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Games You are Currently Playing



  • edited March 2010
    Still playing -

    Left 4 Dead 2
    Amazingly fun when playing with humans instead of bots, occasional fools get booted but I try and play through with my brother so there's at least one person I can rely on. Only game which actually forces me and wants me to get the entire team across the line (he says after finishing Swamp Fever killing 2 tanks on his own and running to the boat while the rest of the team got killed).

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
    Very short easy single player, even on Veteran however the game teaches you to cover your flank incredibly well, pretty graphics too.
    Multiplayer - mixed emotions especially with grenade launchers on most assault rifles being used as primary weapons by most people online rather than bullets. Weapon limitations and ranking stuff is not really required especially when a level one "noob" can beat level 60 and 70 players convincingly. Pretty much your every day FPS game multiplayer, nothing special. Got hyped into buying it.
    Weapon unlocking is highly annoying especially when the majority of weapons are fairly on par and as stated above often rank differences don't mean squat apart from the time spent playing the game.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Heavy Rain lets you use itand thenflush it.
    What if I don't want to flush it? Will my poop persist?
    I would assume so? You definitely don't have to flush it if you don't want to.
  • At the moment I have started playing Hearts of Iron 2 again. I'm destroying South American as the Brazil, just annexed Argentina. Starting to get a hang of it, I can now get 2 armed forces (army and air force) to work together. Maybe it's time to step up and try out one of the major powers after this game.

    However tomorrow I will be playing Bad Company 2. Best multiplayer shooter on the 360.
  • I just got around to getting the Knox DLC for Borderlands and this shit is whacked. If I play it on Passthrough 1 it is a total cake walk. If I play on Passthrough 2 it is a blood bath.

    I'm also about to re-purpose an Opteron server into a gaming rig but I need a good video card to shove in there (HDMI out). Any suggestions in the sub $200 range?
  • I recently purchased three games for my DS and have been playing them during my commute to and from work. Apollo Justice, Trauma Center 2, and World Series of Poker 2008 the Official Video Game Battle for the Bracelets. Yes that is the full title of that last one.
  • Finished playing "God of War" is it not as horrible as I thought it would be.
  • Just finished Psychonauts. Didn't have any problems using keyboard + mouse at the end.
  • At the moment I have started playing Hearts of Iron 2 again. I'm destroying South American as the Brazil, just annexed Argentina. Starting to get a hang of it, I can now get 2 armed forces (army and air force) to work together. Maybe it's time to step up and try out one of the major powers after this game.
    Love those Paradox Interactive games. I've started a game of Europa Universalis III recently as Brandenburg, beginning in 1399. I'm currently at around 1490, my dynasty has held the Holy Roman Imperium for three generations now. With that added power, I've been slowly annexing the tiny German kingdoms and duchies. Problem is, so have Burgundy (French rebels) and Austria. Individually, not a problem, I can match their troop strengths man for man and then some (one of the perks of being Emperor is that every state sends me recruits, ostensibly to defend the empire, but mostly used for conquest of the member states), but somehow when I wasn't looking, Burgundy and Austria had a royal marriage, and when the Burgundian king died, Austria became the senior partner in a personal union, meaning the king of Austria became the king of Burgundy too, kind of an über-alliance, with the real possibility that they could inherit the entire kingom at some point down the road. I'm totally fucked. It's great.
  • I just got around to getting the Knox DLC for Borderlands and this shit is whacked. If I play it on Passthrough 1 it is a total cake walk. If I play on Passthrough 2 it is a blood bath.
    I had my character up to level 50 and had to wipe my hard drive. I'm not sure I want to start over, even to play with the new DLC.
  • edited March 2010
    On CODMW2 multiplayer: It's standard multiplayer with unlocks, just like COD4. It's what you make of it really. My sister's boyfriend and I had a great time a few weeks ago running around with riot shields, double-teaming people, and beating them to a pulp.

    Also: A neat type of tower-defense-ish game called Toy Soldiers just came out on Xbox Live Arcade. It looks promising after trying the demo out.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    I finally finished Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden!! That was a really, really good JRPG. The thing that I enjoyed the most was the second-to-last boss fight. The setting, the music that plays, but more importantly whom you were fighting: it was epic in a way that I've never seen before. When's the sequel happening though as it's Part 1 of the Hoopz Saga...
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden!!
    Hahaha, I just looked this up.
  • Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden!!
    Hahaha, I just looked this up.
    Play it! It's really, really great. Listen to the Dave and Joel episode if you need further proof.
  • Just picked up Brave Story: New Traveler. Despite the character designs looking like Nomura's wastebasket, it's a pretty decent JRPG so far.
  • Played some Modern Warfare 2 online for the first time tonight. I held my own, mostly, and even actually managed to turn the tables in one match, and make the winning kill on the other(Admittedly, with the noobtube, but I'll take what I can get) - mighty proud, despite that I came into it at level one, and it looked something like this -
    Finding games...
    49 games found...
    Matching you with a game at your level...
    So, you're level one? Here, there's another low level guy in this game. Maybe you two can be friends among the seven to ten level seventy players you'll be playing against. Have Fun!
  • edited March 2010
    I tried playing L4D1 on the Xbox online, which was a highly entertaining mistake.
    Two of my other team mates had the same name (One had a 1 on the end.) and, in No Mercy, we got as far as the gatling gun room when one of them hit the open switch before anyone had a chance to heal. As this was normal difficulty, we all made it ok. Once the hoard had cleared, they proceeded to kill the AI player. I got huntered in the safe room, and one just walked past, ignoring me but was subsequently smoked and after some other shenanigans, the round was restarted.

