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Games You are Currently Playing



  • My computer is currently being repaired, so I've taken this opportunity to finally start playing Gyromancer on XBL. It reminds me of Puzzle Quest, however I need to figure out how to properly chain in that game.

    For Bowser's Inside Story, I just learned the special attack where you make Luigi fat. It's hilarious, and I actually plan on using this special attack vs. the other ones. Also: Kuribo Shoe Luigi FTW!

    I've also started playing more Carcassonne on XBL, so if you're up from some versus play, hit me up on Rosaka. I would love the challenge. ^_~
  • I tried to play Stalker (Shadows of Chernobyl) because I had heard it hyped up, and didn't really find it that enjoyable or unique. Should I try a different Stalker game?
    The game doesn't pick up until after you cross the railroad track. I've played the beginning section several times, always quitting because it was so frustrating. Once I got past that point, I found the world to be interesting enough to keep going (still haven't finished it yet). If you're at least an hour past that point, and still find it boring, then you probably won't find the rest compelling either.
  • The game doesn't pick up until after you cross the railroad track. I've played the beginning section several times, always quitting because it was so frustrating.
    Ahh. Ok, you've convinced me. I'll give it another go.
  • Catching up on my MW2 playthough on veteran. If I ever hear the word Burgertown again, I'm going to take me a trip to Stabbytown.
  • Last night an out-of-town friend of mine and his girlfriend stayed with us, and we finally got to play the Settlers Of Catan I bought a while back. My friend demolished us, because he plays a lot, and the rest of us had never played. Then we played some fucking JUNGLE SPEED.
  • Then we played some fucking JUNGLE SPEED.
    This Jungle Speed is very popular. I must procure a copy.
  • This Jungle Speed is very popular. I must procure a copy.
    It's awesome. Clip your nails, though.
  • My friend demolished us, because he plays a lot, and the rest of us had never played.
    Did he tripod, road build, or dev card? I'm a big fan of tripodding.
  • Did he tripod, road build, or dev card? I'm a big fan of tripodding.
    I don't know what the hell he did. He built a lot of roads, that's for sure.
  • He built a lot of roads, that's for sure.
    He was probably going for longest road. It's an easy way to screw everyone and net some sweet victory points.
  • About half way through Psychonauts. Enjoyable game, the style of humor and the non-platforming puzzles remind me a lot of the Humongous games I played as a kid.
  • Is there any way to get a lot of arrowheads fast in Psychonauts? I've gotten to the Milkman level but I don't have nearly enough arrowheads for the cobweb duster. I don't know what I did wrong.
  • Is there any way to get a lot of arrowheads fast in Psychonauts?
    Buy the divining rod or whatever it's called. I got enough arrowheads for the cobweb duster in about 20 minutes with that.
  • Buy the divining rod or whatever it's called.
    Wow, that was almost too easy. Thanks!
  • This Jungle Speed is very popular. I must procure a copy.
    It's awesome. Clip your nails, though.
  • JayJay
    edited February 2010
    Milkman level
    I recently beat the game and this was by far my favorite level. Not so much because of the game play but because of the hilarious things the g-men say. Favorite quotes:

    Wife G Man: "Although my husband may desire me less sexually, he will always enjoy my pies."
    Wife G Man: "Rhubarb is a controversial pie flavour."
    Sewage G Man: "Though I often smell of excrement, I deserve your respect because I provide a valuable service to the community."

    And of course from the Milkman:
    Boyd: “I am the Milkman. My milk is delicious.”
    Raz: “Hey. Is that milk the regular kind or the exploding dream kind?”
    Boyd: “It’s fortified with what the world wants. What the world deserves.”

    /end hidden text
    Post edited by Jay on
  • If anyone's in TF2 any time soon, go to Options --> Multiplayer and click on the "Advanced.." button. There's some crazy stuff in there.
  • edited February 2010
    People with Bioshock 2 for the Xbox have the opportunity to frag with Jhonen Vasquez tonight.
    Not so much because of the game play but because of the hilarious things the g-men say.
    Yeah, same. Although, everyone kept saying how twisted and creepy that level is, but I really didn't feel any of that. If anything, I'd say the theater level right after it is even more twisted.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, same. Although, everyone kept saying how twisted and creepy that level is, but I really didn't feel any of that.
    Well, it is twisted. But yeah, I completely agree -- not creepy, but hilarious. Probably the best genuine comedy I've ever seen from a video game. The whole game has some pretty good lines sprinkled throughout, really.
  • edited February 2010
    Well today, I finally got my dearest wish. It finally came true. YAY! Also
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Well, it is twisted.
    Well yeah, I just meant in the figurative sense.
  • Well yeah, I just meant in the figurative sense.
    I know, I know. :)
  • Ace Attorney Investigations is everything I could've asked for in a new Ace Attorney game, and much more. It makes up for Apollo Justice's mediocrity so, so much.
  • My copy is still on its way from Amazon.
  • edited February 2010
    Bangai-O Spirits (DS): You are a giant robot with, among other weapons, a baseball bat and a Kitano circus.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ace Attorney Investigations is everything I could've asked for in a new Ace Attorney game, and much more. It makes up for Apollo Justice's mediocrity so, so much.
    Started playing last night. It's an Ace Attorney game all right.
    Bangai-O Spirits (DS): You are a giant robot with, among other weapons, a baseball bat and a Kitano circus.
    My problem with this is that it's more of a puzzle game than a "true" shmup.

    There are really three kinds of shmups in my opinion. There's the puzzle, the memory, and the "true".

    Puzzle ones are like Bangai-O where you have to figure out some sequence in which to shoot the bad guys, or which weapons to use in order to survive. First use missles left then laser right, then fly up. It's just annoying.

    Memory is like Ikaruga. You have to memorize which bad guys come in which order in which spots, then act correctly to get the highest score. If you created a new Ikaruga level from scratch an Ikaruga master could not beat it proper-like on the first go because they would not have it memorized.

    Then there are the true, or natural shooters. There are games like Geometry Wars, Gradius (to some extent), Raiden, etc. It's true that you could memorize Gradius or Raiden, but you don't have to. If you have the reflexes and skills, you can beat it without memorizing it. Geometry wars is even better because it can't be memorized. You just play.
  • JayJay
    edited February 2010
    Started playing Fallout 3. I was worried my computer couldn't handle it at decent settings cause I have a 3 year old processor (3.2 gig dual core Athlon) and the game is supposed to be semi taxing. Boot it up, game auto detects my PC hardware, says I should be fine to play it on "High" settings. I get started and it run's just fine. Guess I can still hold of a bit before I upgrade.

    It is annoying that I can't actually find the graphic settings. The closest thing I found was to set textures to "Large, Medium, Small". I don't even know what of those settings are the high and low end of the performance spectrum. All the other settings seemed to be changing in game lighting. Hopefully the default settings they chose for me are fine the entire game through.
    Post edited by Jay on
  • I belive the correct term is "You Fail"
  • Mine is still on its way from Amazon :(
  • I almost finished Luigi's Mansion in one goddamn day.
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