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edited May 2009 in Everything Else
My senior prom is coming up two weeks from this very day, and I thought it would be interesting if we could talk proms and experiences therein. I'm going stag solely on choice cause I don't have a date and I honestly don't care because I'll be with my buds.

My only problem is that I haven't chosen a tux yet. I want to know what would be a good idea as I've been thinking about things other than the traditional black or white tuxes. Could anyone give me a few pointers as to what I should wear and if it is a good idea to carry accessories with it (hats, canes, etc)?


  • My senior prom is May 23 I believe? We only have to pay $30 for tickets... and well, you get what you pay for. Our proms pretty much suck.

    I'm going with one of my closest friends, Jimmy. He offered to pay for everything, tickets, dinner, anything that goes on that night, because he wants it to be "special for me". :) Sweet kid. My favorite part about dances in general is that it's a good excuse to dress up.

    Tux wise, I think the classic black looks best. Unless you want to carry something around all night, I wouldn't waste your time on a hat or cane. They're fun until you want to dance.

    Oh! I'm forcing my dress upon you all because I'm super excited to wear it. :)
  • I'm going with one of my closest friends, Jimmy. He offered to pay for everything, tickets, dinner, anything that goes on that night, because he wants it to be "special for me". :) Sweet kid.
    Uh oh.
  • All I have to contribute to the discussion is a rant about peer pressure with regard to prom, and the unnecessary stress that I see classmates going through about dates and tables and such. I suppose you're not interested in that, so I'll save both of us some time.

    But you should totally go with a top hat, monocle, and cane. I completely approve of going to the prom to make a mockery of it.
  • I'm going with one of my closest friends, Jimmy. He offered to pay for everything, tickets, dinner, anything that goes on that night, because he wants it to be "special for me". :) Sweet kid.
    Uh oh.
    He's gay. No ped0, don't worry.
  • He's gay. No ped0, don't worry.
    I wasn't worried about ped0, I was worried about the "best friend" that's in love with the oblivious girl. But nevermind, apparently. :)
  • As I've already said in the Con Season 2009 thread, I opted to skip my senior prom (which is May 8, our school does it on a Friday and gives the seniors a day off) to go to Acen instead.

    I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
  • I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    Quoted twice for double truth. This is precisely where I stand.
  • I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    Change the second hate to "am ambivalent about," and I'm with you. I'll go, but only for that 10%.
  • Oh! I'm forcing my dress upon you all because I'm super excited to wear it. :)
    Wow, that's gorgeous.

    I kinda wanted to go to my prom, but as I lacked a date (my two friends had dates and I don't like being the fifth wheel), didn't want to buy tickets, and because cute plus-sized dresses are hard to come by if you're not shopping online, I decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
  • My prom was last year and I had a lot of fun. I didn't feel like wearing a tux, so I went out and bought a nice suit and just wore that. I went in a group of my friends with me and my friends, Billy and Tony, going stag. The prom was okay as practically all crappy rap songs, until I got the DJ to play Thriller. This is what made prom bearable. All of the students who were in my art IV class or who were in our immediate friend group were the centre of attention as we were actually doing the dance.
    After prom was at Dave and Busters, so that was pretty fun.
  • I've talked more about this in other threads, but for me it just boils down to that I way overcomplicated prom for myself last year and it lead to me having a lame time. This year, keeping it simple, having fun, hanging with cool people. Prom is just what you make of it.
  • My prom was a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't attend because

    I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    I wouldn't say I hate 90% but it's still a fairly large amount. I never liked the whole Idea pf a prom anyway. It's a bunch of money spent on something that could have been done for much less. It's just like a wedding. Something just as fun can be done for much less money and bother. A BBQ with a bunch of friends would be more fun to me than dressing up and going to crappy dance. After the prom I thought maybe I should have gone, but after seeing video footage from it, I am pretty satisified with my decision. It looked pathetic. The music they played was crappy pop and rap, and the dance floor was the size of my bathroom.

    I do partially regret not going because I could have gone in full-on Gatsby style garb
    But you should totally go with a top hat, monocle, and cane.
  • I remember my Formal(we don't call them Proms) - I went in a Sharp, stylish suit (bespoke tailored, instead of off the rack or hired like everyone else) and my choice of transport?
    Cadilac limos, you can keep 'em.
    Rediculous Stretch limos? Bugger that.
    London cab? Someone else did that already.

    Nope, my transport to the Formal - A big, roaring Harley Davidson Trike.
  • From the fail thread:
    2 weeks till prom. No date.
    Fuck getting a date. If you have no one to ask that you don't already know you're going to have fun with, just don't. I made that mistake last year and it ruined my fun. You can go on a date anytime, and chances are you're going to have a lot more fun with your friends than some chick you barely know.
    Compare Socha's two proms:

    Junior Year: Went with friend after finding out her boyfriend couldn't make it (He had a legitimate reason). Ended up in a limo with a bunch of girls who were going stag. Friend said it was okay for me to hit on them. Had a wonderful time and met my girlfriend for the summer.

