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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Blur Beta on Xbox 360. Looks like a promising racing/combat game.
  • My backlog hates me right now, but I'm currently working my way through Assassin's Creed. Up and coming on my playlist are AC2, Darksiders, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Warhammer 40k: DOW2 (& its expansion), Red Faction: Guerilla, Dragon Age: Origins, and a whole stack of other stuff that hasn't been touched.
  • Playing through the first few levels of Farcry 1 reminds me of how close that game came to being a really fun stealth experience. With some tweaks to the weapons (Sniper rocket launchers..), mini-map and enemies*, you could make a real stealth game.

    * "You still feeling good after that third M16 bullet to the chest? Fourth? How about one to the back.. oh, now you're dead."
  • edited April 2010
    Currently playing a whole bunch of Beat Hazard. I've gotta say, the gameplay is fairly generic Asteroids/Geometry Wars-type stuff, with the added gimmick of playing your music along with it. Your music itself doesn't actually change the gameplay as dynamically as one might initially think, so for the most part, you're basically just playing a Geometry Wars game while listening to your own music, as far as the gameplay is concerned.

    That said, with the right song, the game is VERY intense, visually, and it really makes you feel like the music is a huge part of the game. As far as I can tell, the only real factors that change with the music are the pulsations in the background, your weapon's strength (which isn't entirely dependent on the music - you need powerups to make it destroy shit, regardless of the music), and possibly the frequency of the enemy ships. Logically speaking, it's not that much. However, you really get sucked into the game, and it's a helluva lot of fun to play. There's nothing like powering your ship up to max while playing Raining Blood by Slayer, and hearing the "WARNING" siren that dictates an oncoming boss battle, just as the song is leading into the insane moshing section near the end.

    Also, it's on sale right now on Steam for $7.50, so I say go for it.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Bought Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure for less than $14, new. I'll start that up in a bit.

    I also got Portal on XBL. Yeah, I know. I'm many days late, but ah well. I'm enjoying the puzzles, even though I have to quit the game after a half and hour due to the fact that first person always makes me a bit queasy. =/
  • Half an hour is enough time to finish the game anyway ^_~
  • So 13 hours into FFXIII (no joke), I'm absolutely loving the experience. Yes, I can definitely see where the game would turn other people off, but this game seems to have been made just for me, cause every little thing it does gets me addicted. I'm not going to spoil anything, but the story definitely has one of the most unusual progressions I've seen in a JRPG. It's crazy and different, and I like seeing it.
  • Currently playing a whole bunch of Beat Hazard. I've gotta say, the gameplay is fairly generic Asteroids/Geometry Wars-type stuff, with the added gimmick of playing your music along with it. Your music itself doesn't actually change the gameplay as dynamically as one might initially think, so for the most part, you're basically just playing a Geometry Wars game while listening to your own music, as far as the gameplay is concerned.

    That said, with the right song, the game is VERY intense, visually, and it really makes you feel like the music is a huge part of the game. As far as I can tell, the only real factors that change with the music are the pulsations in the background, your weapon's strength (which isn't entirely dependent on the music - you need powerups to make it destroy shit, regardless of the music), and possibly the frequency of the enemy ships. Logically speaking, it's not that much. However, you really get sucked into the game, and it's a helluva lot of fun to play. There's nothing like powering your ship up to max while playing Raining Blood by Slayer, and hearing the "WARNING" siren that dictates an oncoming boss battle, just as the song is leading into the insane moshing section near the end.

    Also, it's on sale right now on Steam for $7.50, so I say go for it.
    I have that game on Xbox Live and I've played that game in a room full of people and it puts people in a goddamn trance. And people get into it just from the On-Game Album. It's one hell of an addicting game because it's so accessible and hypnotic with the flashing effects.
    Bought Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure for less than $14, new. I'll start that up in a bit.

    I also got Portal on XBL. Yeah, I know. I'm many days late, but ah well. I'm enjoying the puzzles, even though I have to quit the game after a half and hour due to the fact that first person always makes me a bit queasy. =/
    Give me any detail with Henry Hatsworth that you know, because I'm tempted to buy it for it's Planet Puzzle League aspects. But I haven't heard all that much about it.
  • Give me any detail with Henry Hatsworth that you know, because I'm tempted to buy it for it's Planet Puzzle League aspects. But I haven't heard all that much about it.
    You'd be better off just playing Mario World and Planet Puzzle League separately, it doesn't combine well and gets old pretty fast.
  • Going to try to finish up Metro 2033 tonight or tomorrow and I've also started God of War 3. Also played a little more Persona 3 on the week-end. That game is so great.
  • On a rotation of -

    Modern Warfare 2: to piss people off and be accused of hacking because they're all from the Halo generation versus my upbringing on everything id and Valve, however I've gotten a bit sick of the lack of intelligent play, its like going through the motions.

