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  • @theknoxinator - I prefer to shoot things on PC's. I don't mind other genres on consoles but all things being equal, I'm buying the PC/Steam version of a game over a console, especially shooters.

    @Li_Akahi - "The 360 has a higher number of high quality exclusives" Such as? My coworkers and I determined that the only exclusive to the 360 worth getting was Halo and I'm not a huge fan of that game.
    "No it doesn't." - That's my bad. I forgot to say IMO. ;-) I happen to prefer the 360 controller but I won't argue with your opinion... =D I do also happen to have my entire house wired with CAT-5 cable. Yes, I am a tech nerd.
  • Halo
    Halo sucks. Hard.
    Such as
    I don't know, it really depends on whether you consider a game to still be an exclusive when it's ported to the PC. As for hard disc games, you have Gears of War (which is just stupidly fun, it's not exactly high art), Fable 2, and Bayonetta (it's almost unplayable on the PS3). There is a lot more when it comes to downloadable games, with games like Castle Crashers, Shadow Complex, and 'Splosion Man.
  • @theknoxinator - I prefer to shoot things on PC's. I don't mind other genres on consoles but all things being equal, I'm buying the PC/Steam version of a game over a console, especially shooters.
    Alright, so if you're more likely to buy a game on PC than console, then that automatically means that a large chunk of the games you will play on 360, you'll probably play on PC instead, since those two have the highest percentage of crossover. I think when it comes down to it, you should really evaluate what things you will want it for. Are you a big online gamer? If you, which games do you mostly play online? For most people, those are shooters, since they are highly competitive and tend to have multiplayer components, as opposed to other genres. If you're playing all of those on PC, do you really need a 360 for Xbox Live? But, at the same time, perhaps you know a lot of people who are on Xbox Live, and you'll want to play with them.

    On the other hand, maybe you just a got new HDTV, but don't have a Blu-Ray player yet. The PS3 has one. Or maybe you really enjoy buying things online with actual money instead of Microsoft "space bucks", which also is in the PS3's favor.

    In general, from a games perspective, most games are skewed to work better on the 360. The 360 also has the larger amount of games in three of the biggest categories: shooters, action, and RPG. However, if you like other categories, like platformers, or if you want to try more experimental and niche games, the PS3 tends to do better in those categories.

    Personally, I went with the PS3 because I like those niche titles, I like that Sony is more willing to experiment with their games (Microsoft would never take the risk of doing something like Heavy Rain first), I don't really play online at all, I wanted a Blu-Ray player, and I didn't want to have a console that RRODed every six months.
  • I just installed Total Annihilation for the nth time in the last decade. Robo-war, gooooooo!
  • I just installed Total Annihilation for the nthtime in the last decade. Robo-war, gooooooo!
    I want that game so badly. T_T
  • I just installed Total Annihilation for the nthtime in the last decade. Robo-war, gooooooo!
    I want that game so badly. T_T
  • I cannot torrent here. It sucks.
  • I cannot torrent here. It sucks.
    Ta-da... again.
  • You are the man.
  • No, you're a Nonman.
  • No, you're a Nonman.
    I take offense.
  • I cannot torrent here. It sucks.
    Ta-da... again.
    Quasi-legal ta-da.
  • theknoxinator - A well thought out post. I'm not a competitive video gamer, preferring instead the more solitary experience. My social gaming comes from the board games I play. While I don't have a HDTV, I do have a HD monitor in my room which is just a nice so the blu-ray player will be a boon, although I honestly don't see myself buying many blu-rays but it opens the chance of getting them as gifts. I actually had an XBox 360 that lasted about 4 years with a smal library of games to go with it but I think I'm ready for a new console experience. PS3, it be!
  • On the other hand, maybe you just a got new HDTV, but don't have a Blu-Ray player yet. The PS3 has one.
    Blue Ray is not the future. It's an interim technology that will be obviated by digital distribution among all but the "videophiles" with rapidity.
    Or maybe you really enjoy buying things online with actual money instead of Microsoft "space bucks", which also is in the PS3's favor.

