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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • Ooh, any yaoi cover would work! Let's see.. Loveholic works.. Lost boys, not so much - y'know, seeing as Scrym are the same age.. Neither does Almost Crying... not Can't Win With You ..Oooh, Beyond My Touch would be good! Even tho Scrym are a lil old for that cover.. Paradise on the Hill would -totally- work: age and position wise. Or one of the Junko Romantico covers too.

    Heehee. Now I wanna play in Photoshop!
  • You know too much about this to be merely joking around...
  • edited February 2008
    I'd say Rym should be Shun and Scott should be Kazuya. Neither one is a great fit, but at least Rym has the long hair.

    And awesome, I have no idea what any of the things kage_rod mentioned are. I'm still safe! ;D
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • You know too much about this to be merely joking around...
    Only reason I don't - Photoshop photo manipulation isn't that fun to me. And yes, I do know too much. Those titles were all from my bookshelf. =3 Sadly, the main reason I look to yaoi is because there's no good yuri manga that I can find. >
    And awesome, I have no idea what any of the things kage_rod mentioned are. I'm still safe! ;D
    For now.
  • edited February 2008
    How about Strawberry Panic. I read some of it and it wasn't bad. I can't think of any thing else...meh. It might be too shojo ai ish.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Ack, Strawberry Panic! D: I saw a couple of the later episodes of the anime, and it's just baaaaaaad. It's just harem yuri designed to appeal to otaku fanboys. The beginning isn't that bad, which is probably why it didn't set alarms off for Viga, but it's all downhill from there if the manga is anything like the anime.
  • Ack, Strawberry Panic! D: I saw a couple of the later episodes of the anime, and it's just baaaaaaad. It's just harem yuri designed to appeal to otaku fanboys. The beginning isn't that bad, which is probably why it didn't set alarms off for Viga, but it's all downhill from there if the manga is anything like the anime.
    Ah! I only read most of the first manga. Sigh. I need to get some yuri that's awesome. ^_^
  • I haven't read Strawberry Panic, but there -is- a really cute manga.. Oh what is it? My first love...? Shoot, I had lent it out to a friend. There's only volume one so far. Got released recently.

    --- Okay my friend told me it's "First Love Sisters". XD He has a copy too.
  • Underwear episode. After Rym says "My balls", Scott says 'Eh' an awful lot, of course this is because his mind was probably distracting him from the podcast.
  • Yeah, but the Underwear episode also provides the unequivocal evidence that they're completely straight. That whole "grower - not a shower" thing? Gay guys just aren't that hung up on the size of their own tackle.
  • Yeah, but the Underwear episode also provides the unequivocal evidence that they're completely straight. That whole "grower - not a shower" thing? Gay guys just aren't that hung up on the size of their own tackle.
    Hair fetish?

    Now I know why Rym has long hair. ;)
  • Well I do not think they are gay, they are just like Burt and Ernie, best friends living together and getting by.
  • Well I do not think they are gay, they are just like Burt and Ernie, best friends living together and getting by.
    Well that's no fun to just say something like that!
  • Indeed. If it were as simple as that, do you think this thread would have gotten so long? ;)
  • This thread is one of the most hilarious things I read. Seeing it's dissent into madness over time amuses me.
  • Well I do not think they are gay, they are just like Burt and Ernie, best friends living together and getting by.
    Wait, Bert and Ernie aren't gay?
  • Ha! Burt and Ernie! Like Scrym! Totally see it!

    But....My God...Do you think there is fan-fiction for Sesame St?
    ..............Man, why am I a grownup whose mind must be troubled by such thoughts.
  • edited March 2008

    A rejected swag design sketch that I for lulz. Not really gay, persay, but not exactly gekiga. Hey Scrym fangirls, would YOU buy this on a T-shirt?
    Post edited by gomidog on

  • A rejected swag design sketch that I for lulz. Not really gay, persay, but not exactly gekiga. Hey Scrym fangirls, would YOU buy this on a T-shirt?
    The S in SCRYM is a little weird compared to the other letters. It needs to stand up straight I think. Also, why is it that not even a chibi representation of me is smiling?
  • image

    A rejected swag design sketch that I for lulz. Not really gay, persay, but not exactly gekiga. Hey Scrym fangirls, would YOU buy this on a T-shirt?
    That design is epic.
  • Yeah, I'd use a different typeface if I did a cleaned up version. But the frown? Mostly to counter-balance Rym's expression. Also because it is funny. Whenever anybody draws you you look surly, so I guess it has become kinda a trademark. You smile for a bunch of things, like little crabs and funny Tezuka faces, but you must admit, if one was to try to distill you onto the comics page, one gets the urge to draw grumpy.
  • *blushes*

    Oh my god it's so cute they kinda look like plushies! Kyaa!

    Yeah, I had a fangirl moment. I got a weakness for cute.
  • I find that swag utterly hilarious. I would wear it.
  • edited March 2008
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I would totally wear that. <3 ...I want a patch of that, actually. XD I don't want more clothes, but I love putting patches on my backpack.
  • Damnit >.o I can't go "SQUEEEEEEE KAWAII!" (I mean the more masculine version *coughs*) for Emily only asked girls.

    . . .

    Screw that limitation, they're very adorable! Frowny chibi Scott > Happy chibi Rym. I wouldn't really wear it on a shirt, for it's not the best way to 'advertise' at uni. I've only seen one girl who might be doing Computer Science!
  • Image Hosted by

    Just replace Mandy with Scott.
  • edited March 2008
    First I thought Scott is showing Rym the finger, then I realized he wants Rym to come... closer...
    due to the blurriness and shakiness of the picture one can only guess what his briefs may or may not be holding.

    Before that I'd already traced the badass version in illustrator (I did my best but the blur was stronger)
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • I submit the following evidence for Scott's cute side, from the GeekNights archive:

    060816 - Otakon 2006 part 1 - 1:10:25 - 1:10:45

    See? Scott can squee with the best of 'em. ;)
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