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Games You are Currently Playing



  • I've Been fighting off undead in my backyard with various types of foliage. Also been laning Alien Swarm with my friends.
  • edited September 2010
    Elemental: War of Magic.

    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask For the umpteenth time.
  • Been working my way through Deathspank. Just about to the end right now. Supposedly there's a sequel dropping in the next couple months.
  • This looks kinda interesting.
  • Been working my way through Deathspank. Just about to the end right now. Supposedly there's a sequel dropping in the next couple months.
    Just saw it at PAX yesterday. It was... kinda crazy. Probably be fun, though.
  • I am playing Goldeneye 007 , Starfox 64, Super Metroid and Super Mario World.
    Suffice to say that I has being a great weekend :D
  • I reinstalled Age of Empires 3 and quickly reinforced my feelings that the RTS genre is dead to me.

    Also, after a month or so of letting it sit, I picked up Prototype again and realized that this a better sandbox than GTA because I can walk up walls, fly, use disguises, pick up guns, toss cars at helicopters, and pretty much go full-fucking Clayface on bitches by morphing my hands into claws, swords, maces, etc.
  • Advance Wars is just Fire Emblem with tanks. That's probably why it's so awesome.
  • Just got Sins of a Solar Empire, holy fuck that game is hard.
  • Tribes 2: So good, so bad.
    RCT3: One of those games where a guide is needed to even start you playing.
  • I am now going to go draw a small info-comic/article on the mistakes made in Neotokyo which prevented it being the game it should have been.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
    For serious. I know it gets changed up every game, but I'd love to see this one stick for future titles. I'm having so much fun with it.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
    For serious. I know it gets changed up every game, but I'd love to see this one stick for future titles. I'm having so much fun with it.
    I'm reluctant to play any more KH games as KH2 didn't make one shred of sense.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
    I have barely touched that game, so maybe I'm not one to speak, but from the little I played las night battle system seems little clustered. So many things to take your attention. Maybe it just takes time to get used to.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
    For serious. I know it gets changed up every game, but I'd love to see this one stick for future titles. I'm having so much fun with it.
    I'm reluctant to play any more KH games as KH2 didn't make one shred of sense.
    Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts II was a freaking cluster-fuck of new information and the only way to have it make more sense is to play Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has the best combat system in the series.
    For serious. I know it gets changed up every game, but I'd love to see this one stick for future titles. I'm having so much fun with it.
    I'm reluctant to play any more KH games as KH2 didn't make one shred of sense.
    Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts II was a freaking cluster-fuck of new information and the only way to have it make more sense is to play Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days.
    Except 358/2 Days explains like, two small issues from the beginning of KHII and adds a bunch of other unnecessary stuff. And Birth by Sleep? Does not answer enough questions in an acceptable way in my opinion. Whatever.
  • I'm finally getting into Kingdom Hearts 2 and am currently done with the first Olympus/Hades level. I really hate Gummi ship travel. I find the whole thing useless and a waste of time. I know you can customize your Gummi ships to be almost anything, but I really could care less about it.

    As for the handheld fillers of KH, I don't care either. It all seems unnecessary. I'll stick to the console versions.

    I also got into the Lego Universe Beta. I haven't played a lot, but it seems alright. My boyfriend on the other hand, has found his new crack.
  • playing Tales Of the Abyss 4-players couch coop
    co-op RPG, AWESOME!

    So much crap! New Mass Effect 2 DLC? MineCraft? Monday Night Combat? Force Unleashed? So much gaming before Civ 5 comes and ends my gaming for the foreseeable future... =/
  • Currently bouncing back and forth between Resistance 2 and Final Fantasy III on the DS. Having played both Resistance games, I'm not terribly impressed. Unless the reviews indicate a drastic change with the upcoming R3, I'm going to be skipping it. All of the recent Call of Duty games have been better. FF3 is just simple, old-school fun though. Despite playing both FF12 and FF13 recently, I just had to play something more 8- or 16-bit, and this is fulfilling the role nicely.
  • Trying out Eve online, since a bunch of friends started playing it.
  • I heard you like spreadsheets in your spreadsheets.
  • I experienced Eve for a bit, but realized it wasn't really a game.
  • Trying out Eve online, since a bunch of friends started playing it.
    It's actually a pretty terrible game, and most of the stories you see about "amazing, emergent social consequences" or BS like that come entirely from the metagame. I wouldn't waste my time with it if I were you, though I imagine you'll be bored soon enough anyway. ;^)
  • It's actually a pretty terrible game, and most of the stories you see about "amazing, emergent social consequences" or BS like that come entirely from the metagame. I wouldn't waste my time with it if I were you, though I imagine you'll be bored soon enough anyway. ;^)
    So far it's interface is the only thing I don't like about it.
  • The comment about Bayonetta turning into Sega nostalgia fan service at points may actually swing that game into my "to play" list. My earliest memory of gaming as far as I can tell is Space Harrier on the Sega Master System. That nostalgia runs deep.

    I am considering trying out the Lego Universe beta. I interviewed one of the developers at PAX and the game seems to be akin to mindless point-and-slash Diablo type game, with the rewards being character upgrades and bricks. The addictive hook is that the bricks you collect can be taken back to your personal sandbox, which is a bonafide Lego building application. You can even do some simple automation of brick movements using a graphical programming language provided. Seems like a great way to kids into the mindset to think in code (and to prime them to do great things with Lego NXT robots, which just use a simplified version of LabVIEW). After the interview the guy handed me a fistfull of beta keys. I'm saving most for a giveaway once I do a writeup on the game but if anyone else really wants in you can whisper me and I'll spare 1 or 2.

    I really, really need to sit down and progress in some video games this weekend. Planned on beating Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on the plane ride to PAX but forgot it at home, so I wound up going into games I had already beaten and unlocking some extras, doing side missions, etc. Speaking of which, I was at a yard sale 2 weeks ago and picked up a Gameboy Pocket for $2, and the GBA version of Super Mario 2 for 50 cents, just because hey why not. Popped this game in during the flight and it disgusted me. Not only are there extra lives sprinkled all over the game, but they've given characters like Birdo VOICES. Birdo should not be speaking to me in English! Good god Nintendo how do you taint such an awesome game.
  • the game seems to be akin to mindless point-and-slash Diablo type game
    Yeap. The fact that the ground was not Lego, but generic MMORPG brown ground, keyed me in to the generic nature of the game.
    the rewards being character upgrades and bricks. The addictive hook is that the bricks you collect can be taken back to your personal sandbox, which is a bonafide Lego building application.
    The latter should just be its own game. I have so little desire to grind out bricks just to play with them its lack is tangible.

    If there were shared building spaces, the resource-gathering mechanic makes a little more sense. (You have to really want that cock tower before you can build it on top of someone else's cock tower). But personal sandbox? Why even make it an MMO?

  • If there were shared building spaces, the resource-gathering mechanic makes a little more sense. (You have to really want that cock tower before you can build it on top of someone else's cock tower). But personal sandbox? Why even make it an MMO?
    ....dueling cock towers?
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