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  • I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
  • I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
    I haven't played any others, so I assume you've played the SNES one? If such is the case, which girl was it.
  • I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
    I haven't played any others, so I assume you've played the SNES one? If such is the case, which girl was it.
    Ann is the farm girl in the SNES one (which I haven't played), and returns in Harvest Moon 64, which I did play. I also married the farm girl in the first Harvest Moon for the GC. In the GB games, though, there was no marriage, and it was boring.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
    I haven't played any others, so I assume you've played the SNES one? If such is the case, which girl was it.
    Annis the inventor girl in the SNES one (which I haven't played), and returns in Harvest Moon 64, which I did play. I also married the farm girl in the first Harvest Moon for the GC. In the GB games, though, there was no marriage, and it was boring.
    Even though the farming is fun (to a point however), I get the feeling that we both agree that the most rewarding and worthwhile thing in any Harvest Moon is game is romance and marriage. I really think the latter is what makes the Harvest Moon games so engaging,in-depth, and easy to connect to (especially to kids who move out); you can connect and are sympathetic to the protagonist's situation.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
    I haven't played any others, so I assume you've played the SNES one? If such is the case, which girl was it.
    Annis theinventorgirl in the SNES one (which I haven't played), and returns in Harvest Moon 64, which I did play. I also married the farm girl in the first Harvest Moon for the GC. In the GB games, though, there was no marriage, and it was boring.
    Even though the farming is fun (to a point however), I get the feeling that we both agree that the most rewarding and worthwhile thing in any Harvest Moon is game is romance and marriage. I really think the latter is what makes the Harvest Moon games so engaging,in-depth, and easy to connect to (especially to kids who move out); you can connect and are sympathetic to the protagonist's situation.
    Yeah. I for one find the farming to be repetitive, I have always been more interested in the marriages, like you said.
  • I am now stuck in Metro 2033. I just left a Metro station and took out a bunch of Nazi Rangers. They were in a building but the lower portion of the building appears to be inaccessible. I killed some guys in there through a window but I now have no idea where to go.
  • I am now stuck in Metro 2033.
    So is the game actually good?
  • I made it past the point where I was stuck (partially concealed stairs). I am now going through the Moscow Library searching for something...

    Is the game any good? I'm playing on the hardest difficulty setting and it is not that hard. I have noticed a few dumb AI issues where an enemy will not notice me even when I am running right towards them.

    The game is very linear and there are no true RPG elements (not even dialogue choices). The only choices you get to make are which enemy to target first in a room.

    Replay value is nil. I would classify this game as a rental.
  • I always married the farm girl in Harvest Moon games. The other girls were always lame.
    I haven't played any others, so I assume you've played the SNES one? If such is the case, which girl was it.
    Ann is the farm girl in the SNES one (which I haven't played), and returns in Harvest Moon 64, which I did play. I also married the farm girl in the first Harvest Moon for the GC. In the GB games, though, there was no marriage, and it was boring.
    Damn, now I have to 35 it, anyone feel like dressing up as a farmgirl?
  • I just got back into Star Chamber. Anybody ever play that? One of the most amazing games I've ever played, and hardly anybody knows about it. Partly because Sony bought it and then promptly sat on it and basically killed it :\ I'm pretty sure that's in the SOE job description.
  • So I've just played LD2 and I have to say: It takes a special quality of game to make you have crazy fun when you're repeatedly loosing.
  • Just played NS for the first time in ages. It rocks. I've fallen out of practice though, so I need to play more.
  • Heart Gold has consumed 40 hours of my life.

  • I am now playing Bad Company 2. This game is awesome!

    Unlike so many FPS games in this one you can destroy the environment.

    I completed Metro 2033 and it was way too short. You can easily beat it in under 8 hours. Story and visuals were good but not $50 good.
  • I just finished Bowser's Inside Story. I thought it wasn't bad, overall.
    I was quite scared of fighting Bowser at the end, because I'd given him ~550 defense, though. They really should've made you fight him directly after the last battle (with items unchanged) - you'd have to pick the gear carefully.
  • Just like Mr. Cheese, also just finished Bowser's Inside Story. I greatly enjoyed it. I will say that the last dungeon, as good as it was, was also incredibly long. And that final fight took the better part of an hour. But the game as a whole was refreshing compared to what I've been playing as of late (like the other game I just finished for the dozenth time, FFVII). And, IMO, this is the first Mario RPG game since the original that was actually funny (as in, the Paper Marios were not at all).

    Now, back to Heavy Rain and Eternal Darkness.
  • I am currently playing the hell out of Bad Company 2. The game is so much better than COD because it has destructible terrain. Hiding in a building? I don't think so!

    Also picked up Prototype on sale at Gamestop. Looks like a fun 'kill everything in cool ways' kind of game. I don't like the fact that hard mode is locked from the start. Why should I have to unlock a harder version of the game?

    Daughter picked up Wario DIY today. This game can be awesome but only if your friends buy it too.
  • Hmm, guess no one else has been playing games for the last week. I 100% completed Heavy Rain last night. Wanky controls and some really bad acting aside, I greatly enjoyed the whole experience. The only other negative I really had was that the game crashed more times than all the other games I've played on my PS3 combined. Just a little annoying. Still, I do want to see more games like it in the future. I've never been so tense playing a game as I was during some of the parts of Heavy Rain.
  • I predict I'm going to play a crap-ton of Sleep is Death once it comes out.
  • I predict I'm going to play a crap-ton of Sleep is Death once it comes out.
    Two days :D
  • I predict I'm going to play a crap-ton of Sleep is Death once it comes out.
    Two days :D
    FUCK, I forgot about it! Next Thursday I'll play, hopefully.
  • I've decided to start playing all the the classics that I never got to when I was young. So currently I'm playing Link to the Past, and while all of you probably know this, let me tell you that it is probably the best zelda game that I have played.
  • I've decided to start playing all the the classics that I never got to when I was young. So currently I'm playing Link to the Past, and while all of you probably know this, let me tell you that it is probably the best zelda game that I have played.
    Played Ocarina?
  • Played Ocarina?
    Ocarina of Time is not nearly as good as Link to the Past.
  • Yeah actually having challenging boss battles is pretty neat when compared to how easy they are in most other zelda games
  • Played Ocarina?
    Ocarina of Time is not nearly as good as Link to the Past.
    Not even remotely.
  • I'm playing BF:BC2 and loving every minute of it.
  • Just read on Kotaku that the purchase of Sleep Is Death comes with two downloads of the game. Did not realize this before, but that's great :D
  • edited April 2010
    Just read on Kotaku that the purchase of Sleep Is Death comes with two downloads of the game. Did not realize this before, but that's great :D
    There's also no DRM, and you get source code, and such and such.

    My plan? I'm going to start by making a bunch of legally questionable packs of sprites to use by yoinking them out of old NES and SNES games.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Just read on Kotaku that the purchase of Sleep Is Death comes with two downloads of the game. Did not realize this before, but that's great :D
    There's also no DRM, and you get source code, and such and such.
    I knew that, which makes pirating the game very easy, but that's why giving you two downloads is such a nice touch.
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