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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Nyxquest is going to be on steam soon, it was awesome on the Wii it will be awesome on PC PLAY IT!
  • image
    Speeds aren't great due to me being relatively far from the ADSL2+ exchange, but I care far more about the large download quota I get.

    Also, my bandwidth through to San Francisco seems to be much better than Churba's:
  • edited September 2010
    You know that song Because I got High? If you replaced "got high" with "played Civilization" it would work just as well (aside from the extra syllables).

    Post edited by Walker on
  • You know that songBecause I got High? If you replaced "got high" with "played Civilization" it would work just as well (aside from the extra syllables).
    Just shorten it. "Because I played Civ, Because I played Civ, Because I played Ciiiiiiiiv, la da dat da dadada"
  • edited September 2010
    Pretty damn good compared to what I had before at home.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Just finished Resistance 2. It was meh, just like the first one. Unless I hear of some significant good changes, won't be picking up the third.
  • Campaign Mode!!!! Of REACH. I have only played matchmaking so far. Campaign seems fun so far. One thing that is cool you may remember seeing forklifts and such in levels of other Halo games. Well the return (do they return if it is a prequel? The made their first appearance?) in REACH. BUT THIS TIME YOU CAN DRIVE THEM!!! AND THEY HAVE A HORN!!!!! OK yeah they can not shoot and handle poorly and move slowly, but it is fucking cool that you can finally drive them!
  • edited September 2010
    I was disappointed that I couldn't work the fork and provide mobile cover for my party in coop. Also, the DMR is way better than the BR.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I want to replace my right arm with a DMR. It is hands down my fav weapon in all of halos.
  • I was disappointed that I couldn't work the fork and provide mobile cover for my party in coop. Also, the DMR is way better than the BR.
    Ditto on both counts.
  • But you atleast need to be glad that you can drive them. Your complaint is kinda like saying "So at the store they gave out free vanillia ice cream. But I was dissapoint.. I like vanillia with sprinkles. "
  • When I feel like taking a break from Layton, I'm play Ivy the Kiwi?.

    This is probably one of the better games I've purchased this year. It's a lot like Kirby's Canvas Curse in where you can't control Ivy, herself, but you create vines to guide her through the timed levels and try to get all 10 feathers before the goal.

    The art style is right up my alley and it's a kiwi! A cute adorable Kiwi still in her eggshell.

    For $20, it's a deal, imo.
  • For a second I thought the game was about a kiwi fruit not a kiwi bird. I realized my mistake once I searched YouTube.
  • For a second I thought the game was about a kiwi fruit not a kiwi bird. I realized my mistake once I searched YouTube.
    Heh. I didn't know this game existed until Jeremy mentioned it to me the other day. He said I might like it because the art style reminded him of Layton and he knows how much I adore Kiwis.

    It was actually a bit difficult to find at stores, but I was lucky to find it at a Gamestop.

    I'm interested in the multiplayer. You can multiplayer with others with them having or not having the game.

    But seriously, how adorable is this?

  • he knows how much I adore Kiwis.
    Aww sweet that's sweet of him bro, oww.
  • edited September 2010
    Portable Ops for the PSP. Grey Fox and Norio Wakamoto=Instant win. Feels kinda like a beta Peace Walker, but TBH, I've enjoyed it more so far.
    Oh, and a ton of Halo Reach. Plan on starting on Other M once I'm done with Portable Ops too.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • I rented Peace Walker, but it wouldn't play on my PSP because I needed to update the firmware. I attempted update the firmware from the Peace Walker disc, but it couldn't read. I attempted to download the firmware online, but my PSP wouldn't detect my wi-fi. I didn't want to pirate this game, but now...
  • So I had been putting off buying it for financial reasons (just came back from vacation and money's really tight right now), but my girlfriend, being a sweetheart and perhaps somewhat less fiscally responsible, just bought it for me last night.

    Then she asked if she could play a little and said she would let me play when she "got bored." I replied that she would not, in fact, get bored. She spent all evening playing. So I can't honestly say that it is a Game I am Currently Playing yet.

  • I finally beat Metroid Prime, so now I'm moving to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (ANOTHER game that I have owned twice and never beaten).
  • edited September 2010
    ___Have you hacked your PSP with stuff you haven't looked through? Might be blocking updates. I think the most common update-workaround also has a way of easily changing the name and metadata of the frimware.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • I finally beat Metroid Prime, so now I'm moving to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (ANOTHER game that I have owned twice and never beaten).
    I didn't play the whole series, but Prime 3: Corruption was one of the very few Wii games I've really enjoyed.
  • Some of the background stuff in mass Effect 2, particularly in the Citidel, are really funny.
    Advertisements for an Elcor production of Hamlet, a Hanar starring in a remake of Dirty Harry, and the Solarian at the Vid Game store are positively hilarious.
  • edited September 2010
    I've been deliberating on this for a while: Should I play Dream Diary?

    Screw it, downloading now.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Yes. Yes you should.
  • When I feel like taking a break from Layton, I'm playIvy the Kiwi?.
    I heard about this title on the latest Bit Transmission podcast (they cover retro gaming, under-the-radar type titles, and quirky Japanese games). They gave it a pretty solid recommendation, urging people to pick it up. I didn't realize it was the latest title out of Sonic Team, which probably would get quite a few people to give it a try if they knew.
  • I heard about this title on the latest Bit Transmission podcast (they cover retro gaming, under-the-radar type titles, and quirky Japanese games). They gave it a pretty solid recommendation, urging people to pick it up. I didn't realize it was the latest title out of Sonic Team, which probably would get quite a few people to give it a try if they knew
    I'm going to be buying Jeremy a copy so we can check out multiplayer.

    This is seriously a fun game that is fast paced that has me making tapping the DS so much with the vine making. The increase of difficulty with each level is just right. I find myself yelling, "NOOO!!" if I accidentally send Kiwi to her doom into the spikes.
  • I really enjoyed Kirby: Canvas Curse, and recommend it constantly to DS owners, so you have convinced me to add this to my list.
  • I know Justin aka JewWario reviewed Ivy on his show check it out.
  • I know Justin aka JewWario reviewed Ivy on his showcheck it out.
    That's a good review. Even though I haven't played it on the Wii, I know I prefer the game on the DS because of the portability.

    I tried out the multiplayer last night and it's pretty fun. It's either a race or collect all medals for the matches. The courses are the ones they offer in the game and you can choose whether to go in order or have it at random.

    At first during the vs match, I thought you race with your opponents because you can see their kiwi on the same screen. However, I later noticed their kiwi is in ghost form to show you where they are at in the obstacle course.

    You can also see a small map of your obstacle course on the top screen as well the location of Ivy and the goal. Sometimes those obstacle courses look very intimidating, but challenging.

    This is probably the best under-the-radar game of the year.I hope it does well enough to have sequels made.
  • I am playing Myst on the iPhone, and am totally into the atmosphere, world, and storyline. The puzzles range from rather simple to pure torture, but nothing I can't overcome with a few minutes of thinking. Can't wait for Riven to come out.
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