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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Between that and the dark chocolate mint pretzels, I think the food gods hate me.
    Don't worry, at least you're not being subjected to Pete's Snicker Liquor.
  • Booyah: Made some very good-tasting, decadent Toblerone chocolate pancakes

    Fail: All its richness made me dizzy @_@
  • I dunno about you guys, but dark chocolate mint pretzels sound delicious to me.
  • Booyah: Made some very good-tasting, decadent Toblerone chocolate pancakes

    Fail: All its richness made me dizzy @_@
    That's the fat blocking the blood flow to your brain. :P
  • edited December 2011
    Boo yah: Random Secret Santa/gift exchange thing at work today, which means free lunch!

    Fail: My present wasn't a success. Apparently my coworkers don't read books. :-/

    Meh: I ended up with one of those head massage things. Does anyone in NYC want it?

    Boo yah: One more day of work for the rest of the year!

    禁: It's because of furloughs.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Heeeheeeheee
    (That's not Nine, the card is in Finnish.)
    Oh Secret Santa, why could you not be mine?
    Hey, gimme some credit. I recognized the Finnish, but I also recognize Nine as the FRCF Patron Saint of Revolting Salty Licorice.

  • I dunno about you guys, but dark chocolate mint pretzels sound delicious to me.
    This. Send 'em my way.

    I bet I can ferment them.

  • You can get barley pretzels. Ferment some dark chocolate mint barley pretzels into a dark mint chocolate barleywine.

    You know you want to.
  • edited December 2011
    You can get barley pretzels. Ferment some dark chocolate mint barley pretzels into a dark mint chocolate barleywine.

    You know you want to.
    I feel like it'd be cheaper for me to use mint extract, cocoa powder, and actual malt.

    This sounds fucking delicious, actually, I'll bash up a recipe when I get the time. This can be my next project.

    I'll make that saison one of these days.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Heeeheeeheee
    (That's not Nine, the card is in Finnish.)
    Oh Secret Santa, why could you not be mine?
    I was going to say "That's not nine's brand of Salty liquorice", but I suppose the finnish is probably a better clue, there.
    I dunno about you guys, but dark chocolate mint pretzels sound delicious to me.
    This. Send 'em my way.

    I bet I can ferment them.

    All I want to do now is send you various confections to see if you can ferment them.
  • "Will It Ferment?" The hot new Youtube channel.
  • "Will It Ferment?" The hot new Youtube channel.
    Pete, if Snickers Quick-Mead succeeds, I might do a write-up on your mad zymurgy for MAKE magazine and see if they'll run it.
  • I'll take this to another thread, so as to not derail this one needlessly.
  • Booyah: Made some very good-tasting, decadent Toblerone chocolate pancakes

    Fail: All its richness made me dizzy @_@
    That's the fat blocking the blood flow to your brain. :P
    Nah. It was the sugar. The fat makes me throw up, and I didn't.
  • First world problem:

    After procuring my 37 pound beef plate, I have discovered that I have roughly 9 pounds of beef navel.

    That's more than I was anticipating.

    So now, I'm having a hard time deciding whether I should do 9 pounds of beef bacon, or half beef bacon and half old-world pastrami.
  • This is my favorite of the first world problems. I have too much food. There's a world hunger crisis -- people in countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, and Norway can't get essential foods (like butter) -- and we have too much.
  • Norway's butter shortage is probably the king of First World Problems. They ate all of an extremely expensive essential foodstuff, not due to a shortage, but due to a fad diet. They have a food shortage because they wanted to lose weigh.
  • Oooh, even more first world problem. I ate too much food, so I tried to eat nothing but one food, and now I don't have any of that food.
  • Fail: while listening to Pandora, I tapped on the wrong thing by accident and made a new station

    Boo-Yah: while I was trying to figure out how to delete the station, I was listening to it in the background, and it wound up being really awesome Chinese hip-hop
  • I'm ill.

    I decided to amuse myself by playing Counterstrike for the first time ever.

    In about 30 rounds I managed 2 kills. Yay me.
  • Fail: 1.5 hours of sleep.

    Booh-Yah: Made it through my hospital shadowing wide awake.

    Fail: Have a huge amount of work to do tonight (900 words + three figures and bibliography as well as studying). Essay is also worth 50% of my grade in one class, but is luckily fairly easy.

