Rym: "Fine I'll yoink it ... American Gods is fucking amazing, Neil Gamon is like my person hero, I find him a little bit sexy. eehh.. He's very British and very .. em.. hu.. he's rugged and he's cute, what can I say, sorry."
Rym: "Fine I'll yoink it ... American Gods is fucking amazing, Neil Gaiman is like my person hero, I find him a little bit sexy. eehh.. He's very British and very .. em.. hu.. he's rugged and he's cute, what can I say, sorry."
Case closed!
Nah, I think this was an obvious play at the thread... he probably just wants some Rym/Gaiman slash but is too embarrassed to come out and say it. ^^ Don't worry, we'll see what we can do.
In other news, 11 more posts to overtaking Pokemon VOIP as the most commented thread on the forum. ^^ Go team go!
Wasn't the case closed on you a while ago with the talk about domains names not necessarily pointing to what was hosted? Scott: "You could also have a site, hard core fucking Rym in the ass something something dildo something... and it's just a site of happy LOLCats." Rym: "...huh. I find it interesting that your example... well, my example involved puppies and kittens and pornography, and yours involved, uh, sex with me and dildos." Scott: "Eh, what do you want?" Rym: "Not that." Scott: "Alright, fine.. uhh, RymRidingTheSexMachine.com"
You could say Case closed! again... but then again that would stop this thread...
Awesome! But, Scott shaves too! Same way, same smoothness, ne?
I shave maybe twice every 1.5 weeks.
I shave twice every 1.5 days. I hate you.
Well, if you are hating me because you think my facial hairs grow slowly, worry not. In all honesty, I probably need to shave once every 2 days. I'm just lazy, so I only shave when my face starts to itch.
In honor of becoming the most talked about thread on this forum, I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain... special someone, whose birthday is next week...
And Rym is right. .__.; That guy doesn't conform to the standard writer look. Writers should be either bald, ugly, fat, or a combo of those three. At least Dutch writers do, then again, English writers tend to not conform to writing standards of writing crappy works. Dutch writers do. *kicks Dutch writers writing only about drama.*
Gaiman: You're a fan of my books...can you be a fan of my body. Rym: (fangirl scream)
...and it goes along the lines of that.
Start writing. Or prod Kage_Rod.
Oh god. >>; I would, but .. Huh..hahaha.. Never read any of Neil Gaiman's books, so I have no idea what he's like.
Please shoot me now. =3
ASIDE from that... 1) Neil Gaiman is hot - and coming from a lesbian, I would believe that's a compliment. 2) I'd attempt to at least draw the two, but I'd want to do realism for such a person (which is not my strong suit, as much as I try). Plus, no scanner so you guys wouldn't ever see it.
1:00:28 - 1:00:40
Gayest twelve seconds I ever heard in this show.
Rym: "Fine I'll yoink it ... American Gods is fucking amazing, Neil Gamon is like my person hero, I find him a little bit sexy. eehh.. He's very British and very .. em.. hu.. he's rugged and he's cute, what can I say, sorry."
Case closed!
In other news, 11 more posts to overtaking Pokemon VOIP as the most commented thread on the forum. ^^ Go team go!
Scott: "You could also have a site, hard core fucking Rym in the ass something something dildo something... and it's just a site of happy LOLCats."
Rym: "...huh. I find it interesting that your example... well, my example involved puppies and kittens and pornography, and yours involved, uh, sex with me and dildos."
Scott: "Eh, what do you want?"
Rym: "Not that."
Scott: "Alright, fine.. uhh, RymRidingTheSexMachine.com"
You could say Case closed! again... but then again that would stop this thread...
Case Reopened! x 2
Rym: (fangirl scream)
...and it goes along the lines of that.
I mean: is on the right track, no?
We love you, Neil! But not as much as Rym does...
Not at all.
Don't forget to lock your doors. Seriously.
Soooo dreamy...
I'd draw a RymxNeil pic but...I'd be tempted to cross out Rym and add me.
I don't know if I can handle it.
And Rym is right. .__.; That guy doesn't conform to the standard writer look. Writers should be either bald, ugly, fat, or a combo of those three. At least Dutch writers do, then again, English writers tend to not conform to writing standards of writing crappy works. Dutch writers do. *kicks Dutch writers writing only about drama.*
Please shoot me now. =3
ASIDE from that...
1) Neil Gaiman is hot - and coming from a lesbian, I would believe that's a compliment.
2) I'd attempt to at least draw the two, but I'd want to do realism for such a person (which is not my strong suit, as much as I try). Plus, no scanner so you guys wouldn't ever see it.
I like this guy! I don't know his name tho. =3 There's pics of him everywhere on 4Chan.
(..and apparently I did this post an hour ago. O.o; In response to Bunniken's 45 minute-ago post. ><; WTF)