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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I love my wife. She does much more than I around the house.

    She says this is because I am lazy. However, that is false.

    The truth is that there is a threshold at which each of our brains clicks and says, "X chore needs done." Lisa is so type A that her threshold for everything clicks long, long before mine does. I could easily go two weeks without vacuuming the floor. She has problems with going two days. I can walk by a pile of papers on the counter 20 times and as long as they are organized, I'll leave them alone. But having something unfiled on a counter to Lisa is anathema.
  • edited January 2011
    She has problems with goingtwo days.
    Vacuuming every two days???? Jesus.

    But I know what you mean. I have the same thing though Laura and I funnily have different thresholds for different chores we edge each other out on different things.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited January 2011
    Nuri and I are approximately equally slovenly. However, we're slovenly in different specific ways that poke at the other person.

    Example: Nuri's clothes are strewn all over her bedroom. So are mine. However, the way I strew my clothes when I'm at her place is incompatible with the way she strews her clothes. "PETER! YOU LEFT YOUR CLOTHES IN THE WAY AGAIN!"

    Vice-versa, I'll often have my stuff strewn about the living room, but when she strews her yarn about my living room, it always manages to somehow get in the way. "NURI! THE FIBER DOES NOT LIVE IN THE LIVING ROOM!"

    It's a funny thing, really.

    Fortunately, we both recognize and help each other with our slovenly ways, so it balances out.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • What is this thread about, again?
  • What is this thread about, again?
    Thread, apparently. Wait, are thread and yarn different? I can only guess.
  • edited January 2011
    Wait, are thread and yarn different? I can only guess.
    According to Wikipedia, thread is a thin type of yarn. Huh.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • A thread is also a place where people spin yarns.
  • A thread is also a place where people spin yarns.
  • Vacuuming every two days???? Jesus.
    As a kid, we vacummed the house every other day. Only took ten minutes, and it did wonders for keeping dust levels down.
  • As a kid, we vacummed the house every other day. Only took ten minutes, and it did wonders for keeping dust levels down.
    How often do you vacuum now?
  • vacummed
  • How often do you vacuum now?
    Never. Hardwood floors. I sweep and mop.
  • image
    I want a mod like that.
  • At home I suck it up every two or three days. When I'm away from home, a young Indonesian man does it for me every evening, if I ask.
  • At home I suck it up every two or three days. When I'm away from home, a young Indonesian man does it for me every evening, if I ask.
  • Oh come on! If I'm so blatant, the best reaction I could ever hope for is no reaction at all.
  • I guess this thread should be renamed "In the minority? Just clean and dye."
  • Democratic House member shotdeadat close range in Arizona.
    You're right. Several news agencies are withdrawing the claim she has died, and stating she is in surgery.
  • This is why we don't play with fire Palin.
  • And, back to the poltics, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) has been shot and possibly killed today, at a Congress on Your Corner(as she called it). Others were also shot, reports are currently showing 15 wounded, 6-7 dead.
    Yay reading.
  • Yay reading.
    Oh fuck off. Nobody had posted about it when I submitted that post, because I didn't refresh the tab. So fucking what?
  • edited January 2011
    I've just verified that Gifford's district was one of those that Palin's supporters did not "take back." This is looking like a PR disaster for her.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Oh fuck off. Nobody had posted about it when I submitted that post, because I didn't refresh the tab. So fucking what?
  • edited January 2011
    [Ninja'd by WindUpBird]

    Stay classy, Sarah PAC.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I'm going to periodically rehost that image; it appears that they're already attempting to take it down and avert disaster, but BoingBoing has already mirrored it, so I don't think they're going to get anywhere.
  • It's on there already. I've got it saved, too.


    Giffords's opponent ran that ad just prior to the election.
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