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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • My wife's uncle died earlier this year, leaving his third wife and two adoptive children.

    In related news, during a recent discussion of gay marriage with my father-in-law, I told him I would accept his anti-gay viewpoint when he married his brother's widow in accordance with biblical command
    Wow, Jason has balls, only because you could have been punched there.
  • My wife's uncle died earlier this year, leaving his third wife and two adoptive children.

    In related news, during a recent discussion of gay marriage with my father-in-law, I told him I would accept his anti-gay viewpoint when he married his brother's widow in accordance with biblical command
    Wow, Jason has balls, only because you could have been punched there.
    But he has the right of it. You can not aruge with these people unless you do it with their own source material. If the book is so important to them, if it is the basis for their morality and way of life, if it is the literal word of god, then he should marry his brother's widow. How can you justify ignoring the word of god that you preach?

    A tactic like this will only work for so long until some fundi church starts releasing bibles with massive edits.
  • A tactic like this will only work for so long until some fundi church starts releasing bibles with massive edits.
    This implies it has not already been heavily edited.
  • A tactic like this will only work for so long until some fundi church starts releasing bibles with massive edits.
    This implies it has not already been heavily edited.
    I meant from it's current state. ^__^
  • This implies it has not already been heavily edited.
  • A tactic like this will only work for so long until some fundi church starts releasing bibles with massive edits.
    This implies it has not already been heavily edited.
    I meant from it's current state. ^__^
    Wasn't there some project to do a conservative edit of the Bible where they replaced all the peace and love and charity with free enterprise and screw everyone else?
  • This implies it has not already been heavily edited.
    Also implies that there are not churches that don't do this already.
    I can only imagine that these people somehow think some gay dude is going to leap out of a tree and gay marry them against their will as they were walking the dog or something, and then they'd have to explain it to their wives when they got home.
  • But we're being forced to have our government recognize gay marriage the same as our marriage! Just like that time they forced us to let black kids go to the same schools as our kids! If only they had let the people vote, none of this would have happened!

    ...Oh wait...
  • Just like that time they forced us to let black kids go to the same schools as our kids!
    I'm betting there's a not-insignificant segment of the anti-gay-marriage bloc that is also opposed to racial integration.
  • Just like that time they forced us to let black kids go to the same schools as our kids!
    I'm betting there's a not-insignificant segment of the anti-gay-marriage bloc that is also opposed to racial integration.
    Yes. The point being that we don't vote on whether or not people get rights under our Constitution because part of its purpose is to protect the unpopular.
  • Just like that time they forced us to let black kids go to the same schools as our kids!
    I'm betting there's a not-insignificant segment of the anti-gay-marriage bloc that is also opposed to racial integration.
    Yes. The point being that we don't vote on whether or not people get rights under our Constitution because part of its purpose is to protect the unpopular.
  • edited July 2011
    Glen Beck: Labour youth camp in Norway sounds "A bit like the Hitler youth".

    Yeah, because nobody is investigating the motives of those dead children hard enough.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2011
    Geeky reference ahead: Ever see Star Trek TOS season three, episode seven, "Day of the Dove?" The only way to defeat the malevolent entity that is Glen Beck is to join the Klingons in laughing at him. Beck feeds off hate.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I love how Spock has that look on his face like "Holy Shit."
  • edited July 2011
    Glen Beck: Labour youth camp in Norway sounds "A bit like the Hitler youth".Yeah, because nobody is investigating the motives of those dead children hard enough.
    Hurrderpadoo from Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley. They get bonus crazy points for mentioning the floridation of water conspiracy.

