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  • Matt said:

    Yeah, showing the split screen on the Gamepad is a bizarre choice.

    You know, I actually loved this feature! I have played Mario Kart 8 a multitude of times in bed with the SO, using the Gamepad Split-Screen feature. It has been really convenient for that functionality.
  • They actually already did a Pokemon Rumble U game that had NFC-enabled Pokemon figures. As far as I know, the game was pretty stupid, they only made 6 figures, and only sold them at Gamestop. And nobody has ever heard of it.

    I am not looking forward to them continuing down the Skylanders/Infinity path. Guess we'll know what their plans are in about an hour.

    And Rym, yes the Gamepad is an underpowered joke. I personally get a lot of use out of the screen, since I have grown to prefer keeping the TV off and just using the Gamepad screen, but that in no way justifies the added cost to the console.

    Desperate Nintendo is best Nintendo, so this is the year they should be announcing their awesome comeback plan, but I just don't see it happening. All I see is a continued trickle of solid B/B+ games, that I'll continue to enjoy. But outside of that, I will make some predictions:

    - Smash Bros will take the torch from Melee and actually be a great game. Nintendo went from treating the competitive community like shit, to inviting them to e3 and giving their most critical customers the first crack at playing Smash, with rather extensive hands-on time. That's cocky, and hopefully they back up said cockiness with a good game.
    - Second Gamepad support, w/ some new games. They may need to put private screens in the hands of multiple players in order to create some truly interesting gameplay, ala Diamond Trust of London. The problem is that the gamepad/TV combo doesn't do anything gameplay-wise that a DS/3DS couldn't have already done. It's not a novel concept at all.

  • Currently playing: Picross e4
  • What's your in-game name?

  • Finished getting golds on all the 150cc cups in MK8. It unlocked mirror mode, but I'm gonna take a break from the game. Will come back to play those, and maybe see how high I can push my online ranking (I was doing pretty well in the few matches I played).

    New jam is Pushmo on 3DS, since it was on sale and has been on my list for a long time.
  • Yeah I started playing Pushmo too and its awesome. Should have known about it earlier I guess.
  • Matt said:

    Finished getting golds on all the 150cc cups in MK8. It unlocked mirror mode, but I'm gonna take a break from the game. Will come back to play those, and maybe see how high I can push my online ranking (I was doing pretty well in the few matches I played).

    Do you know if coins from online contribute to unlocking content? It seemed like when there was three of us playing when I first got the game we were unlocking a lot of stuff. Then a friend and I were playing last night online and didn't unlock anything. It might just be that we've gotten into the higher tiers of unlockables but I wasn't sure and couldn't really find any reliable info online.
  • Finished Transistor and doing another play through. Will try using the limiters as a challenge.

    Just got Entwined. It seems a bit like Journey. I like the premise and the main designer being an AZN girl is a bonus.
  • MATATAT said:

    Matt said:

    Finished getting golds on all the 150cc cups in MK8. It unlocked mirror mode, but I'm gonna take a break from the game. Will come back to play those, and maybe see how high I can push my online ranking (I was doing pretty well in the few matches I played).

    Do you know if coins from online contribute to unlocking content? It seemed like when there was three of us playing when I first got the game we were unlocking a lot of stuff. Then a friend and I were playing last night online and didn't unlock anything. It might just be that we've gotten into the higher tiers of unlockables but I wasn't sure and couldn't really find any reliable info online.
    Don't know for sure. I've only sat down to play online twice, and haven't noticed anything. I cared about unlocking all of the characters, but I give almost zero shits about unlocking the many kart customization stuff. We are also in the higher tiers (around 1400 coins), so the unlocks are spaced out far enough that I wouldn't notice.

  • Taking some time to complete BioShock Infinite. Is there any way to see how many kills you have with each weapon aside from watching the screen popup message when you kill someone?

    I should be real close to unlocking all of the kill trophies.
  • Damn... That ending for BioShock Infinite... It all makes sense now.
  • Playing the FO:NV DLC, and started another playthrough of FO3, so that I can play that DLC.
  • I am about 20% of the way through BioShock:Infinite on 1999 mode. Yes I am using a guide (missed a few collectibles in my first play through) but aside from enemies taking more hits to kill gameplay is not that much harder yet...

    There is a $100 cost of in game money when you respawn OR you can restart the checkpoint. Depending on how far you are from the checkpoint will influence your choice.

