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  • Isn't Skies of Arcadia available on GameCube, and thus Wii?
  • Isn't Skies of Arcadia available on GameCube, and thus Wii?
    Yea, that's how I played it.
  • Isn't Skies of Arcadia available on GameCube, and thus Wii?
    Yea, that's how I played it.
    I have the Gamecube version, and from what I understand, there are only minor differences between it and the Dreamcast version.
  • Isn't Skies of Arcadia available on GameCube, and thus Wii?
    Yea, that's how I played it.
    And you are better for it.
  • Sonic Adventure 1 is skippable. SA2 is a must.
  • Shenmue and, if you have a XBOX, shenmue 2.

    Also, there is a mission in Phantasy Star Online involving a little girl looking for a butler. Beware of that mission. I cried for a good 5 minutes after that mission and it affected me deeply for a while after.
  • edited July 2010
    Shenmue and, if you have a XBOX, shenmue 2.

    Also, there is a mission in Phantasy Star Online involving a little girl looking for a butler. Beware of that mission. I cried for a good 5 minutes after that mission and it affected me deeply for a while after.
    Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    You want to look for some sailors in HD?
  • Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    You want to look for some sailors in HD?
    I guess we had different experiences with that game. My favorite part was the karate lessons, yours was the sailors.
  • My favorite part was the karate lessons, yours was the sailors.
    Li does enjoy seamen. YEAH, I WENT THERE
  • image
    Far more appropriate image.
  • Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    You want to look for some sailors in HD?
    I guess we had different experiences with that game. My favorite part was the karate lessons, yours was the sailors.
    My experience with the game was more: "I love these!" "I need this!"
  • I lost quite a fortune on those capsule toys... but you once you pop, you just can't stop.
    Shenmue and, if you have a XBOX, shenmue 2.

    Also, there is a mission in Phantasy Star Online involving a little girl looking for a butler. Beware of that mission. I cried for a good 5 minutes after that mission and it affected me deeply for a while after.
    Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    I've heard that the Yakuza games are pretty much the spiritual successors to Shenmue. Haven't actually played one, so I can't confirm.
  • I'm looking for a good third-person platformer for PC that works well with an XBox 360 gamepad. Something of the Psychonauts/Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter variety would be ideal. Any suggestions?
  • I'm looking for a good third-person platformer for PC that works well with an XBox 360 gamepad. Something of the Psychonauts/Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter variety would be ideal. Any suggestions?
    You could run epsx and play any PlayStation game. the XBox controller works with it too.
  • I lost quite a fortune on those capsule toys... but you once you pop, you just can't stop.

    I've heard that the Yakuza games are pretty much the spiritual successors to Shenmue. Haven't actually played one, so I can't confirm.
    Yeah too bad I don't have an Xbox, I'm going to check that Yakuza game out though, as soon as I find it used or on a discount bin.
  • I lost quite a fortune on those capsule toys... but you once you pop, you just can't stop.

