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  • But personal sandbox? Why even make it an MMO?
    So you can waggle your dick tower with your friends and see who's is bigger. Duh.
  • So you can waggle your dick tower with your friends and see who's is bigger. Duh.
    New game. Dick Fortress.

    Your seven Dickwolves have left their overcrowded kingdom of Phallusine, with dispensation from the Cocklord, to forge a new settlement in the remote wilderness beyond the Twin Mountains of Scrotia. With just a cart of provisions, can they penetrate this new land, prosper, and erect the glistening, turgid monuments so familiar to the nation of their birth?

    I think Project DORF has new direction. Maybe a name change is in order?
  • It is true... Why hasn't anyone made a book, movie, or game whose theme is naught but toilet humor? For some reason this genre is only handled in the realm of the comic.
  • edited September 2010
    Why hasn't anyone made a book
    naught but toilet humor
    I submit to you Captain Underpants. The second book literally has him fighting evil talking toilets.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I submit to you Captain Underpants. The second book literally has him fighting evil talking toilets.
    True, forgot about that one.
  • They did. That N64 game. Conker's Bad Fur Day.
  • Oh and Boogerman. I had it for my SEGA.
  • I'm actually reviewing the card game "Poo" by Sandstorm Games this weekend. The game literaly just consists of screwing your neighbor by flinging shit at them, with a monkey theme. Most of the cards represent different sizes of shit such as the "mighty joe young poo" or the "king kong poo". Optionally, you can purchase some brown transluscent counters that are just such an odd shape that your mind makes the mental leap that they do represent pieces of shit. I believe once 10 counters have been handed to you, you are covered in shit and are out of the game.
  • I submit to you Captain Underpants. The second book literally has him fighting evil talking toilets.
    True, forgot about that one.
    You really, literally, meant toilet humor
  • Still the point stands that the popularity and appeal of toilet humor is vast while the number of creative works primarily focusing on it are few.
  • Why hasn't anyone made a book, movie, or game whose theme is naught but toilet humor?
    Um, Adam Sandler?
  • Why hasn't anyone made a book, movie, or game whose theme is naught but toilet humor?
    Um, Adam Sandler?
    His humor extends beyond the bathroom. It also encompasses the barn yard and the crack house.
  • Dick Fortress.
    A tale of two adventurers, Mordack and Boba Fett, sent from their homeland to search for fertile pastures. But will these lands be "Most hospitable"? Or will they fall victim to the wandering purple headed dragon!
  • edited September 2010
    A tale of two adventurers, Mordack and Boba Fett, sent from their homeland to search for fertile pastures. But will these lands be "Most hospitable"? Or will they fall victim to the wandering purple headed dragon!
    6/10. Rym's was better because it was original. But still, good effort.

    EDIT: RE: Toilet humor:

    I think that excessive toilet humor would be too tiring. It's the paradox of poop, as explained by Dave Riley - the best thing in the world is poop, and the worst thing in the world is too much poop.

    One must use tact when crafting toilet humor. A cleverly inserted dick joke is more delightful than one which is simply whipped out and crammed into an unwilling conversation. However, one cannot be shy about pulling out the dick joke; you must embrace the dick joke, in all its glory, or else it will come out limp and half-assed. No, the dick joke calls for the application of the entire ass. Once the joke is finished, you need to reel it back in, and save it for another time. If you leave it hanging out, people will grow accustomed to it, and it will lose its impact.

    Think about a movie like Superbad. It wasn't really that funny, but the whole "I draw dicks" sequence was awesome.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I dreamt of Minecraft last night. Dear god.
  • edited September 2010
    Why hasn't anyone made a ... game whose theme is naught but toilet humor?
    Because you're never going to see an "AO" game officially released on any of the consoles; I don't know that the big three have explicitly stated that, but at this point it's pretty much a given. Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64 was an anomaly that slipped past the censors and skated through rating with an M. Conker: Live & Reloaded got the shit censored out of it on the original Xbox (literally) and came out the other side with an M. If you want raunchy stuff the PC is your best bet, but most of that content will either be painfully puerile or "OMG TENTACLE RAPE"-grade hentai. Much as TheWhaleShark said, you can't just go throwing dick jokes, T & A, and scatalogical humor into a game for the sake of having it in the game - the comedic timing has to be just right with good game-play to back it up. Otherwise you end up with limp efforts, like the modern Leisure Suit Larry games, which are weak sauce at best.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent is so good. Every way I can think of to praise this game seems painfully hyperbolic when I actually write it down. You should probably play it.
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent isso good. Every way I can think of to praise this game seems painfully hyperbolic when I actually write it down. You should probably play it.
    I purchased it, but I've been waiting until tonight to play it so I can essentially get the full effect at one or two in the morning with all the lights off.
  • Recettear is not amazing, but very clever. Lots of great meta-JRPG humor.
  • Recettear is not amazing, but very clever. Lots of great meta-JRPG humor.
    Yeah, someone mentioned it at PAX, so I tried the demo. The fundamental idea of having a game where you run an item shop is a good one, it just has to be executed better than this.
  • I bought the Scott Pilgrim game with the intention of being able to play it when my friends got back in town, but I wanted to play a few levels on my own just to try it out. This game is kicking my ass. I don't know whether it's that this game is hard, or I'm just really really bad at beat-'em-ups. It's probably both.
  • Recettear is not amazing, but very clever. Lots of great meta-JRPG humor.
    Yeah, someone mentioned it at PAX, so I tried the demo. The fundamental idea of having a game where you run an item shop is a good one, it just has to be executed better than this.
    I think this was brought up during the first PA Q&A;? I remember one of the two guys mentioning it, and then the other one shutting him down saying "wow, so you basically take the most boring part of playing an RPG and make an entire game out of it". Might be an overly judgemental remark on the game but it definitely gave me a good laugh.
  • I bought the Scott Pilgrim game with the intention of being able to play it when my friends got back in town, but I wanted to play a few levels on my own just to try it out. This game is kicking my ass. I don't know whether it's that this game is hard, or I'm just really really bad at beat-'em-ups. It's probably both.
    I had the same problem and even felt a certain lag with the controls. The thing is, this game has RPG elements so you have to level up to get new moves and buy books/food etc to raise the attributes of your character. That's why there are so many stores in the second area. After a day of frustration I gave in, checked GameFAQs and found out that you have to grind money and with raise your attributes. After that, the games becomes somewhat easy.
  • I take it back, I got the hang of this game. Turns out the first stage is just really long. Beat the second stage on my first try.
  • I have been rocking Chime on Steam as of late, a friend of mine reviewed it for those who are not familiar with the game. Needless to say I think everyone should pick this up.
  • I have been rocking Chime on Steam as of late, a friend of minereviewed itfor those who are not familiar with the game. Needless to say I think everyone should pick this up.
    I played that many months ago. It's good, but it needs more levels.
  • Played the demo of Recettear, and then had to pick it up. It's going to be a great way to pass the time when I commute to NYC for work.
  • In about 26 hours I shall be playing REACH!!!!
  • I have been rocking Chime on Steam as of late, a friend of minereviewed itfor those who are not familiar with the game. Needless to say I think everyone should pick this up.
    I played that many months ago. It's good, but it needs more levels.
    Steam version has an additional level that isn't on XBLA, but agree with you more artists need to get on board with this.
  • Steam version has an additional level that isn't on XBLA, but agree with you more artists need to get on board with this.
    If I knew it was going to come to Steam with an extra level, I never would have bought the XBLA version.
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