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  • Go all the way and wear four popped-collar polos at once all the time. Oh, and spike your hear, wear khaki shorts and flip-flops, and thick, square sunglasses. Whenever someone tries to take a picture of you, make a gorilla face (lips protruding in an "o" shape, showing your upper row of teeth).
  • Go all the way and wear four popped-collar polos at once all the time. Oh, and spike your hear, wear khaki shorts and flip-flops, and thick, square sunglasses. Whenever someone tries to take a picture of you, make a gorilla face (lips protruding in an "o" shape, showing your upper row of teeth).
  • Aaack! What is that?
  • edited May 2009
    Aaack! What isthat?
    They are guidos. Rare, but magical creatures from the Jersey shore. Some say that the clippings of their hair are a powerful healing agent.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • guidos
    Orange Guidos! Augh!
  • They're like an alien race in America.
  • Why would a person willingly do that to themselves? Did they lose a bet? Are they trying to prop up the economy by booting Mystic Tan and hair gel sales?
  • edited May 2009
    I love to dance, dress up, and be silly.
    Sounds exactly like what me and my friends do at anime con raves. I don't cosplay, though, but a few of my friends do.
    You should get yourself a prom haircut. Go to the barber with that photo, and say "I want a haircut to match this tux!"
    I firmly believe that changing yourself for one stupid dance is really dumb. Shaving is a bit different since it grows back fast. But fake tanning, new haircuts, and all that crap is pretty much ridiculous.
    I love how suggesting someone get groomed before a classy occasion instantly makes them a superficial, orange-skinned freak.

    Also, as a Jersey native, I am unfazed by guido pictures. Firstly, those are infamous pictures of the worst of the worst. Second of all, if you think that is freaky, you should see what the girls do to themselves...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Hit a snag tonight while trying on my tux: the shoulders need to be brought out. Now, were my teachers not sadistic fucks who assigned a mountain of homework this week due on the last day of school, this might not have been a problem, as I could have handled it days in advance. However, they are, so I was forced to only try on the tux the night before prom.

    I plan on hitting the tailor as soon as the shop opens tomorrow and hoping for a sewing miracle.
  • edited May 2009
    How is "fake tanning" any different?
    You don't get skin cancer or look like a dumbshit (yes, most people who fake tan look stupid, because 90% of the time it's blatantly obvious that it's a fake tan) from shaving...Also, I don't see the draw of being super tan or even tan. If you're pale, rock it out. Wear a light colored dress and deal with it. Be proud of what you are/have and don't try to be something else. I really don't see why being not-tan (not even pale) is such a social stigma for events such as prom.
    What about your cosplay friends? Often cosplayers cut and/or dye their hair to play characters.
    My friends usually never do that.
    the tux was just as much a costume as the cosplay outfits.
    I agree with this. I was just pointing out that prom isn't the only place where you can dress up, dance, and have fun.
    Also, if someone's hair, clothes, makeup, etc. define their personality rather than complimenting it, then I would say that person had a major identity issue and needed help.
    When did I ever say this? I'm saying that if someone likes what they have, there is no reason to change it just for one stupid dance.
    I love how suggesting someone get groomed before a classy occasion instantly makes them a superficial, orange-skinned freak.
    I love how you just put words in my mouth...
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2009
    I just got back from my prom, and I had a blast. Up until this moment, I never had that much fun in my life. I was being a wallflower at first, until I met a person I'd been talking with for quite some time on Facebook (we got to the same school and we mostly talk on Facebook). She was so pretty, and she asked me to dance at one point. At first I said no, but she understood and said her offer is still good.

    A few minutes later, I had an epiphany. I realized that I was being stupid and a girl whom i really liked asked me to dance (girls won't even talk to me). It was there and then that I quit being a wallflower forever, and I took her hand and we danced like no tomorrow. Later when I was sitting at her table, I gave her the rose in my breast pocket and she kissed me on the cheek. She likes me and I like her...I truly think I have feelings for her. She understands me and I understand her and we don't ever fight. She is the one I think as she has all the things I'm looking for in a girl.

    I want to ask her out, but I don't want to be quick about it...what should I do? Please help me guys!

    Also, photos will be up soon.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Well since prom went well asking her out seems natural at this step. SHE KISSED YOU ON THE CHEEK! WHAT BETTER SIGN THAN THAT! XD

    (Sorry for yelling. I'm super happy for you! <3)
  • Well since prom went well asking her out seems natural at this step. SHE KISSED YOU ON THE CHEEK! WHAT BETTER SIGN THAN THAT! XD

    (Sorry for yelling. I'm super happy for you! <3)</p>
    Thanks Viga! :)
  • Aaaadodododo, love is in the air,
  • Aaaadodododo, love is in the air,
    ...and it smells like rose wine
  • How is "fake tanning" any different?
    You don't get skin cancer or look like a dumbshit (yes, most people who fake tan look stupid, because 90% of the time it's blatantly obvious that it's a fake tan) from shaving...
    No. Your argument was that shaving is okay because it is temporary. As far as I can tell, fake tanning is no different in the temporary department. Your argument failed.
    She understands me and I understand her and we don't ever fight.
    That'll last . . .
  • Good news, but news that makes me feel dumb: I got to the tailor at 10 this morning, and he told me that i was misjudging the tux's fit and that it actually looked fine. Tonight should be interesting.