    Senior Year: Wanted to impress girl from a few towns away who seemed into me. Went out with her and asked her to go with me. One less awkward date later, tried going in for a kiss, and she weirdly tensed up. Next day, the day I spend $250 on our tickets, she told me it wouldn't work out, but she would still go with me. Naive to what any of this meant and still positive I could win her over, I decided to go with her. Four days later, after a night of being completely stuck to her since she didn't really know anyone else, her Facebook status changed to "In a relationship" with some guy I didn't know.

    Take my tale of woe, WindUpBird, and just don't think too much of it. It's not the most "magical night of your life" it's really some expensive shindig that's two steps down from a wedding. Go with a friend and maturely acknowledge this doesn't mean anything, and then have an awesome time. (PROTIP: Try dancing! It's not hard!)
    Really, I sound cynical there, but prom is whatever you make out of it. You go to insight drama by confessing to your closest friend who is a girl that you want to be romantic with her, go right ahead and hate it. You dwell on how shitty the music is and how much you hate everyone in your school. Be bitter and bitch about it later on. But if you genuinely enjoy these kind of social settings, go with a friend, think nothing of it, and have fun. For some reason I'd conclude prom as a parody of the weddings and other formal occassions you're gonna endure for the rest of your life.

    Oh, and as for top hat, cane, and the rest of the look, it's probably the only occasion outside of a shitty MTV awards show where you'll get to dress up as gaudily as possible and not be embarrassed (you're never gonna see these people again in a year or so). Go nuts. My tuxedo jacket junior year would have looked like a tench coat on a lesser man and I wore it with a fedora.
  • Oh, and as for top hat, cane, and the rest of the look, it's probably the only occasion outside of a shitty MTV awards show where you'll get to dress up as gaudily as possible and not be embarrassed (you're never gonna see these people again in a year or so). Go nuts. My tuxedo jacket junior year would have looked like a tench coat on a lesser man and I wore it with a fedora.
    There was a bloke at my formal who went in a day-glo orange Suit, accompanied by his mate who went in Day-glo sky blue.
  • edited May 2009
    My date for the prom picked out a Victorian style tux with a high collar, and he looked just like a hot priest in all of the pictures. He even stands like a priest. It was hilarious.
    I had this spring green dress that was all diaphanous and I dyed my hair copper red. We looked pretty awesome.

    My sister was the best, though. She had this short pink and black dress that had wavy tendrils going down her legs like a jelly-fish, and she dyed her hair hot pink with black tips, and put little gem clips in it. I should see if she'll let me post some pictures. She looked really cute.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I went to 3 proms before graduating, two of them were 10+ hours away. The 3rd was in a building I had never been to before, in a neighborhood called Guinea, and the after-party was held in a gym. Rather plain tuxedos, but I fortunately didn't hate anyone I encountered, as the trend seems to be. Strangest thing I saw was a duct-tape tux & dress at one of them, but I've heard that's become more common.
  • I'm thinking of getting a colored tux, but one side of me says it's a bad idea. Is it a bad idea?
  • Is it just me or is american highschool life REALLY that superficial?
  • Is it just me or is american highschool life REALLY that superficial?
    What is it that you think you're seeing here?
  • Is it just me or is american highschool life REALLY that superficial?
    What is it that you think you're seeing here?
    Exactly that. I guess it was kind of a rhetorical question. :)
  • I'm not going to my Junior prom, although I'm considering attending the after party. Most of my reasons for not going have already been stated. In addition to those, however, I enjoy dancing, but have never really danced with someone. As such, I drew a lot of attention dancing alone at my crappy 8th grade dance. It was awful. Kids were complete jerks. Coupled with the fact that I expect a lot of drunk people this year means that there's no point in going, seeing as how I won't dance and will just try and talk to my friends before most of them get dragged off and I'm stuck talking to the same friends I talk to all the time. 60$ to talk to my friends? Yeah no.
    I have been forcefully coerced into going to my Senior Ball though. It was my compromise for not attending Prom this year. It's gonna suck too, though.
  • Exactly that. I guess it was kind of a rhetorical question. :)
    I suppose I just don't get what you think is superficial about "American high school life", or why you think the senior prom, which is one night out of four years, is representative of the rest of American high school life.
  • Exactly that. I guess it was kind of a rhetorical question. :)
    I suppose I just don't get what you think is superficial about "American high school life", or why you think the senior prom, which is one night out of four years, is representative of the rest of American high school life.
    Or even that it's only American high schools that are superficial.
  • Or even that it's only American high schools that are superficial.
    Well, to be fair, he didn't make that claim. He perhaps implied it, but I'm gonna stick to the literal interpretation. :)
  • You know, it's not even that I hate dancing or can't get a date. I had 2 girls that said they'd go to prom with me. I don't mind slow dancing. I hate dancing to rap. I love dancing to techno. I REALLY hate getting dressed up. Prom is just kinda lose/lose as far as dressing up, hanging out with a bunch of tools, then dancing to 90% rap music...
  • I hate dancing to rap.
    Is it even possible to dance to rap without touching yours or someone else's genitals?
  • Is it even possible to dance to rap without touching yours or someone else's genitals?
    You say that like it's a BAD thing.
  • Is it even possible to dance to rap without touching yours or someone else's genitals?
    You say that like it's a BAD thing.
    Well, it's not really dancing is it? It's just sex.
  • Well, it's not reallydancingis it? It's just sex
    It can be two things!
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