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  • Is it just me, or do the leaders in Civ 5 just not have as much personality as they did in Civ 4? Not to say it was likeable personality, mind you, but they certainly had it (notably, Isabella and Montezuma, respectively a bipolar bitch and a swaggering insecure asshole). Now they seem a lot more distant and all kinda the same. I think I liked them better when I liked them less, if that makes any sense.

    I admit I haven't played it a whole lot yet, so maybe I just haven't seen the full spectrum.
  • edited October 2010
    Alright, BC2 and ME2 for £25 together. I'm going to pull the trigger tonight, but is it worth getting into BC2 this late in the game?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2010
    Alright, bought them, plus this mousepad which was on sale (Old one's falling appart.).
    As I'm not using Steam for BC2 (It'd be ~30GB to download for both games.), what am I doing for friend lists?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • As I'm not using Steam for BC2 (It'd be ~30GB to download for both games.), what am I doing for friend lists?
    BC2 doesn't use SteamWorks anyways. You need an EA account and it runs a friends list from in the game.
  • I have beaten Nyxquest, this is what Kid Icarus should have been. Amazing game get it for Wii or PC
  • Beat Nyxquest, awesome game all around now it is time for VVVVVV.
  • edited October 2010
    L4D2, had an amazing match with some really funny guys from around Europe, for the first time ever, all of them had voice chat! However one had discovered that rapidly opening and closing the safe room door will stop anyone entering. He stopped doing this after I threatened to throw a molotov in there.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Limbo is a game where you walk to the right and are slaughtered by bear traps.
  • Anyone who likes space trading games, this came up on TIGSource: Black Market. Art and writing are really nice, even if it feels like something of a same old, same old game.
  • edited October 2010
    LD2 and L4D have stopped working and report "Servers are busy." errors. Looks like The Sacrifice is inbound.

    Oh sheesh, it's 4GB.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Can anyone else get on Steam presently? I'm told the steam network is down, atm.
  • Can anyone else get on Steam presently? I'm told the steam network is down, atm.
    My friends list is working.
  • I'm back in now. It's odd. It wouldn't connect via the steam client but through the website I logged right in. *shrug*
  • Visited the local game shop and delved through the PC bargain bin, as I usually do. Only managed to find Black & White 1 but for £0.50, a good addition.

    BC2 and ME2 haven't got here, seems that shipping things from Jersey puts them through customs for a while.
  • I thought I was saving money buying Alan Wake used until i found it it came with a code for free DLC. Why wasn't that on the box?

    Also found out that Borderlands GOTY will include DLC codes rather than a disc.

    Been playing Fallout 3 lately in anticipation of New Vegas.

    Dead Rising 2 has been a lot of fun. Co-op is great, making combo weapons is fun. Only suck part is TIR.
  • . Another minor complaint is that they have achievements for getting to level 60...but I can't see how this is possible. I hacked everything that was hackable, did a majority of the UNC missions (fuck those missions by the way. You want me to mindlessly wander across your planets until I accidentally stumble across something with no indication of where said thing is? No one has that kind of time, goddamnit.), did as many side quests as I could find, did the DLC that I got as a freebie, and I STILL only hit level 49. I have no idea how the higher levels are attainable.
    The Internet is your friend.
  • Alien Hominid is such a classic.
  • . Another minor complaint is that they have achievements for getting to level 60...but I can't see how this is possible. I hacked everything that was hackable, did a majority of the UNC missions (fuck those missions by the way. You want me to mindlessly wander across your planets until I accidentally stumble across something with no indication of where said thing is? No one has that kind of time, goddamnit.), did as many side quests as I could find, did the DLC that I got as a freebie, and I STILL only hit level 49. I have no idea how the higher levels are attainable.
    TheInternetis your friend.
    Late to the party on that one. WWWells told me all 'bout it.
  • Has anyone picked up Dead Rising 2 yet? I like the first game, and I'm thinking about picking up the second.
  • Has anyone picked up Dead Rising 2 yet? I like the first game, and I'm thinking about picking up the second.
    Yes. It is more of the same from the first game with combo weapons instead of film. That and those bastard convicts are gone!

    The mall is also easier to navigate.

    There is a demo for Case Zero. Try that first.
  • Trying the BC2 campaign.

    Yep.. died because I was stuck on a foot high log for the third time.
  • edited October 2010
    Trying the BC2 campaign.

    Yep.. died because I was stuck on a foot high log for the third time.
    I played a few levels of the campaign before trying multiplayer. Then I played multiplayer and never bothered with single player again. I guess it's kind of admirable that they actually tried with Bad Company, but it still feels like multiplayer training mode.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Multiplay turns out to be pretty terrible. You have to unlock the medic's ability to heal. Think about that for a second.

    Other guy's guns are flat out better and their slots have flat out improvements while I have none. This is not fun. I am not grinding in a maybe alright game.
  • Multiplay turns out to be pretty terrible. You have to unlock the medic's ability to heal. Think about that for a second.

    Other guy's guns are flat out better and their slots have flat out improvements while I have none. This is not fun. I am not grinding in a maybe alright game.
    It does not take very long to unlock the base skills for each class. Once you do leveling up is super fast.

    CIP: Playing Medic? Once you unlock med kits drop them all over the place, when a wounded team member runs by they heal and you gain XP. Once you unlock the paddles you gain XP even faster.

    The only class I found to be slow to earn XP is Recon. It might just be me though.

    The one thing that will piss you off is playing against high level players who have magnum ammo and combat armor. They will likely one-shot kill you and your bullets seem to bounce right off of them.

    Just picked up the new Pokemon Ranger games (one for me, one for my kid) and I was surprised to see that they offer some co-op missions!
  • The one thing that will piss you off is playing against high level players who have magnum ammo and combat armor. They will likely one-shot kill you and your bullets seem to bounce right off of them.
    Solution: play on "Hardcore" servers. It's almost one shot kill for everybody.
  • Just played through the Sacrifice on L4D and the achievements are buggy on xbox. Turns out the Kill Bill one only works in single player.

    The collection achievements in the new Borderlands DLC are also broken. If you don't get them in a certain order you can't get them.

    There is a funny easter egg in the L4D DLC near a leaky steam pipe. Have all four characters stop in this small corridor and just listen.
  • edited October 2010
    BC2 continues bad. I don't want to earn XP, I want to play! I'm tired of being the assault class and having medics and engineers take me out from great distance.

    This is both of us shooting at each other in a front on confrontation.

    Mass Effect 2 doesn't seem as bad. A bit dungeon crawly but the plot is somewhat interesting.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2010
    BC2 continues bad. I don't want to earn XP, I want to play! I'm tired of being the assault class and having medics and engineers take me out from great distance.

    This is both of us shooting at each other in a front on confrontation.
    Protip - Take cover pretty much all the time and never stop moving. Take every sneaky, unfair, and generally bastardly tactic you can think of, and apply it.
    Edit - Oh, and never worry about conserving ammo. Hit hard, hit fast, hit often.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Mass Effect 2 doesn't seem as bad. A bit dungeon crawly but the plot is somewhat interesting.
    uh wut? I don't see how you can get dungeon crawl at all...
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