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  • Oh, and it's awesome when someone places a transparent plank over a gap.
  • I was rather fond of the hinged bomb.
  • edited July 2010
    This game is the ultimate representation of the Internet. It has chaos, freedom, griefers, trolls, anonymous douchebagery, hilarious failure and whatever else you call this:
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • What do you people know about co-op platformers? A friend and I are thinking about making one.
  • What do you people know about co-op platformers? A friend and I are thinking about making one.
  • I'm playing Transformice again; room 47.
  • I'm playing Transformice again; room 47.
    I'm there.
  • edited June 2010
    What's your handle?

    EDIT: Right, you're in now.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • What's your handle?

    EDIT: Right, you're in now.
    Also there.
  • Maybe we should have a seperate Transformice thread?
  • edited June 2010
    I had a 1v1 with Lukasm. It actually worked surprisingly well, because 1v1 is great for inciting selfishness, and Lukasm is quite good.
    It was close up until 7-7, but then I got 4 in a row and won.

    I agree about making a new Transformice thread.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • What do you people know about co-op platformers? A friend and I are thinking about making one.
    I haven't played that one.
    Although Transformice is great fun, I do want to make a game where co-op isn't simply an impediment like it is in NSMB Wii, but perhaps even a necessity (i.e. no one-player mode).
  • I think a game with both one and two player mode would be good, but with exactly the same level design. With one player, you can only play in the part at the bottom of the screen, but you can still see the top. Then, in the two player mode, you can reach the top part of the level, where there are new areas to explore, new challenges, new places to fight, new powerups, etc.

    By constantly seeing the promise of the two player part of the game, you'll be want to play it even more.
  • All I know is that when I heard co-op platformer I think Toejam and Earl. So many fond memories of playing that game.
  • Dragon Age continues to impress me with it's depth. Having the characters in the party talk back and forth is really entertaining! I'd put it up there with listening to the talk shows on the in the GTA games as far as quality, because I often stop what I'm doing to listen to what the other characters are saying to each other.
    Also, I got a Mabari in my party. Who's a good boy! Who's a good boy! Yes, yes you are! Want to clean the blood of daddy's armor? Dawwww, kisses!
  • Red Dead Redemption co-op is fun. The only crap part is that the EXP to time spent ratio sucks.

    I had to stop playing BC2 due to lag issues. Don't know what they did but the last update made the game so full of lag that I can miss someone standing right in front of me with my gun against their head. Sniping? Near impossible for me now. Even running through the environment often involves rubber banding.
  • Also, I got a Mabari in my party. Who's a good boy! Who's a good boy! Yes, yes you are! Want to clean the blood of daddy's armor? Dawwww, kisses!
    That dog is immensely useful. I highly recommend having him go look for stuff every single time you enter a new area.
  • Also, I got a Mabari in my party. Who's a good boy! Who's a good boy! Yes, yes you are! Want to clean the blood of daddy's armor? Dawwww, kisses!
    That dog is immensely useful. I highly recommend having him go look for stuff every single time you enter a new area.
    Yeah, that's the only way to complete a few of the good armor sets (namely the Effort armor set, and I think the Diligence one as well. I could be wrong, though.)
  • As soon as possible, get him to that attack where he tackles a dude and mauls his face off. That's immensely useful.
  • Red Dead Redemption co-op is fun. The only crap part is that the EXP to time spent ratio sucks.
    About the only way you're going to get around that is to grind the hideouts, specifically Twin Rocks. If you run that one with a group and are good at chaining together kills you can rack up a fair amount of XP in a short amount of time. Not nearly as much as you could at release, mind you, as they've nerfed the open-world XP considerably, but enough that it'll make level progression tolerable.
  • I haven't played that one.
    'Twas meant to be a joke.
    I think a game with both one and two player mode would be good, but with exactly the same level design. With one player, you can only play in the part at the bottom of the screen, but you can still see the top. Then, in the two player mode, you can reach the top part of the level, where there are new areas to explore, new challenges, new places to fight, new powerups, etc.

    By constantly seeing the promise of the two player part of the game, you'll be want to play it even more.
    I totally agree with this. LittleBigPlanet is one platformer in recent memory that does this very well.
  • Now that my superawesome new computer is up and running, I'm playing some mad Burnout Paradise. It's fun, but I imagine I'll tire of it in, well, not too long. Mayhaps some multiplayer action will mitigate that.
  • edited June 2010
    Is it good enough to play with keyboard and mouse? I haven't tried it yet.
    In any case, Mass Effect is entertaining me for now.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • There was an old game I had on a computer years ago that was somewhat like a really, really simplified Warcraft game and I cannot remember the title of it to save my life. The most memorable part of it was that when your gnomes (your weakest minions) died they would cry out in a pathetic little voice "But I'm just a gnome!". Does anyone know the name of that game?
  • It's called Majesty. Every time I hear the word 'gnome' I think of that line. It's the thing most responsible for my failing sanity.
  • edited June 2010
    Playing Transform Mice, right now in room geeknights (learning me some shaman skills), if anyone wants to friend me, I am eljoeo (with the letter o).
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • edited June 2010
    How do I do the Shaman skills, I can create objects, but I have no idea how to make an hinge...

    EDIT: Google did provide, check this tutorial out.
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Played some NS1 and am thus now super psyched for NS2.
  • Played some NS1 and am thus now super psyched for NS2.
    I'm going to play me some right now.
  • Hmm.. Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for £5 and Sands of Time for £6. Both games I'd like to try but am not sure about.
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