    You make valid points, but these two are the weakest by far.
  • @Rym - For video technology, I deliberately try to stay about 2-3 years behind the cutting edge. Mainly because I'm a cheap bastard but also because I hate feeling burned when adopt something early and then see prices plummet within 6 months. This EXACT thing happened when I bought my generation 4 iPod, only to have the color/video version launch under 3 months after my purchase. Must...........resist..............iPad.......Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
  • Speaking of the iPad, I think I'll wait on the Google Tablet (or any other tablet other than the iPad). But I hope by that time they aren't bullshitting and get a good UI to go with it.
  • Speaking of the iPad, I think I'll wait on the Google Tablet (or any other tablet other than the iPad). But I hope by that time they aren't bullshitting and get a good UI to go with it.
    The German made WePad is also looking to be quite the awesome device. Ya know the Germans always make good stuff.
  • On the other hand, maybe you just a got new HDTV, but don't have a Blu-Ray player yet. The PS3 has one.
    Blue Ray is not the future. It's an interim technology that will be obviated by digital distribution among all but the "videophiles" with rapidity.
    I don't disagree, but that future is still a ways away, especially for all the people of the world who don't even have broadband yet. And it's still a big problem. I have friends who live only 20 miles outside of Seattle who have to use satellite internet, cause that's all they can get still. And even for myself, where I do live in the most densely populated area of Seattle, my internet has extreme varying degrees of quality. I'll keep my disc media for now.
    Or maybe you really enjoy buying things online with actual money instead of Microsoft "space bucks", which also is in the PS3's favor.
    Maybe, but I don't appreciate having to give Nintendo $10 just so that I could buy a $8 game either. I can't do anything with those extra 200 points I have, they're useless. Good for them, kinda unfair to me.

    On a side note, finished God of War 3 today. I don't know if I would call it my favorite of the series, but it is still fantastic, and pretty much exactly what I wanted out of it.
  • Maybe, but I don't appreciate having to give Nintendo $10 just so that I could buy a $8 game either. I can't do anything with those extra 200 points I have, they're useless. Good for them, kinda unfair to me.
    They've actually fixed that up, and sell points in amounts that make sense - Ie, amounts that don't leave with with points you can't spend left over.
  • Maybe, but I don't appreciate having to give Nintendo $10 just so that I could buy a $8 game either. I can't do anything with those extra 200 points I have, they're useless. Good for them, kinda unfair to me.
    They've actually fixed that up, and sell points in amounts that make sense - Ie, amounts that don't leave with with points you can't spend left over.
    O rly? I haven't bothered to use the Wii Store in so long that I didn't notice.
  • O rly? I haven't bothered to use the Wii Store in so long that I didn't notice.
    Sorry, not wii store - Xbox live. Forgot to specify when I said it.
  • I'm thinking about trying to get 100% completion in the first three Crash Bandicoot games.
  • I'm trying to get a Platinum Trophy in Trine on PS3. In retrospect, Trine is probably one of my top 3 games of 2009. Anyone with a PS3 or Steam should buy this game right now.
  • I'm trying to get a Platinum Trophy in Trine on PS3. In retrospect, Trine is probably one of my top 3 games of 2009. Anyone with a PS3 or Steam should buy this game right now.
    I played the demo, liked it enough to buy it on sale ($5, I think), and haven't had time to play time.
  • edited April 2010
    I've been playing a lot of Demigod recently, and enjoying myself a fair amount. It's pretty solid, but there's not much there beyond the obvious. Also wishing I had the cash to fix my PS3 and play the games I have for it.
    Post edited by Shiam on
  • Geometry Wars Retro Evolved2

    I have 800 points left. Should I buy Worms 2, Megaman 10, or something else?
  • Mega Man 10. No question.
  • Mega Man 10. No question.
  • Barring anything else going on tonight, gonna start Final Fantasy XIII.
  • I've been playing some final fantasy tactics A2, cause I love to spend 90% of my game time watching stupid, non-skippable animations I've seen a hundred times and waiting an insane amount of time for the A.I. to move and menus to come up.

    Other than that some X-Com: Enemy Unknown! (still so awesome)
    Shining Force
    Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (for like the 50th time or so)
    and Spelunky
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