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  • I still have to beat Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I weathered this storm without losing moneys to Steam.
  • I'm thinking about getting Mass Effect 1, I liked second one, and the first can't be that much worse. On the other hand, I don't have time for it now, but maybe I could by it and play it whenever I have to time I need for it.
  • Mass effect (both of them) are totally worth the price they are listed.
  • edited June 2010
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh I hate that I don't have time to play RPGs.

    I've decided to stop buying games from Steam sales, unless I'm going to play it right now. Even if I decide to buy the game later at a higher price, I'll almost certainly be spending less money overall when you consider all the games I bought cheap that I'll never get around to playing.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited June 2010
    I was logged on to Steam for only 5 minutes earlier, and Mass Effect I bought as soon as I saw the price. I'm still quite likely to buy ME2 within the next 14 hours or so, though it's under consideration.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2010
    My sister got me Mass Effect 2 when she came over for my birthday today :)
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I bought it.
  • Okay, only 33% off Dragon Age: Origins. I'll wait for a bigger discount - I have plenty to hold me off until then.
  • Finished Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box this weekend, so it's off to Contra 4 on the DS front. Beaten 2 DS games in a month, and I can't remember the last time I had enough time to be able to beat ANY two games in one month. Still half-way through Dead Space on 360, then it'll be a tough choice what to play next on that console. I know there are better options out there, but the $0 choices that I already own un-opened are: Ghostbusters, Brutal Legend, and Bully: Scholarship Edition.
  • Bully: Scholarship Edition
  • Trying to finish some games I started but never got around to completing. Currently working on Okami and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
  • edited June 2010
    XBox action is coming. What games come recommended? Ready................GO!
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • edited June 2010
    XBox action is coming. What games come recommend? Ready................GO!
    Open World / Sandbox: Red Dead Redemption, Crackdown, Saints Row 2, GTA IV
    Fighting: Super Street Fighter IV, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur IV
    Action/Adventure: Batman: Arkham Asylum, Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 (2 was better but you'll get more out of the story if you play both), Splinter Cell: Conviction
    FPS: Can't really recommend any as I haven't played any FPS since ~2005 (I started getting motion-sick when playing them). Everyone seems to fap over the Halo series, though for the life of me I can't figure out why. Team Fortress 2 also has a fairly big following, but you can play that on the PC and it has better support. Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 seem to be the big two right now, from what my friends who play them say.
    RPG: Mass Effect 1 & 2, Fallout 3, Borderlands (FPS/Action/RPG - my friends played the hell out of it for about two months and still pick it up every now and then)
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • CommentAuthorTechparadox
    Hrmmmm. I have most of these games on PC already. Damn it, now I'm reconsidering it again. Frack!
  • Fail. The ATM ate my debit card so I couldn't pick up my XBox today.
  • Fail. The ATM ate my debit card so I couldn't pick up my XBox today.
    Well that depends which end of the spectrum you're looking at. Playing 2+ years old stuff at $10 or less per title is my forte, otherwise I urge you to listen to other people and get today's best games.

    Another important question to ask is: are you a PC gamer? If so, a decent chunk of 360 titles may be better played there, but for purposes of this post, let's say you're not.

    With that being said I would recommend grabbing Mass Effect, Bioshock, and Grand Theft Auto 4 all right off the bat. If you've never played Half LIfe 2 and Portal, I would also say get the Orange Box. Half Life 2 holds up extremely well, and the episodes that follow it are great. It is still an all-time great title in my eyes.

    If you are dipping through the discount bins and looking at dirt-cheap titles I might suggest passing on the very well reviewed Gears of Wars and Rainbow Six: Vegas, as I think you could do better with your time by playing the best of 2008 rather than the best of 2006, since they're only separated by $5 at most. I do have a personal weak spot for Dead Rising though. Oldie-but-goody.

    Everyone also raves about Batman: Arkham Asylum and Fallout 3, but I'll admit I haven't played either yet. They are at the top of my "to buy" list and dropping in price fast, and I'm sure they are both wonderful games.

    Lastly, there's a large number of great games for the Xbox Live Arcade downloadable service, which I won't even get into right now, but know that they exist.
  • I've decided on a rule of thumb for buying games via Steam (which is where I've bought almost all my PC games recently) - unless there's a time-sensitive element (generally a matter of getting into multiplayer content nice and early), or it's a game that pretty much won't get a discount (perhaps something that's already $5), I'm going to wait for a 50%+ Steam discount before I buy it.

    So yeah, sure, Dragon Age is probably worth the full RRP, and 33% off is a nice discount. However, by the time I'm done with the other games I've bought recently at half-price or less, I'll probably be able to get it cheaper. I will admit, I violated my rule by buying Mass Effect 2 at only 40% off, but that's not far off my standard and I've heard very good things about the game so it slipped through.
  • I'm adopting that rule. I spend too much money on Steam games as is.
  • Kinda understandable I mean if your going for modern weapons there is only so many real weapons you can walk around with :-p but the main difference is the amount of blood that come out ^_^
  • edited June 2010
    Burnout Paradise is hella fun. It's really been helping me keep going.

    I'm also improving at Tribes 2. Chasing a scout, one in three to five discs hit pretty much on target and I've got basic skiing pretty much nailed.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Kinda understandable I mean if your going for modern weapons there is only so many real weapons you can walk around with :-p but the main difference is the amount of blood that come out ^_^
    That why god invented railz.
  • Burnout Paradise is hella fun. It's really been helping me keep going.
  • Burnout Paradise is hella fun. It's really been helping me keep going.

    I'm also improving at Tribes 2. Chasing a scout, one in three to five discs hit pretty much on target and I've got basic skiing pretty much nailed.
    If not for the distance and posible lag, If you see me online, we can perhaps go for some of the challenges or at least a race or two.
  • Transformice.
    That looks SOOOO awesome ^_^
  • XBox action is coming. What games come recommended? Ready................GO!
    Snoopy Ariel Ace is da bomb!
  • I played a bit of Transformice and it's really interesting to see the puzzles you can pull off when you have 20 people working together. A simple "Run into a tunnel, collect cheese, run back." becomes chaos itself when you have half the group blocking the tunnel for the other half.
  • edited June 2010
    I have most of these games on PC already.
    If you've got a game for the PC, don't bother doubling up on it for the XBox unless you want to play through it again for the achievement points or it has a robust XBox Live community. As gundabad mentioned, the back catalog of available games for the 360 is pretty good right now so don't be afraid to go dumpster-diving in the discount bin at your local game stores. Anything that sold well enough to warrant a sequel (and isn't a sports game) is usually worth picking up, but be informed, check out reviews online, and if your game store will let you then try the game before you buy it. What kind of games do you like to play? That might help us narrow the suggestions a bit.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • The video for Transformice was one of the funniest things I've seen in a looooong time. Pity the website is down at the moment.
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