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  • What? School is all about having loads of spare time.
    You have never talked to an IB student.
    You never talked to an art student.
  • But there are no art students.
  • edited May 2010
    Pay-what-you-want, 5 game indie bundle. Proceeds go to Child's Play and EFF. You have no reason not to do this.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You never talked to an art student.
    Consider yourself lucky.
  • edited May 2010
    Fuuucckk, I got FEUL cheap, really wanted to play it, then SecureRom pops up when I go to start it.
    It was only £3 but I wanted to play it so bad..

    Should I install SecureRom or not? Maybe I could just torrent and crack it then use my CD Key.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You never talked to an art student.
    Consider yourself lucky.
    Hey, I'm an art student!
  • edited May 2010
    Pay-what-you-want, 5 game indie bundle.Proceeds go to Child's Play and EFF. You have no reason not to do this.
    You're right. Blast, more money out my pocket, especially because even though I already have World of Goo, I REALLY want Gish.
    What? School is all about having loads of spare time.
    You have never talked to an IB student.
    You never talked to an art student.
    You have never talked to a Bio/Chem premed student.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What? School is all about having loads of spare time.
    You have never talked to an IB student.
    You never talked to an art student.
    You have never talked to a Bio/Chem premed student.
    You never talked to an Engineering student.
  • You never talked to an Engineering student.
    As I understand it, I'll be on even ground with them next year. I tried the engineering course load before I figured out what I want to do; that is admittedly some intense shit.
  • You never talked to an art student.
    Consider yourself lucky.
    Hey, I'm an art student!
    Hey, I'm an asshole. Pleased to meet'cha.
  • Hey, I'm an asshole. Pleased to meet'cha.
    The Pabst Blue Ribbon is next to my fixed gear bicycle.
  • Hey, I'm an asshole. Pleased to meet'cha.
    The Pabst Blue Ribbon is next to my fixie.
  • You never talked to an Engineering student.
    As I understand it, I'll be on even ground with them next year. I tried the engineering course load before I figured out what I want to do; that is admittedly some intense shit.
    How hard it is depends mostly on your affinity for maths.
  • Posted By: JayEven if there was I wouldn't want to play it. I found my PC version of Street Fighter IV did not run at quiet the same speed as the console. It would also randomly lag slightly and the online community is very small. My PC was well over the minimum specs and ran the built in bench mark very well, but these problems still existed. It may be just a unique problem involving my particular hardware and the game. Either way, the console is treating me much better right now
    Really? My PC version of this game looks significantly better than the console version that my housemate has (I'm running it on a computer that is just over 2 years old on 2560x1600). I also bought and modded an awesome joystick for it, I literally played it for entire weekends when it first came out but got deterred when there wasn't much of an online community and the net code was too laggy for a game against somebody across the world. Plus the whole games for Windows integration. If this game's network code and multiplayer structure was outsourced to Valve via Steam it would be the most awesome game on my computer but unfortunately not.

    Yea, the game LOOKED much better on my PC then the 360. But it had a slight lag that I could not find the source of. It existed independent of how high or low the settings were. Independent of what I did or did not have running in the background. It was incredibly annoying. I got used to it eventually as it did not affect the timing of my moves to much, but it was still annoying. I do not think this was a universal problem. Just a unique unfortunate accident.
  • edited May 2010
    Hey, I'm an asshole. Pleased to meet'cha.
    The Pabst Blue Ribbon is next to myfixie.
    I wasn't sure if the slang was universal.

