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  • any one like the look of Aliens Vs Predator?
  • But then I hit the Rio de Janeiro level and got incredibly frustrated again with more crappy game design. I kind of knew it was coming since that level was the biggest complaint when it came out.
    Suddenly, infinite respawn enemies who attack from behind you.
  • But then I hit the Rio de Janeiro level and got incredibly frustrated again with more crappy game design. I kind of knew it was coming since that level was the biggest complaint when it came out.
    Suddenly, infinite respawn enemies who attack from behind you.
    Behind AND above. With machine guns. At sniper rifle range. Somehow they just keep hitting you anyway.
  • edited February 2010
    Behind AND above. With machine guns. At sniper rifle range. Somehow they just keep hitting you anyway.
    Apparently all enemies in MW2 are Golgo 13. I thought we were done with that after Goldeneye's 00 Agent mode.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Finished New Super Mario Bros. DS today. Yea, I know it's old but I just got it about a week ago.
  • Apparently all enemies in MW2 are Golgo 13. I thought we were done with that after Goldeneye's 00 Agent mode.
  • ...
    Yeah, yeah. But I don't play many first person shooters anyway, so I don't go out of my way to find out how many games on the market suffer from Togo Syndrome. It probably is a great many, but having played Goldeneye, I make it a point to not waste my time on games like that.
  • Yeah, yeah. But I don't play many first person shooters anyway, so I don't go out of my way to find out how many games on the market suffer from Togo Syndrome. It probably is a great many, but having played Goldeneye, I make it a point to not waste my time on games like that.
    Or you could get some skills! Oh snap!

  • edited February 2010
    I finished Spirit Tracks today.
    Things it does better than Phantom Hourglass:
    • Driving the train is somewhat more fun than the boat.
    • You don't have to repeat entire sections of the hub dungeon.
    Things that suck about it:
    • Controlling Zelda tends to be frustrating, especially near the end of the game.
    • Traveling is repetitive, especially when literally all of the sidequests are "transport this item/person from Location A to Location B."
    • You can't warp unless you unlock one of the teleporting gates, and then you can only warp to the gate it connects to, which means that you often have to go out of your way to get to a gate, just to warp to a place you didn't want to go to. More often than not it's faster to ignore the gates altogether. The slate thing in Phantom Hourglass was far less annoying to deal with.
    • Almost all of the bosses were obnoxious and not fun, which is mostly due to the touch screen controls. The only bosses I didn't completely hate fighting were the first dungeon boss, the fourth dungeon boss and the main villain's right-hand man.
    • None of the characters were as cool as Linebeck from Phantom Hourglass, with the exception of the main villain's right-hand man, but he wasn't in the plot very much so he doesn't count.
    On the whole I think I liked Phantom Hourglass better.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • are there any good amine games to play?
  • edited February 2010
    None of the characters were as cool as Linebeck from Phantom Hourglass, with the exception of the main villain's right-hand man, but he wasn't in the plot very much so he doesn't count.
    The main villain did rock the double top hat, though, that definitely gives him awesome points.
    are there any good anime games to play?
    Jump Super/Ultimate Stars for the DS, but it's import only and you are definitely going to need a translation guide to play.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited February 2010
    Edited for double-post.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • are there any good amine games to play?
    </biology joke>
  • I guess Cole was all right, but he had the same problem that Byrne had in that he wasn't in the plot much. He showed up at the beginning, was all "BLAH I'M EVIL!" and then disappeared until 3/4ths of the game was over, after which he disappeared again until the very end. Though I guess he does have an advantage over Phantom Hourglass's main villain in that he was around since the beginning, while Phantom Hourglass's villain was just a generic "oh no this evil is going to get unsealed!" type of thing.
  • edited February 2010
    @Scott: Scott, vidjagaem skills aren't something you get overnight. If you try drawing a picture and then have Emily or Cat draw the same thing you'd understand how most people view playing the kind of things we play. It takes a lot of time to learn, and, as you grow older, you have less and less time to devote to learning skills from scratch.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • @Scott: Scott, vidjagaem skills aren't something you get overnight. If you try drawing a picture and then have Emily or Cat draw the same thing you'd understand how most people view playing the kind of things we play. It takes a lot of time to learn, and, as you grow older, you have less and less time to devote to learning skills from scratch.
    Sounds like you also need to get some skeeeelz! Maybe also grab some peelz!
  • edited February 2010
    Whachoo talkin' about fool? I play NS with the best of them.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • is the dragon ball z game for ps3 any good?
  • Which one? There is Burst Limit and Raging Blast. I have played Burst Limit (on the 360 though,) and it plays like the DBZ Budokai series on the PS2, which I loved. However, I was very indifferent to Burst Limit since it felt like the game as a whole was a taking a step back from DBZ Budokai 3. Fewer characters, fewer moves, an unimpressive single player mode that treads over the same DBZ story line that I had played several times over by that point. The graphics, though, are beautiful. There's a demo out for both games, I'd suggest downloading them and trying them out for yourself. For me, Burst Limit was definitely only a rental.
  • edited February 2010
    More Neotokyo news: Headshot multipliers = Ridiculous and random.
    Going to reinstall Tribes 2 and go back to that for the meantime.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Anyone else playing the BF:BC2 beta? I'm liking the more wide open feel. MW2 was getting tedious, and I can see myself going back and forth between the two.
  • edited February 2010
    Or you could get some skills! Oh snap!

    It's true, I lack the FPS skills. With the new PC next week, I'm going to start working on my skill acquisition so I can hold my own in some intense NS2 action.

    Maybe I'll learn to snipe with an M16.
    That was awesome.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • is the akira game for ps2 any good?
  • Nooo!! TribesNext no worky on Win7-64..
  • Nooo!! TribesNext no worky on Win7-64..
    Run in XP mode?
  • BioShock 2 is awesome, but I haven't tried the multiplayer yet.

    Also, I hope that you can eventually rivet people to walls if you upgrade the Rivet Gun enough. It would make me very happy if I could stick a guy to the wall and then light him on fire.
  • I just downloaded the most seizure inducing game earlier this week. It's an Indie Xbox game called Beat Hazard. It's one of those upload your music to the game, get a special track type games (Which I love), but DAMN is this crazy.

  • Oh, video. Good idea.

    This is the Chime game I've been playing.
  • The Game.

    I just lost.
  • I just downloaded the most seizure inducing game earlier this week. It's an Indie Xbox game called Beat Hazard. It's one of those upload your music to the game, get a special track type games (Which I love), but DAMN is this crazy.
    That game reminds me of Geometry Wars, except with more realistic graphics.
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