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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Cut meat, specifically red meat, out of your diet one day a week.
    Or go vegan, woohoo. ^_^
  • Cut meat, specifically red meat, out of your diet one day a week.
    Or go vegan, woohoo. ^_^
    No offense if you are a vegan but fuck that shit.
  • edited February 2012
    Haha, none taken. Even though that is a reason do to it I do not believe in being preachy about it. Do it if you want but if you prefer meat I will not take offense.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited February 2012
    Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

    Well besides the steps I've already taken (scooter, energy efficient bulbs, not turning on the lights during the day) what else can I (or shadow for that matter) individually do? "Green credits" are a joke, I'm not in any position to affect policy, and I can't fart less times a day.
    Nah, the steps you've taken are about all you can expect from anyone not willing to modify their housing, build a Green House (not to be confused with a greenhouse, which is green, but not habitable), or make significant changes to their buying habits. Maybe go to the farmer's market once in a while or something, but their produce just tastes better anyway, so that's not just a green issue. [EDIT: Also, the red meat thing.]

    With that quote, I was really addressing why Shadoworc would believe in Global Warming and do nothing about it. That just seems like harmful inaction.

    In your case, you attest to being ill-informed, but you said you still try anyway, and that counts for a lot. Even just riding a scooter in lieu of a car saves loads of fuel, so I can't fault you. I'd encourage you to read up on the topic anyway. Like CFL bulbs and scooters, lots of green solutions are pretty simple and save you money, but you wouldn't necessarily be interested in them if you didn't crunch through the science on it first. My uncle got me interested in Green Living when he built a beautiful but sustainable house that can be heated for eight hours on a single piece of firewood. Now, I'm exploring some cheap sustainable generator designs for him. There're opportunities for crazy geekeries even in stuff that's typically derided as hippy bullshit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

    I have an apathy abuse problem.
  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

    I have an apathy abuse problem.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    Booh-yah: Li_Akahi and I just finished recording the very first episode of our new podcast: Cage Rage; a podcast that consists entirely of us reviewing movies starring Nicolas Cage...for better or for worse.

    Fail: It definitely is a first episode...with all the trappings and troubles that entail the first episode of any podcast (i.e. saying um and ah a lot, getting sidetracked very often, having a lot of technical difficulties with what little equipment we possess).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Wasting good drink, the worst kind of drinking problem.
  • edited February 2012
    Not to burst any bubbles, but didn't the Greatest Movie EVER! podcast already kind of do that though? Under the same name...?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    Not to burst any bubbles, but didn't the Greatest Movie EVER! podcast already kind of do that though? Under the same name...?
    Yes. The theme year was one of our primary influences for doing the podcast, except we're doing all of the movies that the Cage is in. We even asked Paul if we could borrow the title and he gave us the go-ahead.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Sweet, sounds fun!
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    Does anyone want to be guest on this podcast and get their Cage on? Whether it be bashing him, praising him, or lamenting him; its all good on Cage Rage.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I'll come on if you like.
  • I would do it. Maybe for Bad Lieutenant.
  • Sounds like it could be interesting. Depending on when you do it I would be game.
  • FAIL: Nearly broke my brain and mental strain editing a video. Audio Desynched, Lost all my progress once (nearly twice!), Uploaded it twice on youtube to varying degrees of fail, Forgotten Pictures/Images/Broken Music Cues, Losing audio, and lost lots of time through various convertings, uploadings, and one bad use of youtube editing.

    Boo-Yah: Fully edited and fixed video, and uploaded it. Even found many problems I looked over. Also, I taught myself several time saving techniques over cutting/copying/pasting data from where it's placed. iMovie is bizarre, but damn, it works.

    The Result:

    Fail: Still have a lot of work to do, shooting wise. Repeat "Lazy," "Boring," and "You know" too many times. I see why all those internet critics write scripts.

    Boo-Yah: But hey, putting it out there, that's how you learn.
  • Booh-Yah: The first part (part of the replacement area for Mickey's ToonTown Fair, Storybook Circus) of New Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom will be opening up by late March.
    Fail: Snow White's Scary Adventures will be closing on May 31st for a Princess Meet-and-Greet area. There goes some of the scariest memories of my childhood.
  • May we get a twenty-one dwarf salute, please?
  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

    Well besides the steps I've already taken (scooter, energy efficient bulbs, not turning on the lights during the day) what else can I (or shadow for that matter) individually do? "Green credits" are a joke, I'm not in any position to affect policy, and I can't fart less times a day.
    Nah, the steps you've taken are about all you can expect from anyone not willing to modify their housing, build a Green House (not to be confused with a greenhouse, which is green, but not habitable), or make significant changes to their buying habits. Maybe go to the farmer's market once in a while or something, but their produce just tastes better anyway, so that's not just a green issue. [EDIT: Also, the red meat thing.]

