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  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2009
    "Wanker" is used in the U.S.
    By that I meant we should make it a more commonly used term in America. Sorry if I didn't come across clearly.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • "Wanker" is used in the U.S.
    By that i meant we should make it a more commonly used term in America. Sorry if I didn't come across clearly.
    Yes, all this nation needs is one more insulting term that makes reference to the male anatomy.
  • By that i meant we should make it a more commonly used term in America.
    I always liked "tosser".
  • I've taken to referring to the pathetically white posers I see as "wanksters" (wanker-gangster).
  • One of my friends has been saying "bloody", "mate", "oi", and a few other british/australian words. He isn't accomplishing anything other than coming off as a huge tool.
  • I've recently taken to saying y'all, despite being from the northeast. It's actually a really practical phrase, and far superior to "you guys", which always came off too passive to me.
  • edited May 2009
    I've recently taken to saying y'all, despite being from the northeast. It's actually a really practical phrase, and far superior to "you guys", which always came off too passive to me.
    It's always been frustrating to me that English doesn't have a proper way to express a plural "you". I know French and Spanish do, probably all the Romance languages, and I'd imagine a whole lot of other languages do, too. I've heard that English has the largest vocabulary of any language (if not, it's certainly a very large one), and the best we can do is "y'all"? We need something real. Get on it, English!
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • It's always been frustrating to me that English doesn't have a proper way to express a plural "you". I know French and Spanish do, probably all the Romance languages,
    French doesn't, not really. Vous is the plural second person pronoun, but it's ALSO the formal singular second person pronoun. It's thus not any less ambiguous. Also, gender mucks everything up further in these languages than anything in English ever could.
  • It's thus not any less ambiguous. Also, gender mucks everything up further in these languages than anything in English ever could.
    Well, I boned that one up then. Still, it'd be nice if we had one.
  • It's always been frustrating to me that English doesn't have a proper way to express a plural "you". I know French and Spanish do, probably all the Romance languages, and I'd imagine a whole lot of other languages do, too. I've heard that English has the largest vocabulary of any language (if not, it's certainly a very large one), and the best we can do is "y'all"? We need something real. Get on it, English!
    Learn Dutch. All you have to do is learn how to properly pronounce 'g', 'r' and 'ch'.
    Also, gender mucks everything up further in these languages than anything in English ever could.
    Not that badly, in French. Or are you thinking of anything specific?
  • Learn Dutch
    I'll think about it. Do you guys have any good comics?
  • It's always been frustrating to me that English doesn't have a proper way to express a plural "you". I know French and Spanish do
    Vosotros rocks my socks.
  • It's always been frustrating to me that English doesn't have a proper way to express a plural "you". I know French andSpanishdo
    Vosotrosrocks my socks.
    Latin does too. Vos be a cool word.
    (Is a Latin nerd, but that doesn't mean he will do well on his AP. XP)
  • Ladies, Gentlemen, and Scrym. I have uploaded the first part of my Prom Flickr set which is just me showing off my tuxedo. I will notify you when you should check again as the prom is on Friday, and the photos will have been uploaded on either Saturday or Sunday. Anyway without further ado, here are the beginning of what I hope to be many photos.
  • You look like you need to relax in those pics. Nice tux.
  • You look like you need to relax in those pics. Nice tux.
    Thanks Viga. But that is only half of the package since an old friend of my parents is taking me to the prom in his vintage '68 Jaguar. I swear to god I'm not shittalking as I'll have the pix up either by Saturday or Sunday. I just want to make a serious picture, but it is the 1st time I'm wearing the tux so I don't know how to ask.
  • I went to a number of proms, and I must say that they are, without exception, boring as hell.
  • Ladies, Gentlemen, and Scrym. I have uploaded the first part of my Prom Flickr set which is just me showing off my tuxedo. I will notify you when you should check again as the prom is on Friday, and the photos will have been uploaded on either Saturday or Sunday. Anyway without further ado,here are the beginning of what I hope to be many photos.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
  • edited May 2009
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    And a shave...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • You look so retro! Very Prom circa 1974. Nice!
