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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Get your act together, this is the real world? YOU'RE TEACHING A DEAD LANGUAGE WITH SUCH AN EXTRAORDINARILY NARROW RANGE OF APPLICATIONS THAT IT MIGHT AS WELL BE CALLED USELESS. This isn't the real world, this is Academia. If it WERE the real world of which you speak, considering your major skill is speaking a dead and mostly useless language, You'd be homeless, with your one thong and a hat made out of an old number-plate. Get another fucking thong.
  • edited November 2011
    It's neither a fail nor a boo-yah for you but a major fail for your so-called professor.

    Also, Churba, I'm totally stealing that tirade for one of my stories.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It's neither a fail nor a boo-yah for you but a major fail for your so-called professor.

    Also, Churba, I'm totally stealing that tirade for one of my stories.
    Just remember that when I say thong, I mean what you'd call a flip-flop. Or don't, it doesn't lose that much impact either way.

  • Boo-Yah: I broke my college campus-wide game, so I can determine who will win. Basically, every class in the "This is how you take care of yourself and bathe" course had to submit a game to this competition. The game that wins this competition gets implemented, and to win you must have the most votes. You can vote infinity times by typing a keyword into a website or texting. I, in my infinite wisdom, download a program to repeatably type and submit that keyword on my laptop. My class's game was last place with 0.1% of the total votes. We are now 3rd with 25% of the votes within 20 minutes. I might make another class's game win though, because my class's game is the worst piece of shit to ever exist (it's a miniature form of Amazing Racing). >.>That Lemonade Chug idea sounds good and tabooed :D

    Fail: I then forget how to calculate a percent of a total to give X. I had to look on Google(T~T). When I saw that you just had to multiply the percent to total, I banged my head on the table.
  • Boo-Yah: I finally got Xbox live Gold.
    Fail: Only use for it I currently have for it, is to get my ass kicked in BlazBlue.
  • edited December 2011
    Get your act together, this is the real world? YOU'RE TEACHING A DEAD LANGUAGE WITH SUCH AN EXTRAORDINARILY NARROW RANGE OF APPLICATIONS THAT IT MIGHT AS WELL BE CALLED USELESS. This isn't the real world, this is Academia. If it WERE the real world of which you speak, considering your major skill is speaking a dead and mostly useless language, You'd be homeless, with your one thong and a hat made out of an old number-plate. Get another fucking thong.
    Churba, I might have to (attempt to) seriously injure you for saying that. Admittedly, I'm slightly biased because a plurality of my friends are aspiring academics, but also because I really like the classics.
    Also, Latin is a very important language for linguists, philosophers, anyone studying pre-1500s history, and a few other fields. You might say that those don't count because all those fields are both primarily academic, but fuck you, academia is a perfectly valid career track.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, It is. But it also isn't the "Real World", at least in the sense he meant, and while Academia is a perfectly valid career track, but it's also a very different game entirely to the majority of careers - you try getting Tenure as a Fitter and Turner or an office drone, for example.

    You didn't really disprove or dispute the "Very narrow range of applications", though I suppose it is a bit hyperbolic to say that it might as well be called useless - I've no doubt that someone studying those parts of history and linguists might find that a very odd thing to claim, as much as it might seem true in a much bigger-picture view. To put it differently, I suppose it is incredibly useful, but only in a very small number of fields.

    But don't get too worked up about it. When all is said and done, Im 'iustus unus homo, secundum totus. Albeit one with horrendous grammar in his tiny command of dead languages.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, Latin is a very important language for linguists, philosophers, anyone studying pre-1500s history, and a few other fields.
    It also helps you read signs anywhere they speak a romance language, except possibly Romanian, because that's so much more different from Latin. I like studying Latin, I'm sure it will be handy for trivia and hobbies, but I don't think it should be required.
  • edited December 2011
    Also, Latin is a very important language for linguists, philosophers, anyone studying pre-1500s history, and a few other fields.
    It also helps you read signs anywhere they speak a romance language, except possibly Romanian, because that's so much more different from Latin. I like studying Latin, I'm sure it will be handy for trivia and hobbies, but I don't think it should be required.
    Well, depending on what you study, naturally. There are some fields where it would be of some benefit, where you should be required to do at least a little study - Law, Medicine, Theology, Philosophy, some history, stuff like that. But as a general requirement, I agree.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Futuo prostitutarum, acquirant pecuniam.
  • Boo-Yah: I took home a few loaves of an absolutely delicious Asiago Cheesebread from work today. Just ate some of it and oh god I am making the best sandwich tomorrow.

    Fail: The reason it, a product that did not and has never been distributed to stores from our center, came out tonight was to get rid of it - we're supposed to be a Kosher bakery! I may never get any of this again!
  • [Latin] also helps you except [with] possibly Romanian, because that's so much more different from Latin.
    That's funny, a friend told me that Romanian is the closest living language to Latin, and that it sounds a lot like Latin would've. Please expand on this, I'm quite interested.
  • I've never seen it written, I've only heard it. I don't know that much about it, but that's what I would think from what I've heard of it. Your friend is probably right, because they have actual knowledge of the language.
  • Boo-Yah: I took home a few loaves of an absolutely delicious Asiago Cheesebread from work today. Just ate some of it and oh god I am making the best sandwich tomorrow.

