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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • edited October 2007
    I'll never think of Scrym the same way again . . .

    Post edited by One Sin on
  • Haha! love it! well done :)
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
  • ......
    edited October 2007
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
    Aha, so, what do you think of the new fan art? What about the fact that you're left out of the Hello Kitty treatment?
    Post edited by ... on
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
    Same here. The 5 o'clock shadow scruff has become my trademark.
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
    Same here. The 5 o'clock shadow scruff has become my trademark.
    I personally love a guy with a shadow. I love guys who are hairy including facial hair. Not a Santa Claus beard but stubble is soooo....Gah! <3 <3
  • The Thursday episode.

    1:00:28 - 1:00:40

    Gayest twelve seconds I ever heard in this show.
  • Transcription:

    Rym: "Fine I'll yoink it ... American Gods is fucking amazing, Neil Gamon is like my person hero, I find him a little bit sexy. eehh.. He's very British and very .. em.. hu.. he's rugged and he's cute, what can I say, sorry."

    Case closed!
  • Case closed!
    For Rym anyways.
  • Transcription:

    Rym: "Fine I'll yoink it ... American Gods is fucking amazing, Neil Gaiman is like my person hero, I find him a little bit sexy. eehh.. He's very British and very .. em.. hu.. he's rugged and he's cute, what can I say, sorry."

    Case closed!
    Nah, I think this was an obvious play at the thread... he probably just wants some Rym/Gaiman slash but is too embarrassed to come out and say it. ^^ Don't worry, we'll see what we can do.

    In other news, 11 more posts to overtaking Pokemon VOIP as the most commented thread on the forum. ^^ Go team go!
  • Case closed!
    For Rym anyways.
    Wasn't the case closed on you a while ago with the talk about domains names not necessarily pointing to what was hosted?
    Scott: "You could also have a site, hard core fucking Rym in the ass something something dildo something... and it's just a site of happy LOLCats."
    Rym: "...huh. I find it interesting that your example... well, my example involved puppies and kittens and pornography, and yours involved, uh, sex with me and dildos."
    Scott: "Eh, what do you want?"
    Rym: "Not that."
    Scott: "Alright, fine.. uhh,"

    You could say Case closed! again... but then again that would stop this thread...

    Case Reopened! x 2
  • edited November 2007
    he probably just wants some Rym/Gaiman slash but is too embarrassed to come out and say it. ^^ Don't worry, we'll see what we can do.
    Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body.
    Rym: (fangirl scream)

    ...and it goes along the lines of that.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body.
    Rym: (fangirl scream)

    ...and it goes along the lines of that.
    Goddamnit... That almost made me spray coffee all over this computer.
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
    I shave twice every 1.5 days. I hate you.
  • Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
    I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
    I shave twice every 1.5 days. I hate you.
    Well, if you are hating me because you think my facial hairs grow slowly, worry not. In all honesty, I probably need to shave once every 2 days. I'm just lazy, so I only shave when my face starts to itch.
  • Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body.
    Rym: (fangirl scream)

    ...and it goes along the lines of that.
    Goddamnit... That almost made me spray coffee all over this computer.
  • Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body.
    Rym: (fangirl scream)

    ...and it goes along the lines of that.
    Start writing. Or prod Kage_Rod.
    I mean:
    he probably just wants some Rym/Gaiman slash but is too embarrassed to come out and say it. ^^ Don't worry, we'll see what we can do.
    is on the right track, no?
  • It's just sitting there, as a thorn in my eye, wanting to be put in 'that' thread, aka, this thread.
    When I'm done, everything will be harder, better, faster, stronger.
  • edited November 2007
    That's not gay.
    When I'm done, everything will be harder, better, faster, after Scott
    Now it's gay.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I don't get it, Viga. It's still not Gay enough
  • If I made it worse this thread would be officially R rated...even more.
  • jccjcc
    edited November 2007
    In honor of becoming the most talked about thread on this forum, I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain... special someone, whose birthday is next week...


    We love you, Neil! But not as much as Rym does...

    Not at all.

    Don't forget to lock your doors. Seriously.

    Soooo dreamy...
    Post edited by jcc on
  • Whoa!....He is hot. Dreamy and british. Rym gets a pass for being gay because....oh my god! Got damn! <3

    I'd draw a RymxNeil pic but...I'd be tempted to cross out Rym and add me. <3
  • edited November 2007
    Oh my god. The level of fangirl in this thread is growing immensely.

    I don't know if I can handle it.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Hot damn! <3</p>

    And Rym is right. .__.; That guy doesn't conform to the standard writer look. Writers should be either bald, ugly, fat, or a combo of those three. At least Dutch writers do, then again, English writers tend to not conform to writing standards of writing crappy works. Dutch writers do. *kicks Dutch writers writing only about drama.*
  • I love it that his name is pronounced "gay man."
  • Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body.
    Rym: (fangirl scream)

    ...and it goes along the lines of that.
    Start writing. Or prod Kage_Rod.
    Oh god. >>; I would, but .. Huh..hahaha.. Never read any of Neil Gaiman's books, so I have no idea what he's like.

    Please shoot me now. =3

    ASIDE from that...
    1) Neil Gaiman is hot - and coming from a lesbian, I would believe that's a compliment.
    2) I'd attempt to at least draw the two, but I'd want to do realism for such a person (which is not my strong suit, as much as I try). Plus, no scanner so you guys wouldn't ever see it.
  • edited November 2007
    He looks like a clean-shaven and healthier version of my friend.. >>;

    I like this guy! I don't know his name tho. =3 There's pics of him everywhere on 4Chan.

    (..and apparently I did this post an hour ago. O.o; In response to Bunniken's 45 minute-ago post. ><; WTF)
    Post edited by kage_rod on
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