    Booh-yah/Fail: Thanks to insane insomnia sleeping patterns, I can squeeze in a nap. Maybe three hours if I'm lucky!

    Fail or Booh-Yah, depending on how you look at it: I'm having some pretty cool hallucinations right now; I've seen multiple shadowy children and birds in my peripheral vision, vague images are randomly manifesting on textured surfaces (pretty sure that's hypnogogia), and every streetlight and head/brake light is like a shooting star.

    Fail: 30 minute timed essay for 10% of my mark in a bio class tomorrow, and my body has chosen this week to do this.
  • edited December 2011
    Boo-Yah: I have 14 pounds of dry-aged beef navel curing in my fridge right now 5 pounds for bacon and 9 pounds for pastrami. In the vegetable drawer, no less.

    Fail: There is space in my refrigerator that is not occupied with beef.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Fail: There is space in my refrigerator that is not occupied with beef.
    You know you could fix that.
  • Booh-Yah: I am in Dublin and everything is excellent. I could easily see myself living here, it's so beautiful and everyone is so fucking friendly and helpful. Also, on the advice of a friend's father, I tried the Tyrconnell single malt last night, because the pub I was at was charging the same for a measure of that as they were for a measure of Jameson. Ended up getting three measures over the course of the evening for around 15€. I don't regret a cent of it. It's like the Lagavulin of Irish whiskeys. Also, yeah, hung out in a Temple Bar pub with live music. It was most excellent. I wrote around 5 minutes of comedy, too!

    Fail: Got home tipsy around 10:30, and then slept for 13 hours. How the fuck do you even do that!? I mean, yeah, it's a good sign for my insomnia, but that's a lot of time burned. Ah well, chalking it up to vacationing alone and recuperative sleep.

    Anyway, off to lunch and then to the cathedrals. Tremendous!
  • Fuuuuck, good old temple bar. Had a few good nights there, let me tell you.
  • Fail: I'm sure I did horrible this semester.
    Booh-Yah: I found out I can't flunk out unless I'm already on academic probation.
    Fail: My parents will still murder me.
  • Fail: My parents will still murder me.
    Been there and I came out surprisingly unmurdered. You'll be OK.
  • edited December 2011
    Booh-Yah: I am in Dublin and everything is excellent. I could easily see myself living here, it's so beautiful and everyone is so fucking friendly and helpful. Also, on the advice of a friend's father, I tried the Tyrconnell single malt last night, because the pub I was at was charging the same for a measure of that as they were for a measure of Jameson. Ended up getting three measures over the course of the evening for around 15€. I don't regret a cent of it. It's like the Lagavulin of Irish whiskeys. Also, yeah, hung out in a Temple Bar pub with live music. It was most excellent. I wrote around 5 minutes of comedy, too!

    Fail: Got home tipsy around 10:30, and then slept for 13 hours. How the fuck do you even do that!? I mean, yeah, it's a good sign for my insomnia, but that's a lot of time burned. Ah well, chalking it up to vacationing alone and recuperative sleep.

    Anyway, off to lunch and then to the cathedrals. Tremendous!
    There is a store called The Celtic Whiskey Shop. Kate and I stopped in there when we were in Dublin, and the selection is amazing (also, free samples). I also tried Tyrconnell for the first time and was amazed. The stuff is outstanding, particularly the ten year sherry cask.
    Also, if you can, try to get to the Avoca Cafe. It's got excellent food for a good price. It's a store, and the cafe is on an upper floor. Here's a link: Avoca Shops
    If you get a chance, we also were amazed by the Kilmainham Gaol(jail). VERY good museum.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Fail: After I made the post about irresponsible pet owners yesterday we almost lost our cats today. We forgot to lock the front door and it blew open at some point this morning. I didn't know anything was wrong until James panicked about the open door. NONE of the three cats were in the house, not even my "I'm terrified of the raptors/T-rex outside" cat.

    Booyah: We found Wash rolling around in our driveway and Caprica only managed to get five feet from the door. We split up to find Lily, our oldest cat, and I found her 5 houses away. She was a pain in the ass to catch, despite the fact I had wet food with me as a lure. Everyone is safe and sound now.
  • Boo-Yeah : I just bought the Square discount pack off Steam!
    Fail : I just bought the Square discount pack off Steam!
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