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Games You are Currently Playing



  • What kind of games do you like to play?
    I tend to be on the side of Scrym but I actually like things like Mass Effect. One of the first games, if not the first, I buy once I get my replacement debit card and and the XBox in hand will be Red Dead Redemption.
  • That Transformice is up now and pretty damn funny!
  • Transformice is awesome. I was just the shaman, and I failed so badly it hurt.

    What was more entertaining is the grief I got from the chat area for not knowing, on my first ever go, how to solve the puzzle, and how to play all the parts perfectly, on some dumb internet game.
  • Transformice is awesome. I was just the shaman, and I failed so badly it hurt.
    It's alright. I played a bunch, and was an awesome mouse. I usually came in first. When I finally became the Shaman, I didn't realize it. I ended up just walking off the edge and dying because I thought I was a regular mouse.
  • If the game has a heavy multi-player component you will want to buy it as close to release as possible. If it is single player you can wait on the purchase.
  • Transformers: War for Cybertron is pretty awesome.
  • edited June 2010
    Puzzle Quest 2, as soon as I get it after work.

    I'm still playing Picross 3D as a nice time waster for whenever I wait in lines or before I go to bed. It's getting better as the difficulty increases. There are still some puzzles that I have no idea what they are until I've completed it.

    I still haven't finished Starfy, Bowser's Inside Story, or Pokemon Soulsilver. -_-

    Lego Harry Potter comes out next week. I'll have to pick that up too. My bf and I have been looking forward to that game for a while. I think we might enjoy it more than Lego Batman.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I've been playing Elder Scroll: Oblivion, it's the first of the Elder Scroll games that I've ever actually gotten hooked into (and not died on the first rat).
  • On travel again for work, DS in hand. Planning to master Contra 4 this time around.
  • Playing Dragon Age Origins, so far so good. The epic quest of Chuleta (Porkchop in Spanish) Mahariel has begun.
  • The Dalish Elf, hm? An interesting choice. One of the weaker origin stories, in my opinion, but a lot of what you can do with the character's hatred of humanity probably makes up for it.
  • The Dalish Elf, hm? An interesting choice. One of the weaker origin stories, in my opinion, but a lot of what you can do with the character's hatred of humanity probably makes up for it.
    Damn it! I thought that the Elfs would have the better story arcs.
  • Damn it! I thought that the Elfs would have the better story arcs.
    From what I understand of the other arcs, Dwarf Noble is the best.
  • I'm playing through as a Mage now. So far so good, I really enjoy all the spell and tactical options being a mage provides.
  • Damn it! I thought that the Elfs would have the better story arcs.
    From what I understand of the other arcs, Dwarf Noble is the best.
    I like City Elf and Dwarf Noble the best. Dwarf Commoner and Mage are both good too, though. Human Noble and Dalish Elf aren't bad, but both plots are a little bit more contrived, although the Human Noble has a lot of connection to the rest of the game's plot, and so is still fun to play.
  • I should really get the expansions. I miss my Dorf.
  • I was playing Transformice pretty much nonstop, but Kotaku posted about it last night so I've been forced to take a break while they put out the fire in their server room.
  • Playing NS and first, someone proves even playing NS can be made hilarious by the addition of The Benny Hill theme and then, coincidentally, we get a complete rendition of "EAT DA POO POO.".

    A truly bizarre experience.
  • We should all play Transformice together sometime.
  • I'm playing right now. Room 47. Change room by typing /room 47
  • We could make a /room Geeknights if more people want to play right now.
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, I made a Geeknights room. Why not?

    Hmm, I fell to the bottom of a map and was stuck, but didn't die. Had to restart the game, because I didn't know what else to do.

    That server is having serious trouble with the load, I must say.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I can't get in. Too busy right now.
  • edited June 2010
    Omnutia is with me in 47. I'm Lukasm on the server.

    EDIT: I must sleep or do other things though.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I gotta say I watched the youtube clip of Transformice in the Koktaku post and that shit was hilarious. I am going to have to try playing once the servers recover.
  • I'm playing it at the moment, still in 47
  • My computer restarted, trying to get back in.
  • edited June 2010
    Has the load issue gotten better? Should we say that room 47 is the unofficial FRCF room? This game is surprisingly addictive.

    Also, I found out today that there were mods for Civ IV. Interesting...

    UPDATE: Seems they're going to try some load balancing tomorrow. I guess I'll wait until then, since I can't seem to join right now.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited June 2010
    I quite like their anti-spam approach of "Your last message was the same." I wonder why I haven't seen that used before.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It's still buggy as all get out. Mad fun though.
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