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  • Dancing and sex are closely interrelated. Why the hell do you think those Brazilians are dancing the Penetrada?
  • A few of my friends decided not to go and roped me in with them. We decided to get the money we spent on the tickets back ($80) and my friend who recently enlisted in the Navy would use his military discount so we could do some paintball or something. I still plan to attend an after party, but most of the people I hang out with insist on getting super drunk, so I'll decide what to do as the night wears on.
  • Well, it's not reallydancingis it? It's just sex.
    I would hardly call grinding sex...
  • Well, it's not reallydancingis it? It's just sex.
    I would hardly call grinding sex...
    I would hardly call it dancing.
  • I was a bit of a girlier girl then so I couldn't wait for prom. Of course there was mostly rap and R&B since I went to a mostly black school so I expected that. My date was a high school sweetheart and we hung with our two friends. Even though the cake and music were shitty, the fact that no matter who you were unpopular or not didn't matter. Everyone was treated cool and had fun. Plus we had it at this sweet hotel downtown.

    The afterparty stole the show though. It was ESPN Zone with a full breakfast buffet all night. Good times!
  • Me and my friends are planning to steal the show by all showing up in crazy cosplay. Thing is, our friend is being used as the DJ. Techno and industrial all night!!

    (ayeeee am your little butterfly, green black and blue)
  • I have chosen my tux this very day and I will post pictures very soon.
  • I have chosen my tux this very day and I will post pictures very soon.
    If it doesn't look like this I will be very mad at you.
  • Is it just me or is american highschool life REALLY that superficial?
    No, only for one day a year. It comes from the debutante customs of old, which, of course is very superficial. Any "ball" is all about putting on fancy dresses and waltzing around, and to assume that "American high school" is always like that is a bit silly.
  • My proms were in the Museum of Life and Science, and they opened up all of the exhibits on the main 2 floors for us. Yet another consequence of going to an awesome geek high school.

    I went with a group both years, no specific date. Although one of my friends got me a corsage my Sr year anyway. I do not think I spent much time in the dance room, but we had a BLAST playing with the museum exhibits in our formal wear!
  • Is it just me or is american highschool life REALLY that superficial?
    Not really the life, just the people.
  • Not really the life, just the people.
    Not everyone. You can find superficial people anywhere.
  • Not really the life, just the people.
    Not everyone. You can find superficial people anywhere.
    They're just more prominent in high school because the non-superficial people allow themselves to actually care what the superficial people think. Once the smart kids get over that and start ignoring them (or making money off of them), the superficial people are no longer as noticeable.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2009
    I have chosen my tux this very day and I will post pictures very soon.
    If it doesn't look like this I will be very mad at you.
    Well...instead of a top hat, I'll have a fedora on which looks pretty good. Not so sure about the cane as I'm debating whether or not I should get one as I think it might be a little silly.

