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  • edited May 2009
    I don't understand how it's difficult for people to find a date. If you absolutely must ask someone from your school to go, I guess it could be hard to get one cause said person might be taken already...but if you know people from other schools, you can ask them last minute. Everyone has friends of the opposite sex, even losers like me.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Seriously, don't you have any friends who are female? Like, not even hot friends, but people you chill with?
  • edited May 2009
    Seriously, don't you have any friends who are female? Like, not even hot friends, but people you chill with?
    A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Man, how times have changed. When I was in high school, a lesbian friend of mine was barred from attending prom with her girlfriend.
  • A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Man, how times have changed. When I was in high school, a lesbian friend of mine was barred from attending prom with her girlfriend.
    I went to school dances with my girlfriend a few times. There was no issue.
  • edited May 2009
    I went to school dances with my girlfriend a few times. There was no issue.
    You had a better school than I did. Also, I think I'm a few years older than you, so my high school days were slightly more backward. It doesn't seem like much time, but gay acceptance in this country has come a very long way in a pretty short time.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I went to school dances with my girlfriend a few times. There was no issue.
    You had a better school than I did.
    My school was small and rural, but everyone new everyone (and their parents). I was a good kid with excellent grades who spoke out when something was amiss. If anyone tried to bar my entrance into the dance based on my date having a certain type of genitalia, I would have seen to it that all hell broke loose and they new it. Moreover, the teachers and administrators were decent. It was a majority fo the kids that stunk up the joint.
  • A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Man, how times have changed. When I was in high school, a lesbian friend of mine was barred from attending prom with her girlfriend.
    I went to a third prom with a girl from a private, all-girls school in my area. It was sort of a blind-prom date that I did as a favor. The girl was annoyingly anti-social, but I still had fun (and got some numbers).

    The really insane thing, though, was the school's policy on dates. All of the girls in the school had to bring a boy. I heard about this one poor lass whose date was having car trouble and was going to be late. She was banned from entering, and could not come in when the boy finally did arrive.
  • A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Man, how times have changed. When I was in high school, a lesbian friend of mine was barred from attending prom with her girlfriend.
    I went to a third prom with a girl from a private, all-girls school in my area. It was sort of a blind-prom date that I did as a favor. The girl was annoyingly anti-social, but I still had fun (and got some numbers).

    The really insane thing, though, was the school's policy on dates. All of the girls in the school had to bring a boy. I heard about this one poor lass whose date was having car trouble and was going to be late. She was banned from entering, and could not come in when the boy finally did arrive.
    What tits.
  • What tits.
    I must admit, I misread that post on first glance.
  • What tits.
    I must admit, I misread that post on first glance.
    Now I don't know WHAT to read! Holy crap, fastest headache-causer in the world, and I'm eating for crying out loud.
  • edited May 2009
    gay acceptance in this country has come a very long way in a pretty short time.
    You think so? Up by where I live, not only are most people in my school homophobic as hell, so are many people I know from other schools around here. There are gays at my school, and they are treated pretty shittily, if not to their faces, certainly behind their backs. Hatred of gays runs pretty deep in some people I've met. Personally, I don't understand it.

    There is an all boys school by my and I know that they must have a female date. For my prom tickets, I believe it said you must have an opposite sex as a date, but I know a lesbian couple got the ok by the administrator.
    Shit's ridiculous if you ask me. Let people go with who they want. Don't make people come and get exceptions...
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • edited May 2009
    gay acceptance in this country has come a very long way in a pretty short time.
    You think so? Up by where I live, not only are most people in my school homophobic as hell, so are many people I know from other schools around here. There are gays at my school, and they are treated pretty shittily, if not to their faces, certainly behind their backs. Hatred of gays runs pretty deep in some people I've met. Personally, I don't understand it.
    I can't speak for where you live -- certainly there are still areas where intolerance is rampant, and there are still many ignorant, bigoted people. But trust me -- as bad as it still is, it was 10 times worse 20 years ago. Right now we're seeing a chain reaction of states legalizing gay marriage -- I suspect it'll be all 50 within a decade. There are popular TV shows starring gay characters, and popular and well-respected gay celebrities. Woe betide the public figure who makes openly homophobic statements. Compare this with the 1980s, where if there was a gay character on TV or in a movie, he or she was almost certainly a ridiculous caricature at best, a sinister rapist or "recruiter" at worst, and superstars like Eddie Murphy could make AIDS jokes about "faggots" in their acts without anyone batting an eye.