    Fail: The reason it, a product that did not and has never been distributed to stores from our center, came out tonight was to get rid of it - we're supposed to be a Kosher bakery! I may never get any of this again!
    Asiago Cheesebread is among the best breads. You are a lucky man.
  • My friends all liked spot it so I picked up Jungle Speed in hopes that it would go over as well. But we are all so swamped with finals related work that I doubt we'll get to play in the near future.
  • The Wii doesn't support 480p over RBG SCART, despite it being near identical to component.
    Hacked Wii says otherwise!
  • Fail: Both "Metal Up Your Ass" and "Beer Beer!" were rejected by MAGfest.

    Boo-Yah: No responsibilities as a presenter? MORE TIME FOR BEER!
  • Fail: Both "Metal Up Your Ass" and "Beer Beer!" were rejected by MAGfest.

    Boo-Yah: No responsibilities as a presenter? MORE TIME FOR BEER!
    Wow, that's unexpected. Oh well, we shall make the most of your failure.
  • Fail: Both "Metal Up Your Ass" and "Beer Beer!" were rejected by MAGfest.

    Boo-Yah: No responsibilities as a presenter? MORE TIME FOR BEER!
    Wow, that's unexpected. Oh well, we shall make the most of your failure.
    I tasted my latest attempt at TiaB last night - the one you challenged me to reproduce?

    Challenge met.

    Mostly, anyhow. The hops have a touch more earthiness this time around, and the honey flavor is slightly more subdued. But it's almost identical otherwise. Same alcohol content - it'll fuck you up.

  • Fail: After a year of being practically dead, I finally (accidentally) broke my glasses.
    Boo-Yah: Minutes after the accident the store called saying my new glasses were ready to pick up.
  • Boo-yah: After living in the same place for almost three years, I've finally upgraded to a sweet new apartment that my girlfriend and I can both live in comfortably.
    Fail: The costs of doing so are going to hit the bank account hard.
    Boo-yah: Very glad that I was raised to be frugal and I can do stuff like this without worrying about the final costs.
  • edited December 2011
    Fail: Both "Metal Up Your Ass" and "Beer Beer!" were rejected by MAGfest.
    Their loss. Losers. Big losing losers.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Fail: Both "Metal Up Your Ass" and "Beer Beer!" were rejected by MAGfest.
    Their loss. Losers. Big losing losers.
  • Boo-Yah: In my mad quest to find beef navel in the Capital District, I finally made progress...

    Fail: ...except that I have to buy the entire beef plate (~75 bucks) to get at what I want.

    Boo-Yah: But then I get 40 pounds of beef! For cheap! And it's good stuff - the plate primal includes brisket, short ribs, skirt, and navel.

    Fail: ...except that I don't have the room to freeze 40 pounds of beef.

    Boo-Yah: I have lots of carnivorous friends.
  • Fail: After being in a car wreck and getting more and more concerning news about my family (mostly that my dad is sick with something serious, but we don't know what yet and he's been in and out of testing and will be in testing on my birthday; also general my-family-always-just-kinda-doesn't-work-well mess), both of my roommates left. One on plans that kept being pushed back, and the other on super-short notice. Being alone in the apartment was making me crazy.

    Boo-Yah: I called my friends and told them I was having trouble and crashed at their place for three days. All of them showed a lot of concern and care and didn't seem to mind that I just stuck around. One even pulled me aside and told me I'm too hard on myself and no one thinks I'm a bother or burden, which meant a lot, given my deeply-ingrained complexes about telling people I need them or that I'm upset and want help.

    Fail: I'm back home tonight, and although I wanted it to be okay because I'd been feeling really needy and presumptuous just staying on my friends' couch, it's making me a little crazy already being here by myself. I think I'd be more antsy/troubled if it weren't for having the bunny here.

    Both?: Also I have the obnoxious tendency to convince myself no one wants me around, which is very obviously untrue after the past few days. I have another obnoxious tendency to want very, VERY much to say something to someone, and go extended periods of time around them, and NEVER be able to figure out how I want to say it or how to start and I convince myself they won't understand it anyway and then get disappointed and angry when I leave without saying anything and dwell on it when there's nothing I can do.
  • edited December 2011
    @TheWhaleShark Why do you want bovine belly-button?

    @Anrild In the immortal words of ABBA (completely out of context, mind you): Take it easy. Better slow down, girl. Take it nice and slow.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • @TheWhaleShark Why do you want bovine belly-button?
    Beef navel is a specific cut taken aft of the brisket and ribs, but before the flank. It's a belly cut, essentially. It's the cut that's used to make traditional New York City pastrami - very fatty and flavorful. I'm going to use it for bacon.

  • Beef...bacon?

    I wish you the best of luck for your noble quest.
  • I did it. 40-ish pound beef plate for 85 bucks.

    I am the king of awesome/terrible ideas. Fail-Yah? Boo-Fail?

    Are your bodies ready?
  • Save some for london broil after new years.
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