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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Bachman scares me so much more than Palin ever did.
  • Bachman scares me so much more than Palin ever did.
    Agreed - because While palin is stupid, religious and crazy, Bachmann is Smart, cunning, super religious, crazier than a shithouse rat and adam curry combined, and as best I can tell, more thoroughly evil than any political candidate for the last 30 years.
  • Matt Taibbi wrote (as usual) an excellent article on Bachmann.
  • Bachman scares me so much more than Palin ever did.
    Agreed - because While palin is stupid, religious and crazy, Bachmann is Smart, cunning, super religious, crazier than a shithouse rat and adam curry combined, and as best I can tell, more thoroughly evil than any political candidate for the last 30 years.
    That and she is dead fucking serious about running for President. At least Palin was only running as VP and then jumped out of the politics game when she realized that she could make more money speaking to idiots.
  • That and she is dead fucking serious about running for President. At least Palin was only running as VP and then jumped out of the politics game when she realized that she could make more money speaking to idiots.
    I should note what else scares me about Bachmann is not just that she's serious, she's as serious as a crazy person can be, and brother, she is serious fucking business crazy. I don't just mean in the colloquial sense, I remain entirely unconvinced that she is not seriously mentally ill.
  • A sane person would be able to step back after a while and say "Okay, some of the shit I am spewing out of my mouth is rather unfounded and maybe I should rethink what I'm saying". Bachman and her "Pray the Gay Away" clinic running husband do not have this shit valve in their mind.
  • A sane person would be able to step back after a while and say "Okay, some of the shit I am spewing out of my mouth is rather unfounded and maybe I should rethink what I'm saying". Bachman and her "Pray the Gay Away" clinic running husband do not have this shit valve in their mind.
    I recall seeing somewhere in the last few days someone is offering ten grand to any man who can prove he had sex with Bachmann's husband, at any point.
  • I recall seeing somewhere in the last few days someone is offering ten grand to any man who can prove he had sex with Bachmann's husband, at any point.
    There was an episode of the Daily Show recently where Jon Stewart was having such a hard time with not just flat out making gay jokes about him.
  • Matt Taibbi wrote (as usual) an excellent article on Bachmann.
    Holy Humping Moses, that man can write.
  • Holy Humping Moses, that man can write.
    I love how he managed to be incredibly sarcastic and funny, while still being very classy about it.
  • Matt Taibbi wrote (as usual) an excellent article on Bachmann.
    Holy Humping Moses, that man can write.
    Reading that article has reminded me of the paradox of our current political system (especially at the national level): Anyone willing to participate is not the type of person that we the people want to have that position, power, and influence.

    Of course there have been and are exceptions to that rule, but I generally believe it to be the case. I have no desire to get anywhere near that circus and so it is for many reasonable, rational, intelligent individuals who would give us great benefit were they in elected office and so we get stuck with the crazies, the power-hungry, and the corrupt.
  • edited July 2011
    Reading that article has reminded me of the paradox of our current political system (especially at the national level): Anyone willing to participate is not the type of person that we the people want to have that position, power, and influence.
    This isn't actually a new idea, cf. Hitchhikers' Guide.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • If you're running for President of a government of a country, maybe you should at least pretend you like the government of the country.
    In a speech targeted at Iowa caucus-goers, Bachmann spoke about her upbringing in The Hawkeye State. "Everything I need to know, I learned in Iowa," she said. "We depended on our neighbors and ourselves and not our government for help," she said. "We trusted in God and our neighbors and not in government.
    She's running the Reagan line in a slightly different order. Remember how this country elected an actor who firmly believed that the government could do absolutely no good to be the head of the government?
  • Tea Bagger Joe Walsh is part of 'real America'. You know, that part of America that rallies against taxes and debts and demands fiscal responsibility, but refuses to pay over $117,000 in child support while spending money on their campaign.
  • I've wanted to talk about this for a while now, but didn't find the time. Texas Governor Rick Perry has been in office for over 10 years, and pretty much destroyed a lot of his state in the progress. Now that it has gotten so bad that he can't come up a solution for the problems he caused any more, he is holding a stadium sized prayer rally in order to turn over the reigns of his state to God so he can fix what Perry is too incompetent to do. I also interpret as an attempt to turn Texas into a de facto theocracy.

    Can you get any more despicable than that?
  • I've wanted to talk about this for a while now, but didn't find the time. Texas Governor Rick Perry has been in office for over 10 years, and pretty much destroyed a lot of his state in the progress. Now that it has gotten so bad that he can't come up a solution for the problems he caused any more, he is holding a stadium sized prayer rally in order to turn over the reigns of his state to God so he can fix what Perry is too incompetent to do. I also interpret as an attempt to turn Texas into a de facto theocracy.
    This is the guy they think can beat Obama?
  • I've wanted to talk about this for a while now, but didn't find the time. Texas Governor Rick Perry has been in office for over 10 years, and pretty much destroyed a lot of his state in the progress. Now that it has gotten so bad that he can't come up a solution for the problems he caused any more, he is holding a stadium sized prayer rally in order to turn over the reigns of his state to God so he can fix what Perry is too incompetent to do. I also interpret as an attempt to turn Texas into a de facto theocracy.
    This is the guy they think can beat Obama?
    With the power of Jeebus, he can.
  • With the power of Jeebus, he can.
  • Can you get any more despicable than that?
    Raping babies? Hitler?
  • Can you get any more despicable than that?
    Raping babies? Hitler?
    People who say "yous guys."
  • edited July 2011
    People who claim to be hipsters unironically.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • People who claim to be hipsters unironically.
    Isn't that a paradox of the kind that makes universes explode?
  • edited July 2011
    People who say "yous guys."
    Hey, yous guys gonna love this Jeebus guy! He's a-gonna make everything alright.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • image
    The guy on the left looks more trustworthy. The guy on the right's smile is creeping me the hell out.
  • If fucking love you Matt Damon.
  • Maybe you're a shitty cameraman, I don't know.
    That made me laugh.

    Where they trying to catch me saying something wrong?
  • If fucking love you Matt Damon.
    And I love fucking you Matt Damon.
  • edited August 2011
    Republican congressman describes Obama as a 'tar-baby' in an analogy. He apologized in writing later, apparently. But still...who still uses the word 'tar-baby' anymore?!?! These simpletons should never have been elected.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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