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  • FF VII
    That is a terrible place to start playing Final Fantasy games. If you're going to start with one, start with IV or VI. Might as well start with the best two, because it's all downhill from there.
    I don't disagree, I'm just giving suggestions for what I know he has, which is a PS3. If I knew he had a DS or GBA, I would've started there.
  • Dragon Quest IX is surprisingly awesome ;D
  • I ended up picking up Fallout 3 for the PS3 today. I'm curious to see what is different (visually) than the 360 version. I have not done a side-by-side yet but I think the water trails when you walk through water are better on PS3. I also notice a lack of frame clipping when the game does slow-motion sequences.
  • My younger brother hooked up the N64 to the big screen TV and we have been Mario Tennis-ing it up for the last couple days. That shit is intense let me tell you.
  • My younger brother hooked up the N64 to the big screen TV and we have been Mario Tennis-ing it up for the last couple days. That shit is intense let me tell you.
    FUCK YES! Mario Tennis is made of so much win. Still, GameCube Mario tennis is preferred.
  • We sold to Wii and Gamecube since we never use it so we currently have no more Gamecube games. Plus while I love Mario Tennis, the superpower system was a little bleh for me.
  • We sold to Wii and Gamecube since we never use it so we currently have no more Gamecube games. Plus while I love Mario Tennis, the superpower system was a little bleh for me.
    Yes, even though I like the GameCube one more, it's only a little bit more. The N64 one is still great and served us very well for many years.

    Team Scott! Boo FTW.
  • We sold to Wii and Gamecube since we never use it so we currently have no more Gamecube games. Plus while I love Mario Tennis, the superpower system was a little bleh for me.
    Yes, even though I like the GameCube one more, it's only a little bit more. The N64 one is still great and served us very well for many years.

    Team Scott! Boo FTW.
    Boo was an evil little bastard. But Shy Guy was also very sneaky.
  • Something I don't get about Mass Effect 2: If the game is about making choices based on your own decisions, why does it then punish you for not playing a two dimensional good or bad character?
    Other than that, highly enjoyable.
  • Yeah, that was one of the things I really liked about Dragon Age. You're not judged on good or evil, you're judged solely based on how your party members react, because their approval meters go up and down based on your choices. This allows you to roleplay more complex characters (e.g., a human who goes out of his way to help other humans but shuns the other races) that isn't just blatantly good or evil. Mass Effect is fun, but it's impossible to be neutral or even complicated, you're either helpful to everyone or you're evil.
  • KOTOR had a good system for alignment/morality. The middle of the road was the Grey Jedi. He helped people, but he wasn't shy about tossing around Force Lightning.
  • edited October 2010

    Also @Axel: SPACE RACIST!!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Tower of Heaven is a really hard, really fun, and has a really good soundtrack. It's also really short.
  • So I thought to myself today maybe I should check out Minecraft and see what all the fuss is about. Needless to say it is a bad idea and my head is thinking within game logic on making suggestions for items to be added in the game -_-
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Started it last night for the Xbox 360. I am enjoying it so far. It is certainly a well executed Sonic game, as well constructed as any of the Genesis-era Sonic games. The graphics are vivid and the animations are solid. My fear upon watching the first few game play videos that were released was that Sonic moved too slow, but I have found that it is easy to pick up speed and really blast through levels if you'd like, or explore the huge multi-pathed levels. Although it feels a bit easy, this is easily one of the best executed Sonic games in recent years. It goes down the list of what makes a good 2D Sonic game, and does it.
    And therein lies one of the problems I have with this game. It feels a bit robotic, and uninspired. Despite having beautiful high resolution graphics, I feel as though I've seen it all before. The enemies, the obstacles, everything seems directly lifted from Sonic 1 and 2. Episode 1 has four zones with three acts and a boss battle each; which are in essence Green Hill Zone, Casino Nights Zone, Labyrinth Zone, and Metropolis Zone. Sure the names are different, but these all feel like they've been lifted directly from their games.

    In Sonic 3 & Knuckles (the series' high point, if you ask me) the levels, although drawing inspiration from previous Sonic games, mixed it up enough so that each stage felt unique. It was little things, such as Angel Island having water areas and then catching on fire transformed it from standard "Fill in the Blank" Hill zone to something memorable. The flow between stages felt natural and made sense in those games, whereas Sonic 4 just seems to throw you all over the place for no real reason at all. It seems like they just grabbed whatever levels they could and plopped them in there to simply have them in there.

