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  • Local store didn't have any XBox slims. I'm reconcile to buying online, but that's probably for the best. I just got NS installed and will try it out once I get my RealID stuff in place.
  • Played some NS1 and am thus now super psyched for NS2.
    I'm going to play me some right now.
    My new computer can't come soon enough.
  • Snagged a bootleg of Puzzle Quest 2 to give it a whirl. It's more of the same - Computer is somehow miraculously able to chain together multiple combos with 4-gem matches, leaving you to pick your nose and wait for your turn while it thrashes you about the head, neck and shoulders taking its extra turns. Doubt I'll be picking this one up for real.
  • edited June 2010
    Going to give this a try:

    Character art was done by, Katsuya Terada, the same guy who did these old Zelda arts:
    Which should be combined with Collosus level design to make the next Zelda.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Character art was done by, Katsuya Terada, the same guy who didthese old Zelda arts:
    He also did that art for Another Code, didn't he?
  • Whilst doing research for XBox 360'age online, I noticed a Microsoft store in Mission Viejo (a town about 20 miles south of me). I drove my happy ass down there and got the new "slim" XBox (I wish for a better name), Red Dead Redemption, FFXIII, and Brutal Legend. Gaming is ON!

    Feel free to add me on XBox live. Dromaro is the tag. I'll get my IDShare set up when I'm not drinking white russian and wiring up the new XBox.
  • I'm playing that Might and Magic game for the DS it is hella good.
  • I'm playing that Might and Magic game for the DS it is hella good.
    Fuck yeah. So good I'm going to play it again on 360.
  • I wanted to play some multiplayer of that, but I got sick at PAX East :(
  • Got the Force Unleashed on the Steam sale. Only played a few levels, and it's fun so far. I wish it controlled a little better.
  • @Dromaro: There are Microsoft Stores?
  • There are Microsoft Stores?
  • @Dromaro: There are Microsoft Stores?
    4 of them. See?
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2010

    Guten Tag!


    Edit: Guess the game?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • 4 of them.See?
    Wow, they've managed to get Apple stores to run Bootcamp.
  • Spion!
    Guten Tag!
    Edit: Guess the game?
    Someone broke out the old-school Wolfenstein...
  • Someone broke out the old-school Wolfenstein...
    After that, it's on to Spear of Destiny.
  • I used a brick and mortar store gift card to buy JC2 for $25 of my own money
  • I've been playing Civ IV Colonization, I'm a bit let down at to what they are defining as a "Huge" map, I remember the original having the normal map, that being all of America, and Huge being twice as big.
  • Somehow after wrapping up Prof. Layton 2 & Contra 4, I got sucked into playing Clubhouse Games for a few days, and now I know the rules to way too many mundane card games. Been on a real roll beating DS games from my pile of shame. 4 down in the past two months, now all that's left is:
    Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
    Hotel Dusk
    Final Fantasy IV
    The World Ends With You
    Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
    Retro Game Challenge
  • Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for DS, again. The game's difficulty is deceptive because there are many paths to take which aren't available to you early on, but this isn't made obvious by any means other than the game beating the shit out of you. Also, many of the bosses are deceptively hard as well. For example, the giant skeleton and the giant crab that I've had to fight can both be beaten trivially not by any remarkable skill, but simply by pulling meta bullshit and hiding in a single spot where they can't hit you. Basically, if you try to beat a boss using dexterity/agility/timing type of gaming, you loose no matter what because the boss attacks are so big. But if you find a little spot on the screen where you can simply move to where they never hit you, you win. It's actually easier than I thought, but I'm so used to playing older style Castlevania games, that my old skills were hurting me rather than helping me. I'm not entirely sure I like this type of gameplay, but I'm plugging on.
  • Also, many of the bosses are deceptively hard as well.
    The Frankenstein Monster wasn't deceptively hard, that guy was practically yelling "I am going to be a major pain in your ass with my super overpowered punches" as soon as the fight began.

    I hated that guy so much and relished when I finally killed his annoying ass.
  • Bionic Commando: Rearmed was one of the best games I've played in a very long time. Gonna start a new game on hard mode now. Can't wait for Rearmed 2.
  • I'm addicted to Oblivion about 4 years after everyone else was.
  • I'm addicted to Oblivion about 4 years after everyone else was.
    Now you'll have 4 years of mods to try out.
  • Bionic Commando: Rearmed was one of the best games I've played in a very long time.
    The music, the rhythm, the humor, nevermind the actual gameplay. That game was a triumph. I rate it in my personal top 20 or so games of all time.
  • Why the hell didn't you say that when it was still on sale?
  • edited June 2010
    Why the hell didn't you say that when it was still on sale?
    It's a remake of Bionic Commando. Why would you NOT get it?

    And I think they even did an episode on it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Why the hell didn't you say that when it was still on sale?
    I must admit I keep hoping there will be a sale with it for 2 to 5 dollars.. It's actually criminal that I did not buy this yet considering how much I loved the original bionic Commando :-p
  • I wrote it off as one of those weird things Rym and Scott like that you had to like at the time but is un-enjoyable in modern times.
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