    I have reloaded checkpoints a few times when I messed up a battle really bad but otherwise I have paid the $100 twice. First time was a noob mistake on my part and the second was a case of a checkpoint being ten minutes of gameplay behind me.

    What I will say is that 1999 mode should not be your first play through. Not because of difficulty but because of the loss of the navigation system.
  • edited June 2014
    HMTKSteve said:

    What I will say is that 1999 mode should not be your first play through. Not because of difficulty but because of the loss of the navigation system.

    I thought 1999 mode was a lot of fun, only other "unlock harder mode" games I've played through are the Max Payne series where you have to do each level in under a minute.

    Edit: I guess various XCOM too but since its not action oriented and more strategy I failed to include it initially.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • It has been fun. Unlike Call of Duty 2 where the hardest level was like playing Pacman. I completed that game on Veteran but there were several rage quit moments.

    You had to memorize the enemy patterns and get all your moves exact because the enemy AI was a master of headshots. It was also predictable, hence the pacman reference.

    However the navigation arrow helped a lot on my first play through because there were a few areas that I wanted to fully explore before advancing the story. There are a few "one way doors" in the game that are not confirmation based transitions points. The arrow helped tell me where not to go just yet.
  • Just nailed the Platinum trophy for BioShock: Infinite. 1999 mode was not as hard as I expected. There were many exploits to overcome the tougher enemies.

    A few times I trapped Handymen in areas where they just stood still. Not sure how that happened but even I mobile they take a lot of hits to kill.

    The trick with Lady Comstock is to use Shock Jockey on her minions. Do that and they can't come back. Then just sit back and learn her preset movement paths and pick her off from a safe distance.

    I think Patriots gave me the most trouble.
  • Shovel Knight is pretty fun!
  • I'm gonna start shoveling real soon.
  • I too have been replaying Bioshock but I'm stuck on the Clash in the Clouds and will likely start Burial at Sea soon.

    Fun scoring system and waves which show you what optimal strategies are.

    More surprisingly, as all the AMD optimisations have been implemented into the drivers, I can play the game at double the frame rate using half the video card resources (when compared to release).
    HMTKSteve said:

    A few times I trapped Handymen in areas where they just stood still. Not sure how that happened but even I mobile they take a lot of hits to kill.

    The trick with Lady Comstock is to use Shock Jockey on her minions. Do that and they can't come back. Then just sit back and learn her preset movement paths and pick her off from a safe distance.

    It doesn't take too long to kill Handymen if it's just "Heart Shots" but it's getting those shots which are most difficult. Wish I could get them to glitch, another easy way is to get the Undertow Vigour if you have a lot of salt to grab a hold of the Handymen and get a few heart shots off.

    With Comstock just make sure to destroy the bodies of the minions so they can't be revived, as you said Shock works well, as does Devil's Kiss or either of these combined with a Murder of Crows does lots of AOE damage and destroys the bodies.
  • Got my Shovel Knight code on Steam. Now I kinda wish I had got it on 3DS instead. Hmmm, maybe I should sell it and upgrade.
  • My big problem with Sleeping Dogs is that there's no reason to do the side missions. In every other open world game I've played, there's some mechanic that makes you want to do the side missions, because they alter the gameplay in some positive way. With this, there's just no reason to do any of it.
  • edited June 2014
    Do things because you enjoy them. If you enjoy them. If not, well, don't.

    Also, I'm playing FTL again post patch. I cleared the game once on Hard, and have since then switched to easy so I can speed through acquiring all the ships. With the new patch, it's way easier. Even if you can't find an event, you can get a ship by finishing the game with different ships in order.

    That said... I'm kind of eager to try cloaked ship v3 when I get that unlocked.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I totally forgot I selected to get Shovel Knight on 3DS. I can't connect to hotel wifi. I will more than likely end up getting it on Steam and playing it mostly there.

    However as for myself:

    iOS: Kingdom Rush - Frontiers
    PS4: Flower, Transistor (2nd playthrough)
  • Hey Ro, want to trade?
  • Sure. We can do that.
  • Sweet. Twitter DM'ed you the Steam code
  • And I just sent it back!
  • Shovel Knight is pretty great. Got it on Steam. Would've liked it on 3DS too, but it's nice to have it on a big screen.
  • Do things because you enjoy them. If you enjoy them. If not, well, don't.

    I mean, as a player I understand that and I do the sidequests, but it feels like I'm not rewarded for them like I am for the plot missions, which dampers the fun.
  • There's almost never a reason to do side missions.
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