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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • I just realized the majority of guys I think are hot are either animated in Japan, at my school, online friends or a podcaster. No celebs.

    Well I could add Neil Gaiman, but I have to read one of his books. I just might try a chapter in the bookstore to see if I like it.

    He's the Eiri Yuki to everyones Suichi shindo.
  • Yes, I would agree that Rym gets a get-out-of-gay-free pass because Neil Gaiman is hot.
    But as long as we're on the topic of hot guys... William Beckett ftw. XD
  • I likethis guy!
    That's a guy!? The term 'trap' would fit better imo.
  • I likethis guy!
    That's a guy!? The term 'trap' would fit better imo.
    Even if that's a girl they're hot!
  • edited November 2007
    Its a girl. You can see the chest start to slope and the face looks -female- for sure.

    Unless you are referring to the guy with the camera.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • No, it's a guy. That's WHY they post it on 4chan.
  • 4chan.. this changes everything.
  • It's either a trap or a girl with really big eyebrows . . .
  • jccjcc
    edited November 2007
    He looks like a clean-shaven and healthier version of my friend.. >>;
    A lot of that clean-shaven health is the product of careful airbrushing. ^^; He does like bears, though! Especially younger ones, it seems... Rym will be pleased. ^^

    Post edited by jcc on
  • Cute....<3
  • Oh wow, adorable! *Hugs panda as well* And technically, he likes marsupials, not bears. Panda bears aren't bears. =3
    It's either a trap or a girl with really big eyebrows . . .
    Tis a trap that I fall for until I started to read what people posted beside him. XD I dun like a lot of the cam-girls they put on there.
  • image

    What is it with guys and fuzzy things?
  • edited November 2007
    Fuzzy things are soft and cute and they're fun to hug. :)
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • The gay thread has turned fangirl. Not that I'm complaining! <3

    Maybe we should get Scott in here with a puppy or something. Lol.
  • Gawddamn, does someone know Scrym IRL so we can shove a puppy or a kitten into their arms and take a picture of them??
  • we would need a soft fuzzy kitten or puppy to do that with...
  • I'm doing some photoshop editing when I get home... XD
  • Lol, I fail.

  • *laughs too much to type feelings*
  • Oh god. I thought you said you were going to use photoshop.
  • I think that'd work a little better if the person in the real photo had less hair.

    ... ... *steals dogs*
  • image
    Yeah....all my teachers will be ashamed of me if they saw this pic.
  • Lol, I fail.
    I... I can't stop laughing... i just can't....
  • image
    Yeah....all my teachers will be ashamed of me if they saw this pic.
    You win the internets.
  • Gawddamn that's cute. XDD ...Scott looks kinda scared. XDD
  • Got-damn, we need to get Scott some kittens.
  • edited November 2007
    Don't give Scott kittens... he will sacrifice them to his tomato plant!!! (It's the only thing he loves.... well, other than naked greek statues of men.)
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Last line of the most recent episode (before the canned message kicks in), they've just given up trying..
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