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  • I don't usually play open world games, so I wouldn't know the standard, but both InFamous and Saints Row 3 had territory control mechanics attached to their side missions. They could have special equipment that you get from side quests. A little bit of effort for something like that would go a long way.
  • You know what would be awesome? If Nintendo did cross buy like Sony. I would buy shovel knight to play on Wii U and 3DS.

    Then again there are a lot of things that would be awesome if Nintendo did them but they don't do any of them.
  • I've gotten way more time out of Mario Kart 8 than I had expected to. I bought it because there was a solid promo deal, and I'm in a position where I get good use out of local multiplayer games. What I didn't expect was to have it calling my name for single-player online matches night after night.

    It's just so damn convenient. You boot the Wii U up directly into MK8 and in less than a minute you're in a 12-player online match, and 3 laps goes by so fast that it's too easy to say "just one more." I was almost done with it, but then once I passed a certain # in the rankings (1500), it started only pairing me up with higher-rated opponents. The desire to beat 11 people that were all supposedly better than me was too much to pass up.
  • Yeah there's a point where people actually become competent and you have to fight a bit to get into the top 3.
  • Games? What are games? I haven't played one in months (yay fatherhood). :P
  • You''re playing the game of fatherhood.

  • So how many points do I get for changing a poopy diaper? :P
  • ... consult the rulebook...
  • edited June 2014
    My brother has set up the N64 to the big TV again so that means Mario Tennis has hit in full force. I have retained my rightful place as champion in the house and will take on all contenders.
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • Jordan O. said:

    My brother has set up the N64 to the big TV again so that means Mario Tennis has hit in full force. I have retained my rightful place as champion in the house and will take on all contenders.

    N64 Mario Tennis is good, but it's not as good as GameCube Mario Tennis.

    I'll destroy you with Boo on either version.
  • Many have tried Scott, and many have fallen.
  • Jordan O. said:

    Many have tried Scott, and many have fallen.

    I am able to say the same. Do you also have a doubles partner? Team Scott is even more unbeatable than just Scott, in the same way that some infinities are larger than others.
  • Sort of but they synergy of Brothers Olsen is not nearly as powerful as just me flying solo.
  • Though when Team Scott does start failing the banter is pretty funny.
  • Neither are as good as Virtual Boy Mario Tennis.
  • edited June 2014
    So... I picked up Payday 2 and I looked for some easy missions to get the feel of the game and the easiest setting appears to be normal, which is fine.

    I go in with a couple of AI team members and the first mission I tried was the armored car heist. First off all of my weapons seem to suck balls. The first wave of cops is fairly easy to take out but the second wave is armored SWAT and snipers. The red lines from the snipers helps locate them but otherwise the SWAT guys are just all over the place. On my second attempt I manged to complete the mission but what didn't make sense was that I had to rob the truck twice. I cleaned out two lockers full of cash so I though that counted as the two valuables it wanted. I almost failed the mission because I didn't know I had to go back and load another bag.

    Second time I did a small bank heist and I was supposed to locate two cards to quickly open the vault with a tip to check the cars. I checked every car in the game area and with the exception of a truck that had something on the bed the game gave me no visual clue for the keycards. Any time I hit a button the game would say I couldn't do anything because I was in casing mode. So I went into the bank to knock out the sole guard figuring their were back offices that I could search. I approached the guard from behind but I had to put my mask on to do anything. As soon as I hit the button to put my mask on I was cuffed!!! After that the option to use keycards was removed and I had to use the drill instead. WTF???

    I have enough money to buy some better weapons but if you fail the mission your better guns get confiscated so... Not going to risk it yet.

    Is this game only playable with friends and/or people who already know how each mission plays out? I feel like there should be a tutorial or something.

    EDIT: There was also a list of assets at the beginning of the mission but no description of what they do or how much they cost or anything until after you click on them. I looked them up on the wiki after the fact but it would have been nice for the game to let me know what they were ahead of time.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • You happen to have picked two of the harder missions two start with. Note how the missions have numbers of stars for difficulty ratings, and start on easier ones.

    Also, play online multiplayer. A surprising fraction of the community isn't shit, but a lot of the missions (like the bank one you tried) are practically impossible to do solo, and the AI, well, kinda blows.
  • Also, play online multiplayer. A surprising fraction of the community isn't shit, but a lot of the missions (like the bank one you tried) are practically impossible to do solo, and the AI, well, kinda blows.

    I was under the assumption that to play Payday 2 online with randoms, means that you need to know what you are doing, or you get told how worthless human begin you are because you fail at video game.

  • I was on a roundtrip flight earlier this month, so I finally played FTL.

    Now I'm really into it.

    Haven't beaten Easy yet, but I've gotten to the flagship and am slowing improving.
  • Apsup said:

    Also, play online multiplayer. A surprising fraction of the community isn't shit, but a lot of the missions (like the bank one you tried) are practically impossible to do solo, and the AI, well, kinda blows.

    I was under the assumption that to play Payday 2 online with randoms, means that you need to know what you are doing, or you get told how worthless human begin you are because you fail at video game.
    Most of the time I haven't found that to be the case, at least as long as you don't try to jump to the hardest difficulty immediately. Telling your group you haven't done a mission before will usually get someone experienced to give you tips.
  • Communication is lubrication for smooth heists. But not the drill, that thing never works right.
  • My own!


    Due to health and ammo drops not being in this build, I have yet to beat a whole level. I keep getting my face stove in by shield bashes or unexpected point-blank shotgun blasts.
  • The first chapter of Mother 3 is super sad.
  • Picked up Ass Creed 2 and 3 because fuck it yolo. I hate how long these games take to get to the open world aspects, I hate how the Desmond plot exists, and I hate the shitty controller controls in 2. That being said, I'll try to push through the the game part of the game, though possibly only in 3, because I have huge nostalgia for the American Revolution.
  • 3 is much worse than 2. So much worse. It ruins that time period. A lot.
  • 2s pretty good. 2-1 is also somewhat decent. Numerous people have said just skip 2-2.
  • 2-1 is Brotherhood. I like it better than 2 just because Rome is the best city.
  • I really want a giant robo v. kaiju MOBA.
  • Bioshock Infinite's Burial at Sea expansion.

    Episode 1 is trash, great new environment is introduced but there are so many bugs and not all that much happens, game play is not interesting at all.

    Episode 2 however is amazing, has the environment and is tying all the Bioshock stories together (ok this started in episode 1 but that was the best part).
    In addition you are all but forced to play in complete stealth and it is super refreshing to play in this manner. I got all 3 DLC items at a stupid low price so I would only recommend them at around $10 or less.

    Civilization Beyond Earth and Evolve are available for pre-order already.
  • Evolve does look pretty neat.
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