  • You look so retro! Very Prom circa 1974. Nice!
    I definitely got a Napoleon Dynamite vibe.
  • I went to a number of proms, and I must say that they are, without exception, boring as hell.
    Excepting one, I loved the proms I went to. However, I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
  • I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
    Sounds exactly like what me and my friends do at anime con raves. I don't cosplay, though, but a few of my friends do.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    I firmly believe that changing yourself for one stupid dance is really dumb. Shaving is a bit different since it grows back fast. But fake tanning, new haircuts, and all that crap is pretty much ridiculous.
  • edited May 2009
    I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
    Sounds exactly like what me and my friends do at anime con raves. I don't cosplay, though, but a few of my friends do.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    I firmly believe that changing yourself for one stupid dance is really dumb. Shaving is a bit different since it grows back fast. But fake tanning, new haircuts, and all that crap is pretty much ridiculous.
    What about your cosplay friends? Often cosplayers cut and/or dye their hair to play characters. Luke was only suggesting the same for the prom. Unless he often wears formal wear, the tux was just as much a costume as the cosplay outfits.
    Also, if someone's hair, clothes, makeup, etc. define their personality rather than complimenting it, then I would say that person had a major identity issue and needed help.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited May 2009
    I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
    Sounds exactly like what me and my friends do at anime con raves. I don't cosplay, though, but a few of my friends do.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    I firmly believe that changing yourself for one stupid dance is really dumb. Shaving is a bit different since it grows back fast. But fake tanning, new haircuts, and all that crap is pretty much ridiculous.
    Wait a minute. You say shaving is okay because "it grows back fast". How is getting a hair cut any different? How is "fake tanning" any different? A person's hair usually grows back pretty fast. I'm not so sure about "fake tanning", but I'll bet it would wear off pretty fast. If these things wear off or grow back pretty fast, they should meet with your approval . . . unless you just want to be a jerk and ruin Mr. Yupa's fun.

    @ Mr. Yupa: It would indeed be a good idea for you to get a haircut and a shave. Some people, like Jason Lee and Tom Selleck, look good wearing a moustache. You are not one of those people.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2009
    I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
    Sounds exactly like what me and my friends do at anime con raves. I don't cosplay, though, but a few of my friends do.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    I firmly believe that changing yourself for one stupid dance is really dumb. Shaving is a bit different since it grows back fast. But fake tanning, new haircuts, and all that crap is pretty much ridiculous.
    Wait a minute. You say shaving is okay because "it grows back fast". How is getting a hair cut any different? How is "fake tanning" any different? A person's hair usually grows back pretty fast. I'm not so sure about "fake tanning", but I'll bet it would wear off pretty fast. If these things wear off or grow back pretty fast, they should meet with your approval . . . unless you just want to be a jerk and ruin Mr. Yupa's fun.

    @ Mr. Yupa: It would indeed be a good idea for you to get a haircut and a shave. Some people, like Jason Lee and Tom Selleck, look good wearing a mustache. You are not one of those people.
    Yeah you're right, I should. Come Friday, all that unnecessary facial hair will be gone and methinks i will look pretty good. After all these were just test photos so I cleaned up kinda in a hurry, but Friday's pictures will significantly be of higher quality.
    EDIT: One more thing, when did Lord Yupa ever shave? XD
    Post edited by Geo on
  • How is "fake tanning" any different?
    Because shaving your head doesn't make you look orange.
  • How is "fake tanning" any different?
    Because shaving your head doesn't make you look orange.
    Neither does fake tanning when done within reason.
  • How is "fake tanning" any different?
    Because shaving your head doesn't make you look orange.
    Well, the point was that none of those things last very long. Depending on whether my friends thought it was funny, I could bear to be orange for a week or so . . .
  • Go all the way and wear four popped-collar polos at once all the time. Oh, and spike your hear, wear khaki shorts and flip-flops, and thick, square sunglasses. Whenever someone tries to take a picture of you, make a gorilla face (lips protruding in an "o" shape, showing your upper row of teeth).
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