    The whole fixed-gear bike obsession pisses me off. You're better off with an in-hub derailleur or touring cassette for almost all aspects of road riding, and it really is NOT that hard to service a derailleur. Also, I'm tired of seeing people riding without brakes. That's just foolish. I like riding fixies, but I'd take an XC touring frame with discs and 21 speeds over a fixie any day.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2010

    The whole fixed-gear bike obsession pisses me off. You're better off with an in-hub derailleur or touring cassette for almost all aspects of road riding, and it really is NOT that hard to service a derailleur. Also, I'm tired of seeing people riding without brakes. That's just foolish. I like riding fixies, but I'd take an XC touring frame with discs and 21 speeds over a fixie any day.
    Truth. derailleurs are cheap and widely available. There's absolutely no reason to go without one on almost any bicycle. You wouldn't make a car with one gear, why a bicycle? I think it's yet another case of people doing something shittily on purpose because it's hipster-ish. Just like listening to vinyl records.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • You wouldn't make a car with one gear
    Apparently, the Tesla Motors corporation disagrees, as the Tesla roadster has a single fixed gear.
  • edited May 2010
    I think it's yet another case of people doing something shittily on purpose because it's hipster-ish. Just like listening to vinyl records.
    Almost definitely. Alleycats are the one reason to ride a fixie, and the hipster don't even do that. They just buy fake spoke cards. At least buying vinyl has the interesting element of collection to it; you can find releases on vinyl that never broke on CD or are otherwise in an unique form on vinyl (transparent releases are an example). Most hipster fixies are just crap bikes. And some are crap track bikes, which are dangerous to everyone on the road.
    Apparently, the Tesla Motors corporation disagrees, as the Tesla roadster has a single fixed gear.
    Induction motors don't benefit from a multiple-gear trans the way combustion engines do. Also, Tesla is going under, so that might say something about the efficacy of their vehicles.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So more unfinished DS games are added to the pile as I start playing Picross 3D.
  • edited May 2010
    Also, Tesla is going under, so that might say something about the efficacy of their vehicles.
    That's a pretty bullshit argument, and I think you know it as well as I do. The MG Rover Group, who previously held the Jaguar cars and Land Rover companies, is now defunct, and has been since 2005, with both of those now being held by Tata motors in India. Last I checked, Jaguars are still pretty damn good cars, ditto land rovers, ditto the Mini that was made by British Leyland before they became the MG Rover group, and BMC before them.

    Though, I do wonder where you got the idea that Tesla is going under. They filed a Form S-1 early this year which shows them to be pretty promising and doing well enough, from the data they gave, and show no signs of dying that I can see - they're not exactly rocketing up the charts, but they're certainly growing slowly.

    All that aside - the Tesla Roadster is a damn good car, And I was simply pointing out that Scott was in Error more for amusement than any real point. He Said That you wouldn't design a car with a single gear, except someone did, and by all reports bar one particular notoriously outspoken yorkshireman who has made a career out of criticising things amusingly, it's a pretty damn good car.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2010
    That's a pretty bullshit argument, and I think you know it as well as I do.
    Yeah, and it is a damn good car (battery issues aside; I hope they eventually get the R&D; funds to experiment with something other that LiONs). However, I had heard tell that they had filed for bankruptcy; apparently, I was misinformed.

    I actually know someone who owns a Roadster, I should see if he'd let me drive it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've never heard of this..."Roadster" game. Is it any good? What system is it for?
  • I actually know someone who owns a Roadster, I should see if he'd let me drive it.
    Do it - I've not had the chance to drive it myself, but I've ridden shotgun in one, and it seems like a brilliant drive.
    I've never heard of this..."Roadster" game. Is it any good? What system is it for?
    Roadster? What? I'm playing one of my favourite games, Arguing with people on the internet.
  • I've never heard of this..."Roadster" game. Is it any good? What system is it for?
    Roadster? What? I'm playing one of my favourite games, Arguing with people on the internet.
    Eh, that has mixed reviews. I've tried it, but I feel dirty after I play it.
  • edited May 2010
    FUEL is one of the most carelessly ruined games I've played. They seem to have spent all this effort making a really solid engine and making things look really nice then:

    1) Make the controls incredibly loose, even taking into account the off-road vehicles. If a game is going to be so punishing of mistakes then the controls should proportionally tight, a small flick of the stick should be enough to turn, not having to push it all the way over.
    2) Won't let you navigate the menu using the controller. You have to switch back to the keyboard, and you use the menu a lot.
    3) Put in ramps and really interesting alternate routes that often will just cause you to crash into them, stick, crash when landing, or, especially with wide ramps, send you flying past the track you were meant to land on.