    Left 4 Dead 2: Still trying to get through on Realism Expert (the special infected are so much more lethal, its awesomely difficult), often find randoms spawn into the game, trigger crescendos at the wrong time, startle the Witch or don't kill tanks. Also playing Versus which is always fun.
    I find myself actually eagerly awaiting the DLC next week this will be the first time I've ever payed for DLC, I was hoping for maybe 3 or 4 more episodes, hopefully the one will keep me entertained.

    Company of Heroes: Still get my ass kicked on multiplayer but am understanding the strategy a little better.
  • Company of Heroes: Still get my ass kicked on multiplayer but am understanding the strategy a little better.
    I've been playing a crap ton of this game.
  • Just wrapped up Final Fantasy IV DS last night and I enjoyed it (that last boss was one tough sonuvabitch though.) I can see why this is many people's favorite Final Fantasy, as having just played Final Fantasy III DS, I've noticed that this is a huge improvement. The storyline is a huge step up from the bland one from FF III, with real and relatively fleshed out characters instead of the generic group of heroes from the NES games. The story pours on the melodrama quite a bit, but it suits the narrative well.
    The game play is what is to be expected of a JRPG, random battles, level grinding, equipment managing; as I stated in my previous post the fact that this is portable helps a lot as I am able to do my level grinding on the train, or when I'm sitting in bed about to go to sleep (I think I left myself open to some jokes about grinding in bed, but that's beside the point.) Looking forward to eventually playing FFVI.
    Now onto to play/finish Darksiders, as it's been sitting in my Xbox for about a month now...
  • The game I'm playing most on my DS is Sonic 2.
  • I've played Contra 4 on DS a hell of a lot. I've finished it on Hard a couple of times, though (no Konami code) so I ought to finish the original Contra without the Konami code now.
  • Did finish Metro 2033 last night, shitty ending. Going to maybe playthrough Mirror's Edge once again as I'm feeling the urge.
  • Okay, I need to play some games with FRC forumites. I now have a device sufficient for playing games on (see the Boo-Yah thread), and I have the rare opportunity of having a ping to the USA that isn't in the realm of half a second.
  • Trauma Center 1.. so faucking harrrdd!
  • edited April 2010
    Trauma Center 1.. so faucking harrrdd!
    It's great till you get to that fucking thinger with the spikes that explode into gas. Goddamn, that was hard as shit.
    Also, apparently, I don't use spoiler text, I just swear at it a bit.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I stopped playing Trauma Center at the second Triti mission. I hate those triangles.
  • edited April 2010
    Played the Crysis Demo (My second hand system plays it on medium! Yay!) and I just can't stand how badly Crytek ruins amazing potential. It's as though they built a system that allows for complex maneuvering and tactics and then the level designers said "Lets just have a bunch of guys rush him from here abouts.".

    Also, toggle ironsights? Don't you think I can hold the right mouse button while aiming? Urgh.. I feel so let down.

    In other news, I'm done with Trauma Center.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Played the Crysis Demo (My second hand system plays it on medium! Yay!) and I just can't stand how badly Crytek ruins amazing potential. It's as though they built a system that allows for complex maneuvering and tactics and then the level designers said "Lets just have a bunch of guys rush him from here abouts.".

    Also, toggle ironsights? Don't you think I can hold the right mouse button while aiming? Urgh.. I feel so let down.
    I may have the full game sitting around somewhere. I was given to me by some curiously swarthy Swedish men.
  • I'm playing "Personal Trainer: Organic Chemistry." Predicting hemi-ketals, fuck yeah.
  • edited April 2010
    Deus Ex is on Steam for $2.50. Just buy it (the original, not the sequel). Trine for $5, too.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I stopped playing Trauma Center at the second Triti mission. I hate those triangles.
    You tolerate Kyraki, but hate Triti? Well maybe thing is that I kinda used game faqs to tell me how Triti works, after you know the logic it's pretty easy. And I want Trauma center 2.
  • The thing is even when using GameFAQs, if you make just one slip-up you'll have botched the procedure and will have to start the mission over. I haven't played any Trauma Center games since the original, so I don't know if those are any good (or if they've toned down the difficulty). But I am thinking of checking out Trauma Team.
  • You tolerate Kyraki, but hate Triti? Well maybe thing is that I kinda used game faqs to tell me how Triti works, after you know the logic it's pretty easy. And I want Trauma center 2.
    Man, That gave me trouble, even knowing how it works. I've got fast hands, and I would still fail every time. The only way I beat it was by gamesharking it to hell, and then just turning them off when I was finished. And even then, it was a complete bitch.
  • About to start Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

    Should I play ME good or evil?
  • About to start Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

    Should I play ME good or evil?
    Play fair but often stern.
  • Too Human for the 360. So far, a fancier Phantasy Star Online type RPG with an actual plot with a heavy basis in Norse mythology. Average but fun.
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