    Honestly though, I know that most of you guys think high-school isn't really so great judging by how cynical and heated conversations are whenever a topic even remotely related to high school is mentioned...however such is not the case with my school. Apparently, it is one of the newest high schools on the East Coast (I don't know if that's confirmed true, but I have a strong feeling that it is true) and the teachers there actually care about teaching kids something rather than do a half-assed job just to get a paycheck.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited May 2009
    If it doesn't look like this I will be very mad at you.
    So wearing only gloves, a top hat, spats, a cane and double monicals? Wow, your school must be fairly liberal with nudity.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • So wearing only gloves, a top hat, spats, a cane and double monicals? Wow, your school must be fairly liberal with nudity.
    Mr. Peanut isn't naked. He's wearing black tights and a peanut shell to hide his nuts.
  • If it doesn't look like this I will be very mad at you.
    So wearing only gloves, a top hat, spats, a cane and double monicals? Wow, your school must be fairly liberal with nudity.
    Liberal on nudity, not on style
  • Not really the life, just the people.
    Not everyone. You can find superficial people anywhere.
    They're just more prominent in high school because the non-superficial people allow themselves to actually care what the superficial people think. Once the smart kids get over that and start ignoring them (or making money off of them), the superficial people are no longer as noticeable.
    Yeah. People tend to cool off towards the end of high school but everything before that is horrible.
  • I went to my high school prom because it would be the only time in my entire life that I could attend. I didn't dance at all and was more socially awkward than I have ever been in my life. But at least I went?
  • I didn't dance at all and was more socially awkward than I have ever been in my life.
    THIS. I mean, I actually will do some dancing, and I'd slow dance if I had a date (and I was gonna have a date if I went to prom)...but still. It's just awkward...and then some stupid line dances come on the speakers...fuck that.
    Yeah. People tend to cool off towards the end of high school but everything before that is horrible.
    Not at my school. Most people liked it early on and are now hating it more and more as it goes on. People are now getting into the "well I'll never see you cocksuckers ever again" mentality, so shit will likely be hitting the fan quite soon.
  • I must admit, I actually went to about eight Formals/proms my senior year. I went to my own, which was okay, and my girlfriend's, which had all the advantages of an expensive catholic girl's school formal(but the food sucked) - Though while all the girls danced to the top 40 pop tunes with their high heels off, I managed to get a pretty decent game of poker going with some of the other boyfriends/random dudes who had come along, with more than one flask of sly grog being passed about under the table(if memory serves, there were five flasks at one table of seven, including my own 16 ounce flask).

    After chatting it over with the lads, I decided to make a little game of it(and make a little coin on the side), and basically put myself out there as a service - if a girl didn't want to go stag to her formal/prom, for the price of admission, I'd go as their partner. It was no cost to me, I met plenty of interesting people, I always had a poker game going(from which I raked a percentage off the pot, plus my winnings) and I'll bet that sometime in the future, in my home city, random people with come across someone's formal photos somehow, and get really, really confused, because they could have sworn that they saw that guy at their formal, too, running a poker game, sly grogging, and discussing the finer points of life with the other lads as only someone who had put themselves through high school with hospitality work can.
  • I chose the last option. Why? Well, unless you can dress up like the Joker, talk to Cruella de Ville, watch the Hulk smash on the dance floor and share a drink with Neo and Agent Smith, it is not worth your time.

    Seriously, I've never gone to a single prom of my high school (we have one every year during Christmas for the last 3 years of high school), until the last one, a costumed party in a rented disco after which we took a freaking boat back to school. Take that shallow Ameriproms.
  • Take that shallow Ameriproms.
  • Take that shallow Ameriproms.
    A portmanteau of "American" and "proms", I believe.
  • Any event (prom included) can be great fun if you are with your friends. I do not see how the prom is more or less shallow than any other celebratory event.
  • if you are with your friends.
    I think now would be an appropriate time to mention that probably 90+% of my friends don't go to my school.

    And as for my prom's's like masquerade or something, which means nothing since all the girls will be in over expensive dresses and all the guys will be wearing bland tuxes, other than the select tools that decide to go in all white.
  • I'm a couple words and a mouse click away from advertising myself to the school network on Facebook as a potential date (social experiments, huzzah), or just going stag with all the benefits espoused by those who have done so.

  • I'm a couple words and a mouse click away from advertising myself to the school network on Facebook as a potential date (social experiments, huzzah), or just going stag with all the benefits espoused by those who have done so.

    Sounds like a gamble. I suppose the odds would be defined by the percentage of people who would use that service that you wouldn't mind going to prom with.
  • I'm a couple words and a mouse click away from advertising myself to the school network on Facebook as a potential date (social experiments, huzzah), or just going stag with all the benefits espoused by those who have done so.

    If you want a sure-fire way to end up going with someone you're going to have a terrible time with, by all means, go ahead.
  • If you want a sure-fire way to end up going with someone you're going to have a terrible time with, by all means, go ahead.
    That's what I figured. Pretty sure I'm going alone.

    However, this will not stop me from, in the words of the immortal Tony Harrison, "having it large!"
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