    The music is mostly unmemorable, for some levels they are quite literally 10 second loops that get somewhat irritating after a while, which is disappointing when one considers the awesome tunes from Sonic 3.
    Sonic 4 does everything it does right, but doesn't add anything new to the numbered Sonic games, except for one thing which is my biggest gripe with the game: the episodic nature of it. I haven't beat the game yet, but have beat 3 out of the 4 zones in the game, in about an hour and a half. The only reason I didn't finish the game last night was because I had to get up early for work this morning. Sure, I can go back and collect all the Chaos Emeralds, but that will not add any substantial amount of replay time to the game. This wouldn't be much of a problem were the game not $15. This is a bit pricey for the amount of content in this game, and breaking it up into episodes removes the sense of grandness that previous Sonic games (especially S3&K) had. As a kid, it took me a long time to get through those games, and I loved. I am near the end of this game, and feel like I have merely just gotten a taste of what it has to offer, when in fact I have all but devoured it already.

    And perhaps this is the biggest disappointment I have the game. It doesn't feel like Sonic the Hedgehog 4. It feels more like Sonic 1&2 HD Remix (if that makes any sense.) It doesn't feel like a whole game so far, and fails to add anything of substance to its predecessors. That said it is a solid game without too many flaws, but a sort of letdown for any Sonic fan waiting for an epic gaming experience. It's an appetizer after being promised a whole meal. It's hard to recommend this at $15, were SEGA to wait and release all the episodes as a disc that was fairly priced I'd be more enthusiastic about it. I'd wait till the price drops or just pick up one of those Sonic game collections for cheap to get your Sonic fix.
  • Far Cry 2: one of those games that does so much well that the one all-pervading nag stands out so much. That being the psycic AI which makes any method of attack other than "Sit in one place and kill most of the group as they walk towards you." pretty much impossible.

    Telepathic = One gets shot and they all shoot back straight at you (Even when sniping.).
    Super accurate = Shotguns shouldn't hit every time from the other end of two train cars.
    Incredible sight = Day or night, if they can shoot through it, they can see through it.
  • Far Cry 2: one of those games that does so much well that the one all-pervading nag stands out so much. That being the psycic AI which makes any method of attack other than "Sit in one place and kill most of the group as they walk towards you." pretty much impossible.

    Telepathic = One gets shot and they all shoot back straight at you (Even when sniping.).
    Super accurate = Shotguns shouldn't hit every time from the other end of two train cars.
    Incredible sight = Day or night, if they can shoot through it, they can see through it.
    I recall in far cry 1, they had the same incredible vision, but were deaf as posts. In other words, you hang half a bollock hair around the corner, and you've got more dudes with guns after you than the fuckin' blues brothers. But drive up behind a guy in a jeep, the second to last thing that goes through his mind is "well, all quiet around here. Second to last, because the last thing that goes through his mind is your hood ornament.
  • Eternal Sonata: Easy, very pretty, good music, and so far a pretty slow pace. Good game for those new to JRPG's or anyone with even a passing interest in Chopin. However the pacing is a bit slow, and some of the plot subjects/themes are delivered with a heavy hand. I was surprised at one cut scene where I actually had to sit and read text to a non-narrated slide show of real photographs that was about one song of Chopin's. Felt a bit like a lesson in music history inserted into the game for no real reason (yet). Still, the game is cute, pretty, and a relaxing play.
  • I just found a ROM for Rocket: Robot On Wheels. This game was so amazing and no one played it.
  • Nights like this when I'm indecisive about what to play, I wish Steam had a "LFG for these games" function.
  • Minecraft and Violin Hero
  • I just found a ROM forRocket: Robot On Wheels. This game was so amazing and no one played it.
    I owned this game back in the N64 days, it is indeed an awesome game.
  • I just found a ROM forRocket: Robot On Wheels. This game was so amazing and no one played it.
    I owned this game back in the N64 days, it is indeed an awesome game.
    Well anything Sucker Punch makes so far has been both incredibly fun to play and nicely polished.
  • edited October 2010
    I finished Mega Man 10 on "normal" today. The "hard" difficulty is tempting.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I was playing Far Cry 2 and went back to watch the Zero Punctuation review of it, after which, I asked myself: "What is in this game for me?" or "What does this game do better than other games?". I could not think of anything.
  • "What is in this game for me?"
    Pure Rage.
    "What does this game do better than other games?"
    Aggravate the fuck out of me.
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn is full of win. It's a great low-key game.

    I wasn't sure how the game would play since Kirby can't suck anything up but the yarn mechanics work well.
  • edited October 2010
    Zero Punctuation
    Their review of Alpha Protocol along with the one from Idle Thumbs makes me really want to buy that game. Too bad it's $50 on steam and I'm a cheap bastard.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn is almost painfully cute and is a rather relaxing play. If I had any younger siblings, I bet they'd love this game.

    Meanwhile Professor Layton and the Unwound Future is wonderful puzzley goodness.
  • Zero Punctuation
    Their review of Alpha Protocol along with the one from Idle Thumbs makes me really want to buy that game. Too bad it's $50 on steam and I'm a cheap bastard.
    Actually the best part about that game was the dialog system it had, seriously if you find it in a cheap game bin, pick it up just for that and wish that other games incorporate it into the fold.
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