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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • my brother's girlfriend proposed to him. I'll be having a sister-in-law soon!
  • Gay mix tapes?

    Truly the creative drive of fanpeoples is great and fearsome.
    You have no idea. =3 I can't wait until they're done.
    my brother's girlfriend proposed to him. I'll be having a sister-in-law soon!
    Thank you. =3
  • Gay mix tapes?

    Truly the creative drive of fanpeoples is great and fearsome.
    lol, I'm not going to pretend this is a project to be proud of. I just think it will be fun, and be the source of many lulz. ;)
  • Rym you are automatically gay due to using all those faggy-ass emotes. As a tremendous queer I feel I have the authority to make this judgment, I have also judged Scott as the more attractive of the two of you. I'm not even kidding.
  • ...I am scared for us all.
  • edited January 2008
    ...I am scared for us all.
    [Edit] And I think it's time for this to get a much needed update. Surely this thread has overtaken the rest.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited January 2008
    Whatever you do, don't touch any salsa Scrym gives you.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Whatever you do, don't touch any salsa Scrym gives you.
    Why not? They only want you to believe they have sex with the salsa. I'd say do touch the salsa they give, since you can rest assured it's safe.
  • Whatever you do, don't touch any salsa Scrym gives you.
    Why not? They only want you to believe they have sex with the salsa. I'd say do touch the salsa they give, since you can rest assured it's safe.
    Ok, but you first.
  • jccjcc
    edited January 2008
    Scott: Your neck's no good anyway.

    Rym: My neck's fine!

    Scott: No it's not, it's a crap neck!

    Rym: I got a good neck, I got a nice long neck!

    Scott: No, you'd get a better neck out of a turkey at the supermarket.
    Scott does not approve of Rym's necking abilities. However, Rym managed to keep him up all night anyhow. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • have the talent to read into thing I never notice. Either that or you could have fun replacing neck with another body part.

    I'm...a wrong....bitch. Never mind. XD
  • edited January 2008

    Scott: "The way their bodies an amazing...thing.

    That is not to be believed."
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • When was this? Was I deaf?
  • Revived.
    This thread will never die.
  • I just reread the quote I posted.

    Wow. That was super gay.
  • Please either:

    A) Condemn this thread to the Forbidden Zone,
    B) Throw it into the sun, or
    C) Pile-drive it into the surface of the moon.
  • or
    D) Keep it around for kicks.
  • Or....E) bath it in olive oil while it jumps on a parade of gayness.
  • edited January 2008
    D) Keep it around for kicks.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Or....E) bath it in olive oil while it jumps on a parade of gayness.
    That sounds pretty tasty. I'm up for it.
  • I'll get the bathtub. XD
  • Or....E) bath it in olive oil while it jumps on a parade of gayness.
    Why olive oil? O.o; Just curious.

    There -must- be rainbows and sparkles in the background!
  • edited January 2008
    ...And barely clothed men thrusting each other a la Ai Cho Aniki.

    Why olive oil? Because it's tasty. XD

    I have a sick mind.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • ... Plain?

    It's good to cook with but..

    Damn now I wanna go try and see if it's alright. ...
  • GeekNights 080129 - How to Not Suck at Settlers of Catan

    At 41:59 Scott says:

    "Where can I fuck Rym the hardest, oh look, he's got a wood factory and I've got a wood factory"

    That's just sick guys. Scott, you should keep those kind of thoughts until after the show. Some good evidence here.
  • edited January 2008
    "Where can I fuckRymthe hardest, oh look, he's got a wood factory and I've got a wood factory"
    Ah Settlers. It's as if the game was intentionally designed to have as much sexual innuendo as possible.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • "Where can I fuckRymthe hardest, oh look, he's got a wood factory and I've got a wood factory"
    Ah Settlers. It's as if the game was intentionally designed to have as much sexual innuendo as possible.
    I LOL'd, I'm surprised you guys didn't pick up on it right after you said it.
  • I LOL'd, I'm surprised you guys didn't pick up on it right after you said it.
    We've made so many jokes in Settlers that it is impossible to laugh at them, even if we do notice. Remember, we're talking about a game where you can take four sheep and mash them together to make wood. It is also a game where you can simultaneously have wood and need sheep.
  • I LOL'd, I'm surprised you guys didn't pick up on it right after you said it.
    We've made so many jokes in Settlers that it is impossible to laugh at them, even if we do notice. Remember, we're talking about a game where you can take four sheep and mash them together to make wood. It is also a game where you can simultaneously have wood and need sheep.
    That's great! I've never played the game but I still found the discussion very interesting and will try and pick it up soon.
  • edited January 2008
    After Viga directed me to it, I really cracked up hearing that. Luckily I was able to keep it mostly quiet, since I was listening on the bus when I heard it.

    I remember some similar innuendo in the Carcassonne episode, as well. They were short parts, but they were there.
    Post edited by Eryn on
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