    Also, they gave me a clip-on tie instead of a normal long tie. A bit irritating.

  • No. Your argument was that shaving is okay because it is temporary. As far as I can tell, fake tanning is no different in the temporary department. Your argument failed.
    I will note that I wasn't arguing - just taking the piss, as I am wont to do.
    Also, they gave me a clip-on tie instead of a normal long tie. A bit irritating.
    Ditch it and get a proper one, if you have time. You should only wear a clip on tie if you're expecting a fight, or if it's your job to deal with one should it arise.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2011
    Post edited by Geo on
  • You should only wear a clip on tie if you're expecting a fight, or if it's your job to deal with one should it arise.your arm got chopped off and you can't properly tie a tie
    I don't see how a fight works into the equation...
    No. Your argument was that shaving is okay because it is temporary. As far as I can tell, fake tanning is no different in the temporary department. Your argument failed.
    Well I guess skin cancer is temporary. :D
    Regardless, I have found from experience that real tans take a few months to fade, so I'd expect very little difference from fake tans. Shaving a beard off, however, depending on how long it was and how fast your hair grows, could take as little as a week or two to grow back.
  • Fucking awesome car, mate! I am thoroughly jealous.
  • Well I guess skin cancer is temporary. :D
    Well, if you're going to pick a cancer, skin cancer's a pretty good one, provided it's not melanoma, (which isn't caused by sun/UV anyway) because as long as you catch it early, you'll probably be alright.
  • Prom Pics are finally here. Well Part I anyway.
    Absolutely sweet as fuck car, dude. Also - Brave of you to shave off the 'stash, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, and I'll say that you have definitely gained, you look quite a lot better without it - Reminds me of me, when after a lot of convincing, I shaved off my goatee for the school Formal/prom, and looked better for it.
  • Prom was last night for me; kicked total ass. It started off awkward, as when people initially started gathering I felt like the only guy without a date. However, I loosened up, danced hard for like 4 hours (with various people), and ended up having a killer time with my friends during the dance portion of the evening(some of whom ended up deserting their dates, or vice-versa). It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, at post prom, I won a 26" Toshiba 1080p LCD TV in a raffle. I would have won a Wii, Guitar Hero, and Mario Kart also, but they told me I couldn't have both. I was fine with that; one of my roommates is bringing his Wii to college next year, and it was nice to give my classmates a chance.

    So fuck yeah, AWESOME night. I looked great, too. Black tux with pinstripes, silver vest and long tie.
  • I won a 26" Toshiba 1080p LCD TV in a raffle. I would have won a Wii, Guitar Hero, and Mario Kart also, but they told me I couldn't have both.
    Ahhh, this is one thing I do kinda wish I didn't have to miss about prom. My school's after prom was at a rec center really near my house and I know they had some sweet raffles there.
  • Prom was last night for me; kicked total ass. It started off awkward, as when people initially started gathering I felt like the only guy without a date. However, I loosened up, danced hard for like 4 hours (with various people), and ended up having a killer time with my friends during the dance portion of the evening(some of whom ended up deserting their dates, or vice-versa). It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, at post prom, I won a 26" Toshiba 1080p LCD TV in a raffle. I would have won a Wii, Guitar Hero, and Mario Kart also, but they told me I couldn't have both. I was fine with that; one of my roommates is bringing his Wii to college next year, and it was nice to give my classmates a chance.

    So fuck yeah, AWESOME night. I looked great, too. Black tux with pinstripes, silver vest and long tie.
    Excluding the part about the raffle, that is the exact same thing that happened to me.
  • Ahh, it's like this entire thread is just a teenage story with a delightful moral: try new things, go out there, mingle, and make the most of every opportunity given...

    Also, awesome car! You must have felt like a total badass when you made that entrance, while everyone else paid hundreds to cram into an impractical gas guzzling limo.
  • Ahh, it's like this entire thread is just a teenage story with a delightful moral: try new things, go out there, mingle, and make the most of every opportunity given...

    Also, awesome car! You must have felt like a total badass when you made that entrance, while everyone else paid hundreds to cram into an impractical gas guzzling limo.
    Yeah it was totally fucking awesome!! I just pulled up to a congregation of my friends and they just looked at me in awe (some with jaws agape) and I just waved with this sorta "Hi, I have an awesome car...what now!!" look on my face.

    After which everyone just kept asking me questions and to my surprise I answered them all.
  • edited May 2009
    Later when I was sitting at her table, I gave her the rose in my breast pocket and she kissed me on the cheek. She likes me and I like her...I truly think I have feelings for her. She understands me and I understand her and we don't ever fight. She is the one I think as she has all the things I'm looking for in a girl.

    I want to ask her out, but I don't want to be quick about it...what should I do? Please help me guys!

    Also, photos will be up soon.
    That is so delightfully densha otoko. It makes me want to dance around in my chair. I say, go for a thoughtful gesture. Did you talk about something that you could elaborate on or give her to show that you were really listening? An ice cream? A foodstuff? A location? Of course, if there isn't anything readily available, you can always resort to her facebook "activities" / "interests."
    Post edited by ladyobsolete on
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