    It's one of those games where I'm not sure if I should keep playing as half the time I'll be having fun while the other half I'll be raging at how they screwed it up so badly.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2010
    Civilization IV: The Complete Edition for $10 on Steam. If I didn't already own it, I would now.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • My friend just lent me the Wii Punch-Out!!. Been waiting so long to play this.
  • edited May 2010
    I've been playing Dawn of War 2 lately. The single player is getting a little repetitive, and so far the most fun I've had in multiplayer is realizing I can make my own color scheme and immediately creating a pink and purple Chaos Marine paint job called "Poncy Praetor".
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2010
    Been playing a little Mass Effect 2, and I find scanning for minerals oddly relaxing. I Just sit there, close my eyes, listen to the clicking of the scanner. As a side note, I can now differentiate minerals about 85% of the time purely by the vibration of the controller, and oddly, have come up with descriptions for each type, for example, Irridium being a meatier shaking sort, Element zero being a slower kick that feels like it has more thump, with Palladium being a fine-boned whirring. I don't know why I have done this. If I listen to the scanner clicks, I can identify the minerals 100% of the time, with my eyes closed.

    Also, I seem to be oddly good at picking up small references in games, lately - For example, A firefly reference in ME2(Spoiler: A planet called "New Canton" that is involved in a few conversations you can pick up on) and a Warren Zevon Reference in Just Cause 2, where part of a task is killing a Chinese man called Lee Ho Fook. The references in Splinter cell are Sparse, and not terribly amusing, as most of them refer to Previous books of Tom Clancy's(and his magical collection of ghostwriters) - For example, someone briefly mentions a past president who used to be a marine and a college linebacker, referring in-universe to Jack Ryan, from Patriot games, clear and present danger, etc, etc.

    Also, On the topic of splinter cell, I've been playing it more violently than I propably should for a stealth shooter, even one as action oriented as splinter cell, simply because half the time, I'm shooting guards just to get them to shut the hell up. They talk constantly, if they are even vaguely aware of your existence. I know it's been mentioned in every review of the game yet, and penny arcade even did a strip about it, but goddamn, you cannot imagine how annoying it gets until you get a chance to play it. Whenever I execute a bunch of enemies who are aware of my very existence, I'm saying "Shut up" with every shot. Even more annoying - when the AI bails itself up in a corner or behind some cover, and just keeps repeating the same three phrases about how they're not going in there or coming any closer, every two seconds or so, until you shoot or brutally sorta-melee them to death. I swear, the game is practically encouraging you to be violent to them just to get some blessed silence.

    There are a few other small but annoying inconsistencies - For example, when you "Melee" someone, what you actually do most of the time is grab them, shove your pistol into their kidneys/stomach/back of the head/face and shoot them a few times. The only three I can recall where there is no shooting involved are yanking someone off a ledge, snapping their neck, or doing what looks like crushing their windpipe by attempting to shove the muzzle of your pistol through their spine, but it's not terribly clear if you shoot them or not when you do this.

    That's not the weird part - the weird part is, if you creep up behind a group of guys and shoot someone with the "melee", they won't notice until they see the body, even though you're five feet away, not in any way hidden, and using an unsilenced pistol. Same pistol, silenced, at 25 feet away, in cover? They will all hear you(well, except the dead bloke, obviously), know exactly where you are, and start attacking you. GODDAMNIT, CLANCY/GHOSTWRITERS, EXPLAIN THIS FUCKERY.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2010
    I'm starting Deus Ex again. The sound seems to be a little dodgy, but hopefully fiddling with the settings will fix it. The theme music is unforgettable, though.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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