it is BS stuff like buying those other swords/armors or maybe the achievements.
  • Playing a lot of Shovel Knight, That last part of the air ship level is a pain in my neck, I've been cursing at it a lot.

    Also playing Planetside 2 (still), Watch_Dogs, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, 140 and Antichamber.
  • Started State of Decay: Lifeline this weekend. It starts out easy but each successive zombie wave on your base gets harder.

    Also AI NPCs still suck. They will sit there and watch you get mauled while doing nothing to help you. My guess is that they are designed to get their cue from you and if you are not actively attacking they do not attack. This is probably by design so that NPCs do not start fights you want to avoid.
  • edited July 2014
    Far Cry 3 has a great sense of humor hidden in the game almanac.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Cremlian said:

    Playing a lot of Shovel Knight, That last part of the air ship level is a pain in my neck, I've been cursing at it a lot.

    Also playing Planetside 2 (still), Watch_Dogs, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, 140 and Antichamber.

    The ending credits also told me that I died 98 times throughout the game. I've seen reviews make key mention that this is a *hard game* but at no point did I ever get to the point of rage-cursing. It felt like a sweet spot of difficulty where a sticky point might kill me 3-5 times, but I remained confident I could work it out, and always did.

    Certain areas have the aura of NES difficulty, but with unlimited lives, a liberal amount of checkpoints, and some damn powerful items, the game never feels impossible. If the airship platforming is a bitch, maybe bust out that phase item and just keep jamming on it to prevent knockback?
  • I've had every little trouble with the game, just that last section of the airship level. is about one screen too long before you get to the checkpoint. Otherwise the game does a really good job of preparing you for the next screen, anytime there is a new concept it does a good job of giving you an easy intro and then a room that uses that concept more difficultly.

    I could use the phase item but I feel like I am cheating using it all the time :-p
  • Juggling between Shovel Knight, BG2, FF XIV, and Payday right now. Finally finished Wind Waker last night. They made the stupid Triforce hunt a bit easier. At least easy enough for me to not just stop playing again. They just replaced most of the chart locations with the shard itself which means that you don't need to go to Tingle to get his dumb ass to decipher a bunch of charts to go find the shards. You just get them. Shovel Knight is pretty great but I'm having the issue of trying to get a lot of loot and not lose it so I'm dying a lot trying to salvage all my loot and get the chests etc. It's pretty great but sometimes a bit frustrating. Getting back into Payday it's a lot easier than launch now to level up since there are a lot more high level people. You can sorta power level your way through now. I got like 5 levels playing for a couple hours last night.
  • Don't forget you can use the fishing rod to snatch some of your dropped loot if it's in a hard-to-reach spot.
  • ... I did not know that. That would have been pretty handy in a couple situations.

    I mean it generally comes down to either failing a couple times to get the loot back then succeeding or accidentally falling down a hole or hitting some spikes on the way to get the loot. Then I just grab the next set and move on.
  • I def lost my fair share of loot along the way, but it was generally never a problem. The only time it bit me was when I went into the propeller level a bit too light after buying upgrades, then did not have the $3k on hand when I found the special item shop guy. That meant I couldn't get the item necessary to fly and beat that one side stage.
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