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  • edited May 2009
    Just a note on clip on ties: My Dad usually wears clip on ties to work. Before you snigger, keep in mind that he is a Production Manager at a factory. When he is at work he needs to be both professional and safe. The clip on looks like a nice tie and, if it gets caught in machinery, it will just yank off and not potentially injure him.
    Seriously, clip on ties are fine for some uses. If you are going to a wedding - wear a real tie.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • The clip on looks like a nice tie and, if it gets caught in machinery, it will just yank off and not potentially injure him.
    Clip-on ties were mandated in certain parts of IBM when I worked there, for exactly this reason.
  • That makes sense...except I really don't understand why they'd even require a tie if you are going to be working with heavy machinery...
  • That makes sense...except I really don't understand why they'd even require a tie if you are going to be working with heavy machinery...
    Because he is a Manager and has an office. He isn't usually working on the machines, but he has to go out and inspect his crew (he spends more of his time on the floor than at his desk). Some places require it for Managers, some places don't.
  • Later when I was sitting at her table, I gave her the rose in my breast pocket and she kissed me on the cheek. She likes me and I like her...I truly think I have feelings for her. She understands me and I understand her and we don't ever fight. She is the one I think as she has all the things I'm looking for in a girl.

    I want to ask her out, but I don't want to be quick about it...what should I do? Please help me guys!

    Also, photos will be up soon.
    That is so delightfully densha otoko. It makes me want to dance around in my chair. I say, go for a thoughtful gesture. Did you talk about something that you could elaborate on or give her to show that you were really listening? An ice cream? A foodstuff? A location? Of course, if there isn't anything readily available, you can always resort to her facebook "activities" / "interests."


    Is the prom worth going to or just a waste of time?

    Yes: tis the social event of the year9
    No: A complete and utter waste of time15
    Only if you want to go in an ironic fashion8
    Maybe: Depends on the theme and details42

    Total Votes:74

    It's not the kind of issue where boy meets girl but doesn't have the guts to talk to her and needs to know what to talk about. We're two really good friends, but I've had this feeling for her that I couldn't really explain until that time at the prom confirmed my feelings for her. I just want to know if I should risk our friendship by asking her out. I feel I might have actually made a grievous error which could possibly jeopardize my chances of going out. I mentioned to her that I fell in love with someone at the prom (myself knowing full well it was her) and what should I do.
  • I just want to know if I should risk our friendship by asking her out. I feel I might have actually made a grievous error which could possibly jeopardize my chances of going out. I mentioned to her that I fell in love with someone at the prom (myself knowing full well it was her) and what should I do.
    When you ask her out, tell her you fell in love with her at the prom! Problem solved.
  • edited May 2009
    It's not the kind of issue where boy meets girl but doesn't have the guts to talk to her and needs to know what to talk about. We're two really good friends, but I've had this feeling for her that I couldn't really explain until that time at the prom confirmed my feelings for her. I just want to know if I should risk our friendship by asking her out. I feel I might have actually made a grievous error which could possibly jeopardize my chances of going out. I mentioned to her that I fell in love with someone at the prom (myself knowing full well it was her) and what should I do.
    It's not so much the "what to talk about" that I'm referring to so much as the "what to do." You like her; she seems to like you. Take her out to do something she likes and let her define whether it is a date or not. If things are too ambiguous at the end of the day, follow gomidog's suggestion. Tell her that you realized that you have feelings for her but that you have been scared to tell her in case this ruins your friendship, which is very important to you. I've had friends do that to me and I tell them that I really appreciate their friendship and would like to keep it that way. No harm. We're still friends. And if she does feel something for you, you win!
    Post edited by ladyobsolete on
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