    EDIT: Fixed. Typo thanks to google dictionary.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
    Obviously, cause 'science' is the tool of the Illuminati.
  • edited July 2011
    floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
    Obviously, cause 'science' is the tool of the Illuminati.
    Don't get me started on Anti-freeze. Fucking gets warmer when everything else gets cold? That's some roswell shit right there.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
    Obviously, cause 'science' is the tool of the Illuminati.
    Don't get me started on Anti-freeze. Fucking gets warmer when everything else gets cold? That's some roswell shit right there.
    Are you talking about refrigerant?
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
    Obviously, cause 'science' is the tool of the Illuminati.
    Don't get me started on Anti-freeze. Fucking gets warmer when everything else gets cold? That's some roswell shit right there.
    Are you talking about refrigerant?
    He's talking about the pyramid building aliens who gave us passive, liquid opposition to refrigerant. It doesn't even need power.

    Speaking of pyramids...
  • floatation of water conspiracy
    the what?
    Well you see, normally when matter gets cold, it becomes more dense. But water gets less dense, and then floats. This is obviously a conspiracy of the highest order.
    Obviously, cause 'science' is the tool of the Illuminati.
    Don't get me started on Anti-freeze. Fucking gets warmer when everything else gets cold? That's some roswell shit right there.
    Are you talking about refrigerant?
    He's talking about the pyramid building aliens who gave us passive, liquid opposition to refrigerant. It doesn't even need power.

    Speaking of pyramids...
    What about them?
  • What about them?
    Nothing. Fuck off.
  • Harry Reid calls republican's bluff. He made a plan that gives theme exactly what they asked for. Now let us watch as the right wing flips two and a half shits trying to explain why they don't want what they said they wanted.
  • edited July 2011
    What was that, Andrew?

    You were saying? //Abusing mod powers
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Harry Reid calls republican's bluff. He made a plan that gives theme exactly what they asked for. Now let us watch as the right wing flips two and a half shits trying to explain why they don't want what they said they wanted.
    They don't have to flip any shits. Both parties are pretty honest about this: if the other party proposes it, it is wrong because of that and that alone.
  • Harry Reid calls republican's bluff. He made a plan that gives theme exactly what they asked for. Now let us watch as the right wing flips two and a half shits trying to explain why they don't want what they said they wanted.
    They don't have to flip any shits. Both parties are pretty honest about this: if the other party proposes it, it is wrong because of that and that alone.
    Not entirely true. If the Republicans put forward anything that resembled a sensible plan, I'd be ready to root for it. But what they keep asking for are lower taxes and cuts to social services and federal agencies, which amounts to deregulation in my eyes. They're not doing ANYTHING that would actually contribute to fixing anything, and just pushing their agenda regardless of any consequence. The Dems and Obama have made several attempts to make drastic cuts and also raise taxes to get more income and balance everything out, but the Republicans want NOTHING to do with it because it might work, make Obama look good, and cost them the 2012 election which is already looking like it's going to be bad for them. In addition, Mitch McConnell has already stated unequivocally that the Republican goal is to defeat Obama in 2012. Not fixing the economic crisis. Not helping every day Americans. Not taking their collective boot off of the throat of the middle class. None of that.
    The Republicans are trying to score political points and are willing to sacrifice the economy to do it.
  • The Republicans are trying to score political points and are willing to sacrifice the economy to do it.
    If roles were reversed, I really do think Dems would do the same bullshit. I have a hard time believing these people are fundamentally different in their personalities; as far as I can tell, they only differ in their alleged direction for US gov't.

    It really comes down to politicians that are politicizing vs politicians that are trying to do something. You seem to make the argument Republicans come from the former and Dems come from the latter. I'm just trying to say that the majority of both parties come from the former, and there is a small minority of each party coming from the latter.

    I actually think Obama might be a politician trying to do something. Not because he's a democrat, but because I haven't seen him stoop to playground tactics. If someone presented me with examples of that kind of behavior, though, I wouldn't be terribly surprised or offended.
  • edited July 2011
    If you're running for President of a government of a country, maybe you should at least pretend you like the government of the country.
    In a speech targeted at Iowa caucus-goers, Bachmann spoke about her upbringing in The Hawkeye State. "Everything I need to know, I learned in Iowa," she said. "We depended on our neighbors and ourselves and not our government for help," she said. "We trusted in God and our neighbors and not in government.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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