    They eventually turned on me, and, being two of them, I had to pretty much run, eventually ran into a witch due to having to avoid my treacherous team mates and they just finished me off. Well, I sat around to see how just two of them would fair (They'd already killed the AI again.) when I got my chance at sweet revenge.

    They were under heavy hoard attack, having been vomited on, were down to pistols, and one of them came to let me out so I could assist but instead, I knocked them both down with my shotgun while they were under zombie attack. Once they'd cleared the zombies with pistols, I just wandered off to find a health pack and then decided to wander on.

    The punks eventually kicked me but, I think it's safe to say.. they were.. left for dead.


    I am now playing the exciting game of "Try to write a blog post while defending your cursor from a small kitten.".
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I played Battlefield 2 last night, and as it "just fucking worked" without two hours of installing and setup beforehand I had infinitely more fun than last time. Still not as good as NS, but some friends and I form a unit, and we chat on skype rather than the in-game voice chat, and there's a lot of cool action. No matter what you say, driving and riding and shooting from a single buggy at high speeds makes for good times.
  • I played Battlefield 2 last night, and as it "just fucking worked" without two hours of installing and setup beforehand I had infinitely more fun than last time. Still not as good as NS, but some friends and I form a unit, and we chat on skype rather than the in-game voice chat, and there's a lot of cool action. No matter what you say, driving and riding and shooting from a single buggy at high speeds makes for good times.
    You should play Bad Company 2. It's like BF2 but you can blow up the entire fucking map.
  • Final Fantasy XIII. The new battle system is really cool, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
  • Played through single player modern warfare 2, thoroughly unimpressed in comparison to the hype it got. I found the story to be OK, but absurd in enough ways to make it hard to get into. Not having played the previous one probably didn't help in that. Overall a decent game, but not worth the hype it got. I like the special ops more than the story, haven't tried multiplayer probably won't considering both me and what I've heard of it.
    Also got through the Batman game, liked it more. My only complaint is it didn't quite leave me satisfied at the end, not sure why.
    Currently playing Commander Keen 4, and AoE2. Kind of looking for something to play that I already own or is free, and will keep me entertained through spring break here.
  • Periodically playing through Dragon Age: Origins and just finished story portion of The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom. Winterbottom was a fun light puzzle game but not fully satisfying unlike the story sections of World of Goo or Braid were for me. I have not completed the extra bonus levels that seem to offer tougher challenges.

    I have to many games in my backlog that I need to get to before picking up more titles even though that has never stopped me before.
  • After aquiring it through less than savory methods, I've beaten Need For Speed Carbon at least twice in the past year. However, I think I might have to buy the collectors edition because I jost found out that the AE86 is only available after playing online with the collectors edition.
  • I will soon be playing the new Pokemon and Metro. Picking them up Sunday morning so I will probably not leave my couch for a good 24 hours.
  • Been playing some ODST on Live with my girlfriend. She's pretty awesome at it, I gotta say.
  • Picked up a copy of Fallout 3 from Goozex trading. I haven't gotten very far. Graphics are nice and the combat is interesting enough. Talking to people is overly cumbersome for me personally. Maybe I just don't have the patience to wade through all of it. I might just use a faq so I can avoid all that.
  • Picked up a copy of Fallout 3 from Goozex trading. I haven't gotten very far. Graphics are nice and the combat is interesting enough. Talking to people is overly cumbersome for me personally. Maybe I just don't have the patience to wade through all of it. I might just use a faq so I can avoid all that.
    Though I am reading through all the text, I have a friend who basically powered through the game fast tracking through nearly all text and just following the little blinking light on the map. You can defiantly go through the game while paying minimum attention to what the NPC's say and referencing your quest log if you miss anything. He also didn't hack a single computer (except for when required at the beginning) and picked very few locks. As far as I can tell he still got to see 95% of the content of the game. What he missed was little side stories sometimes held on PC's that don't make or break anything. So really, you can just ignore those two tasks too if you find them time consuming and repetitive.
  • That's awesome I will keep that in mind.
  • edited March 2010
    As a side note to my online gaming, I'm playing a lot of nethack on my iPhone. It's surprisingly good, even though I halfway cheat, and play the semi-graphical version, because it has greater detail in it's monster representations, and I can glean more information rapidly.

    However, I gotta say, I have a lot of nethack to learn - for example, I ended a game because it was shitting me off, as I was randomly teleporting all the damn time, as a wizard. an hour after I ended that game, I was reading about some stuff to do with nethack, and found out that it wasn't a bug - as I assumed - and in fact, a specific disease within the game, teleportris caused by a few things, two of which I had done in the game, and the cure was within reach, since I had a Tengu corpse in my inventory.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Playing the APB closed beta. It's still a bit rough around the edges, as I would expect at where it is in development right now, but I definitely think it has a lot potential.
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