    We've got a long way to go, but we've come a long way already.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • A male friend would be cool, too! You are a senior. Have fun any way you want to. You or your friend could go to ultra levels of silly fun and one could dress up in a prom dress and turn it out like a total diva. That would be fun.
    Man, how times have changed. When I was in high school, a lesbian friend of mine was barred from attending prom with her girlfriend.
    There was actually this one time where someone I knew (but absolutely hated because of his indignant attitude) who was basically a guy who is transgender who also happened to be a philogynist. He tried to get into the prom by wearing a dress (not in ironic fashion, he was dead fucking serious) and the teachers would not let him. That's all the info I'm privy to though, so maybe if I heard the whole thing, it would make more sense though. My take however is don't do things like that and you won't get into trouble or nuthin'. Don't get me wrong though, I'm all about gay rights and all pro-sexual orientation rights and all that, but I think he kinda deserved it because I'm sure somewhere in the back of his head he thought maybe this was a bad idea. I also think he should have considered that indignant and idiotic people would ridicule him and his dress would be a magnet for trouble.
  • Don't get me wrong though, I'm all about gay rights and all pro-sexual orientation rights and all that, but I think he kinda deserved it because I'm sure somewhere in the back of his head he thought maybe this was a bad idea. I also think he should have considered that indignant and idiotic people would ridicule him and his dress would be a magnet for trouble.
    Wait, so you shouldn't stand up for your rights if it will cause "trouble" for others?
  • I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
  • edited May 2009
    I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    You know, I didn't like most of the people I went to school with, but I didn't hate any of them. Yes, they may be assholes, but why let them turn you into a hateful person?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    You'll get over it. Just go to prom and be social instead of being an angsty adolescent. You'll be better off for it.
  • I hate school dances. I hate my school. I hate 90% of the kids in my grade. Yeah, fuck prom.
    You know, I didn't like most of the people I went to school with, but I didn'thateany of them. Yes, they may be assholes, but why let them turn you into a hateful person?
    I'm pretty sure that, if you allow yourself to get overcome by the spirit of senior year, all those bad memories become a little more distant. I used to be super spiteful for my class, but somewhere between doing nothing in every single class, hosting a scavenger hunt across town (quite possibly my favorite memory of high school), and introducing most of the grade to strange board games (and not just nerds- some of the football team was addicted to Citadels at one point), I learned to like them.

    This may just be something special in my school, but a few friends who were older than me agreed: by the end of senior year, all of those cliques, hostilities, and insecurities just seem to disappear. Like Mrs. MacRoss said, it's just a matter of not letting it get you hateful.
  • And if it doesn't disappear by the end of senior year, it will disappear later on. Don't hate people. They'll just hate back. You don't have to like them, but actually you'll find you have more in common with your classmates than you thought.
  • Seriously, don't you have any friends who are female? Like, not even hot friends, but people you chill with?
    I have one female friend who has declared her intent to go stag, and unless that's a subtle plea for a date, that means that all my other female friends have dates already, and I'm out of options. Plus, my school has crazy restrictions on getting people from other schools in (some big to-do with forms, etc.), so that's a no-go.

    I don't really care at this point. I don't put stake in a social construct like prom dates, and my friends are massively group-oriented, so I'll have a good time chilling with them and their dates regardless. If I really want a date at the absolute last second, I may know where to get one. Either way, my bases are covered.

    Now, a pertinent comic:

  • I have one female friend who has declared her intent to go stag
    Talk to her and be like...I know you want to go stag, but can we go stag together? It would be nice to go with somebody.

    It's not a subtle plea or anything. God, just talk to people!
  • I have one female friend who has declared her intent to go stag
    It's not a subtle plea or anything. God, just talk to people!
    Seriously dude, the more you dwell on it and consider what to say and what the outcome may or may not be, the more you will regret it. Just don't think so much, go up to her and talk, and let it flow naturally. It'll save you a lotta wasted time and heartache as you'll have it over and done with.
  • edited May 2009
    You know, I didn't like most of the people I went to school with, but I didn'thateany of them. Yes, they may be assholes, but why let them turn you into a hateful person?
    You'll get over it. Just go to prom and be social instead of being an angsty adolescent. You'll be better off for it.
    He didn't quote that properly. I actually said that early on in page 1 (and the forum gets goofy if you try to quote stuff that isn't on the last page) and people were agreeing with me. So direct any hatred you guys have towards that quote towards me.
    Mrs. Macross - Lemme put it to you this way- hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like the kids in my grade. (bonus points if you get the reference...I
    TheWhaleShark - I went to Acen with a bunch of my friends and met up with some of my con friends. We went to the raves and we were social. I was far better off at Acen than I was at prom. All I heard today was the same stupid bullshit that I knew I was gonna hear - "blah blah blah I was so wasted blah blah blah puking for hours blah blah". Yeah, fuck that.
    This may just be something special in my school, but a few friends who were older than me agreed: by the end of senior year, all of those cliques, hostilities, and insecurities just seem to disappear.
    You know, I have heard that from other people who have already been in high school years ago that stuff like that happened to their grade. Right now I have 3 days of school left. All the cliques are the same as they were sophomore year (I am leaving out freshmen year because a lot of people were still finding their place that year).
    Seriously dude, the more you dwell on it and consider what to say and what the outcome may or may not be, the more you will regret it. Just don't think so much, go up to her and talk, and let it flow naturally. It'll save you a lotta wasted time and heartache as you'll have it over and done with.
    You make it sound like he's in love with her or something. Note how he said "female friend" and not "a girl I really like".

    Also, do you guys actually call it "going stag"? I've never heard anyone use that term up where I live. I don't see why you guys don't just say "I'm going alone" or "I'm going by myself" like everyone else does...Just a thought.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Also, do you guys actually call it "going stag"? I've never heard anyone use that term up where I live. I don't see why you guys don't just say "I'm going alone" or "I'm going by myself" like everyone else does...Just a thought.
    It's a British term, afaik.
  • Also, do you guys actually call it "going stag"? I've never heard anyone use that term up where I live. I don't see why you guys don't just say "I'm going alone" or "I'm going by myself" like everyone else does...Just a thought.
    It's a British term, afaik.
    Albeit one which is used surprisingly quite often. Now if only we could get wanker into the American Lexicon.....
  • I say wanker sometimes, because it is funny.
  • "Wanker" is used in the U.S.
  • I've started saying "Thanks, mate" whenever I thank someone. Additionally, "cheers" has become part of my vocabulary. I think it's because I've started gaming with a bunch of British dudes recently.
  • "Wanker" is used in the U.S.
    Only if you want to sound like a total wanker.
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