    I've heard that the Yakuza games are pretty much the spiritual successors to Shenmue. Haven't actually played one, so I can't confirm.
    Yeah too bad I don't have an Xbox, I'm going to check that Yakuza game out though, as soon as I find it used or on a discount bin.
    Having played Yakuza 1 and 2, they are the closest you are probably going to find to Shenmue in terms of recent games. You might have a hard time finding them, since they didn't make many copies. You'll probably have more luck finding Yakuza 3 for the PS3, but I would recommend starting with 1 since they strongly build on each other in terms of character development and what's going on in the world.
  • Having played Yakuza 1 and 2, they are the closest you are probably going to find to Shenmue in terms of recent games. You might have a hard time finding them, since they didn't make many copies. You'll probably have more luck finding Yakuza 3 for the PS3, but I would recommend starting with 1 since they strongly build on each other in terms of character development and what's going on in the world.
    That is going to be a problem since I don't have a PS2. The only way I probably can do it is just to jump to the PS3 version, maybe I can read about the built up story on the web.
  • Having played Yakuza 1 and 2, they are the closest you are probably going to find to Shenmue in terms of recent games. You might have a hard time finding them, since they didn't make many copies. You'll probably have more luck finding Yakuza 3 for the PS3, but I would recommend starting with 1 since they strongly build on each other in terms of character development and what's going on in the world.
    That is going to be a problem since I don't have a PS2. The only way I probably can do it is just to jump to the PS3 version, maybe I can read about the built up story on the web.
    Perhaps, but I would argue that reading up on something is different from experiencing. Especially with a game that is rather heavily story based.
  • Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    You want to look for some sailors in HD?
    I guess we had different experiences with that game. My favorite part was the karate lessons, yours was the sailors.
    My experience with the game was more: "I love these!" "I need this!"
    My favorite part was blowing off the avenging of my father's death to spend time in the arcade. Also, pumping money into vending machines for tiny plastic toys.
  • edited July 2010
    If you thought TF2 had stalemate problems, wait until you see it when both teams have six-plus engineers.

    Also: I found this cheepo "gamers" mousemat thing at a hardware shop and I've been kinda blown away at how smooth and flat it is. Racking my mouse up to full DPI doesn't cause it to jump suddenly when I start moving it. Brand name was "Golden laser" BTW.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • If you thought TF2 had stalemate problems, wait until you see it when both teams have six-plus engineers.
    Just bring out the spies and demomen. I fail to see the problem. Numbers don't mean as much as skill.
  • Dude! I remember playing Shenmue for hours in my brother's Dreamcast. I got frustrated the guy didn't jump. But I loved the game, the karate lessons were cool. I wish there was something like that for PS3.
    You want to look for some sailors in HD?
    I guess we had different experiences with that game. My favorite part was the karate lessons, yours was the sailors.
    My experience with the game was more: "I love these!" "I need this!"
    My favorite part was blowing off the avenging of my father's death to spend time in the arcade. Also, pumping money into vending machines for tiny plastic toys.
    Oldie, but goodie.
  • That is fantastic. Add playing with kittens and drinking sodas to my list.
  • I've been rotating between Dead Space, Dragon Age, Men of War, The Guild 2, and X-Com. I switch every time one of the kicks my ass so hard that I don't want to play them for a while. First I get to a boss in Dead Space, and I don't have enough ammo to finish it off, so I started a game of Dragon Age. Next Dragon Age decides to throw a squizzillion bad guys and a dragon at me, so I die twenty times and switch to Men of War. Then that game turns into what I should have expected; the eastern front in WW2. It's pretty demoralizing to be defending a town of innocent people and simply have a tank rush your trench and slaughter a hundred soldiers in a hail of machine gun fire. At that point I go to The Guild 2, which is not a difficult game. It's nice and relaxing until I try to play a Rogue class, at which point I am confronted by how truly horrible the combat and pathfinding in this game is. So I try some X-Com, which is very similar to Men of War in the type of ass-kicking that it doles out. I'm at the point where I'm not really sure what to play.
  • edited July 2010
    Prototype is a fun sandbox-y mix-up of Resident Evil-style genetic horror and Assassin's Creed gameplay. So far.

    Also, I have spent more time in the last three days than is healthy playing Plants vs. Zombies.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Mount and Blade: Warband is pretty good
  • Prototype is a fun sandbox-y mix-up of Resident Evil-style genetic horror and Assassin's Creed gameplay. So far.
    If you have a PS3, play Infamous. It is much better than Prototype.
  • Prototype is a fun sandbox-y mix-up of Resident Evil-style genetic horror and Assassin's Creed gameplay. So far.
    If you have a PS3, play Infamous. It is much better than Prototype.
    From what I've seen of my brother playing inFamous, it's just Prototype where you're less broken. More precision gameplay, but less satisfying when you tear someone apart with your claw-hands. Prototypes powers are way more fun to just mess around with, but inFamous is definitely more fine-tuned.
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