    With that quote, I was really addressing why Shadoworc would believe in Global Warming and do nothing about it. That just seems like harmful inaction.

    In your case, you attest to being ill-informed, but you said you still try anyway, and that counts for a lot. Even just riding a scooter in lieu of a car saves loads of fuel, so I can't fault you. I'd encourage you to read up on the topic anyway. Like CFL bulbs and scooters, lots of green solutions are pretty simple and save you money, but you wouldn't necessarily be interested in them if you didn't crunch through the science on it first. My uncle got me interested in Green Living when he built a beautiful but sustainable house that can be heated for eight hours on a single piece of firewood. Now, I'm exploring some cheap sustainable generator designs for him. There're opportunities for crazy geekeries even in stuff that's typically derided as hippy bullshit.
    I really need to take shorter showers, but they're so comfy. >_<
  • @George: Solar piping. My uncle has it on his house and was able to reduce the need for a water heater down to a single 25 gallon unit.
  • @George: Solar piping. My uncle has it on his house and was able to reduce the need for a water heater down to a single 25 gallon unit.
    The house I live in is not my own. Also, global warming aside, those long showers waste water like a fiend. Water shortages are a much bigger problem than global warming.
  • Yeah. We're working on a greywater recycling system for the house to combat that problem.
  • I'm really hoping for inexpensive solar paint with more than 1% efficiency. That would be pretty cool.
  • Booyah (or fail): I love Bad Apple!!
    Fail: It puts me in a seriously terrible mood for anything but brooding.
  • Boo yah: So, the place I interviewed with a few weeks ago wants to hire me. The lead developer flew in from California and we had a sit down meeting.
    Fail: They're getting more funding this week, so they won't make a definite offer yet. They said they want me to start in about a month, but I'd really like something more concrete.
    Fail: I called in sick to work yesterday because I felt really depressed, and said I'd come in today (Saturday).
    Boo yah: My work for the week is basically finished, so the coming in would only be to shuffle some papers and fill out my timesheet.
    Fail: And, of course, subway trains aren't running from north Brooklyn to Manhattan this weekend. I've been waiting around at a cafe in a busy part of Williamsburg, but I haven't even found any free cabs.
  • Boo yah: My wife threw me me a surprise birthday party last night.
    Boo yah: She also got a large quantity of beer and liquor for the part.
    Fail: The people who were supposed to come and help drink most the beer did not make is so I have way more beer than I have room for in my fridge.
    Boo yah: My mother-in-law made two awesome vegan cakes with the the one being vanilla with raspberry filling and the other being chocolate.
    Fail: The combined large quantities of cake and alcohol that I enjoyed last night are just now wreaking havok on my stomach.
  • Cool: I found out that a movie prequel to the Wizard of Oz entitled "Oz: The Great and Powerful" is coming out next year. The story will be told from the Wizard's perspective and detail how he became "The Wizard."
    Uncool: James Franco is playing the Wizard (insert vomit sound effect) and Michelle Williams (the acting equivalent of white paint on a wall, regardless of what the Academy says) will play Glinda.
  • Uncool: James Franco is playing the Wizard (insert vomit sound effect) and Michelle Williams (the acting equivalent of white paint on a wall, regardless of what the Academy says) will play Glinda.
    I am curious as to the problem with James Franco. Do you dislike him as an actor or just for this role?
  • Uncool: James Franco is playing the Wizard (insert vomit sound effect) and Michelle Williams (the acting equivalent of white paint on a wall, regardless of what the Academy says) will play Glinda.
    I am curious as to the problem with James Franco. Do you dislike him as an actor or just for this role?
    As an actor. He does well in certain roles (i.e. stoners or quiet bad-boys), but beyond that I just haven't liked/believed his performances in anything I've seen him in. I know that everyone thinks he was amazing in "127 Hours," but (IMO) the direction, editing, and visceral situation elicited strong responses, but his performance brought almost nothing to the equation (and again, I recognize that this is highly subjective).

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